4 To Go!

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-Man... I'm sad... It makes me want to publish 4 chapters at once to just straight up finish it...
*What type of story would you like for the last one? A reaction? Something connected to my first few chapters to go back where I started? Should I try to interconnect a few chapters? I'm open to suggestions!

Why am I here... Just to suffer...

"Hey! I'm speaking to you! I want to speak with the manager please?!" A 3rd-year female side character in front of me said.

You must be wondering, where am I, what I'm doing, and all that. Well, first, I'm in an unsponsored fast-food chain within the campus, and I'm a part-timer, as a cashier to be specific. Why? Hmm, how should I explain this... Points. We need them. By we, I mean, every second-year student who was "randomly" chosen for the Special exam. I know, what kind of special exam would I need points to the point that I have to work? To answer that, a special exam where the school depletes our initial points to zero. And this will last for 2 weeks. Yes, I know, there's really no need to work since there is free stuff available... right? No, I wish that were the case, but unfortunately, it isn't. I have to constantly work to have points since if I stay with zero points for 24 hours, it would deplete our class points, slowly. 

Harsh, isn't it? Well, I'm not surprised considering Tsukishiro is the one in charge. Now, let's actually go into detail through a short flashback. 

Since I am trying to go for one year without H-doujins and all that, I'll just share a quote: "I am not racist, sexist, homophobe or against any other majority, minority, special interest or other section of society I have not mentioned. I hate everybody equally." -Wise guy with a beard.

~3 Days ago~

"As all of you may have been previously informed, you guys will have a new special exam, right?" Chabashira-sensei asked the class and everyone just nodded.

"Ok, and I presume that all of you have also been informed on how it will go and other details, correct?" Chabashira-sensei asked again. This time, not everybody nodded. Oh, that's right, not everyone was present in class when the Special Exam was initially announced because of food poisoning from the cafeteria. I was actually supposed to be part of that sick group since I also ate what most of them ate at that time, but my body just decided to say nope, I'm staying healthy. Anyway, weakness disgusts me.

"Well, for those who either forgot or weren't here on the initial announcement, I'll be explaining everything again." Chabashira-sensei said.

"So, first, in this Special Exam, only one person will be directly involved, while the other students won't be, but they will still be affected by the "Chosen One's" actions." Chabashira-sensei said.

"The "Chosen One" has already been chosen, but I'll announce that later, for now, let's go through the details of the exam. The "Chosen One" will have their private points depleted, and it will constantly be depleted every 24 hours. If the "Chosen One" has zero points in that time of depletion, the class points will be deducted by 10, and the deduction will increase by 5 if the "Chosen One" will constantly have zero points every 24 hours. The "Chosen One" can apply for any part-time job and will need at least a minimum of 1,000 points every 24 hours to prevent following consequences." Chabashira-sensei explained.

"Any questions so far before I announce the one who was chosen?" Chabashira-sensei asked and the three people raised their hands, two were the usual ones, Yousuke and Horikita, while the other one was a surprise, it was Akito.

"Miyake?" Chabashira-sensei said.

"Does the one chosen really need to work? Or can we just give him points before the 24-hour mark?" Akito asked. Good question.

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