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Remi in the MM.

Here we go.. haha. Happy ending..happy ending..woosah...



"Thank you again for inviting me on the trip. Feel free to call anytime you want to hang out." Laí grinned as she waved from her Uber at the airport. We were finally back in New York, our week of utter bliss coming to an end.

I wanted nothing more than to go back in time. Remi and I were in a bubble filled passion. I knew Kellen and Laí knew there was something going on between us, I was just grateful they didn't speak on it and gave us our privacy.

We kept going at it like animals, every morning and night just on top of each other. We made love on every surface we possibly could.

It was amazing.

I saw a drastic difference in Remi. She went from bashful and antisocial, to even having playful debates with Kellen. It warmed my heart to see them getting along and I prayed it came back to the states with us.

"Of course. Thank you for coming. If we could just.."

"Keep what happened on the trip in Italy? Gotcha. Not my business anyway. Kiss mama for me." She grinned before shutting the door and driving off.

"Can we get food?" Kellen groaned as he rubbed his temples. He made sure to have the time of his life by drinking every single day from morning to night.

"No. Suffer." Remi chuckled as she grabbed our luggage and walked it over to her car.

"You're gonna let your sex doll talk to me like that?" Kellen scoffed. I rolled my eyes.

"Watch your mouth. And make sure to keep your trap shut please. Don't mention shit, don't joke about shit. Especially around my mother. Please."

"Whatever. Just get my ass home before I throw up."

"Please, please text me when you get home." I whispered to Remi. She nodded and smiled, before looking over to the front of the house to see mama and mommy waiting for me as they waved.

"I guess it'd be inappropriate to kiss you right now." She sighed. I snickered and nodded, before looking at her neck.

"I did a lot of kissing already. It's all over your neck. You'll be fine." I giggled. She gripped my thigh causing me to laugh loudly as I pushed her hand away.

"Mhm..mhm..make sure your ass heals before you wear shorts. That hand print should fade." Remi smirked causing me to blush and cover my face.

"You're a trip."

"But you love it."

"Are you coming tonight?" I asked quietly. She smiled and looked down as she played with my fingers slightly.

"I'll see. I have a few moves to make."

I swallowed hard and looked away as I nodded but she turned my head back.

"Don't. Don't assume the worst. I'm going home to deal with my parents and then a party. I'll come, okay?" She breathed. I nodded, still avoiding eye contact and she sighed, leaning in and kissing my temple.

"I love you, princess. Go on inside before they panic. I'll text you."

She didn't come. I waited and waited, watching her location. My parents bombarded me with questions about the trip and asked to see pictures. I showed them the group photos we all took and tried to avoid the ones of just Remi and I. We took a lot of photos together and it made my eyes water as I scrolled through them.

The tears dripped down my face as I watched her location. I know she's been spending a lot of time with me, but I still couldn't help but feel upset. I want nothing more than for her to be in my arms. She's been sober the last two weeks because of me and I was afraid she wouldn't be the next time I saw her.

I sighed and sat up from the bed before wiping my face and slipping on my crocs. I called an Uber and got dressed as I waited, before sneaking out of my balcony door and getting into the cab.

I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

The ride was long and tense. I stared out of the window as I bounced my leg, taking a deep breath as the car pulled up in front of a beat up house that had loud music blaring from inside of it.

I swallowed hard and got out of the car before walking over to the house. I saw Remi's car outside and exhaled in relief, before walking inside of the house.

"Jesus.." I whispered as I looked around. It was a mess, people all over the floor drugged out or having sex. It smelt like weed and cigarettes, the atmosphere clouded completely with smoke. Some people danced, but off beat as if they were listening to their own music.

People stared as I walked through the house, trying to figure out who I was and trying to hand me cocaine. I politely declined, searching for the pair of blue eyes that I loved so much.

I walked upstairs and heard moaning, my heart beating fast in my ear when I ripped the door open, before closing it abruptly.

Not her..thank God..

I walked over to the last room and swallowed hard before opening it, blinking rapidly at the sight in front of me.

"Oh.." I whispered as I watched the naked woman dance on top of the woman I love. Remi's black eyes found mine and she swallowed hard, slowly removing the naked woman from her lap and getting off the bed.

"No, no. Continue what you were doing." I laughed humorlessly as she walked over. She shook her head as she grabbed my arm but I pulled away from her before glaring up at her.

"This is the life that you want? After I showed you what you could have? This is what you choose?" I hissed as I glared up at her. I never felt more angry and humiliated in my life. She just stared down at me with a look I couldn't understand and I scoffed.


"Don't! Don't fùcking call me that!" I yelled, causing everyone to turn around and look over at me.

"What's so fun about this anyway? Huh?" I asked as I walked back into the room and walked over to the table before grabbing the bag of pills.

"Lilith, no!" Remi yelled as I opened the bag.

"Why not? Why can't I have fun too? This is the fun you want, right? Fine!" I yelled before stuffing four different pills into my mouth and dry swallowing them.

"No, no. Lilith!" Remi screamed as she grabbed my arm.

"Why the fuck- oh my fucking god. Oh my god." Remi panicked as she pulled me into the bathroom. I laughed, suddenly feeling dizzy as my vision started to blur.

"Fun, right?" Was the last thing that came from my mouth before everything went black, my entire body going numb.

Lilith Anne (Urban Intelligence & blessant spin-off.) (GXG//INTERSEX\\)Where stories live. Discover now