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Ayanokouji POV

"So, what are you planning to do now, Nagumo, this is your 2nd loss to me, and this time, you're cornered." I said.

"Heh, that may be so." Nagumo said before standing up and dusting the dust off of his butt.

"You're planning something, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, since I can't expel you, I'll just make your life miserable." He said.

"And how are you going to do that?" I asked while tilting my head.

"With this!" He pulls out a weird-looking gun, it looks like some weird Alien toy gun.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'm glad you asked! This is the Shotaconizer-Inator!" The Shota-thingymajiga-what now?

"What's that do?" I asked still confused.

"This!" He instantly points the gun at me and pulls the trigger. Now, there are a lot of things I can do with this slo-mo that is provided for every Anime protagonist, I can do some badass flips and slides with some twisting and turning to dodge, or, I can just step to the side, in a way, that's badass as well.

But, I've been doing those stuff in the White Room for a long time, so it's too boring since I got used to doing it, so now, I'll just stand here and let that weird-looking beam that came from the Shota-thingymajiga-inator-something hit me, I mean, what could go wrong, right?

Well, apparently a lot can go wrong..... Now, I have to go to school looking like this, like a child and wearing baggy clothes, well, thankfully, Kiyotaka Jr. didn't change, wait, should I be thankful about that? I mean, with this body, it's kind of heavy, but it's not like I can do anything. Anyway, I was supposed to do something before I go out of my dorm, what was it again? Ah right, I was supposed to rant.

"WHAT KIND OF BULLSHITTERY IS THIS!" No wait, that sounds wrong for a 9-year old.

"GOO-GOO GA GA!" No, that's not it either, what do 9 year-olds say? I can't believe people from the White Room claim that I'm smart when I can't even act like a 9-year old, wait, that doesn't make sense at all.

You know what, I'll just go to class, maybe they can help me. Wait, I just noticed, I have emotions! I don't need to go back to my teenage self after all! I mean, I still have everything that they thought me, even the forms of the different Martial arts, so, if I actually stay like this, then wait for about 10 years, I'll be the perfect human with emotions. Heh.

Anyway, I'm going to be late, I need to get to school now, but even if I run, I don't think I'll make it, considering how short my legs are, I'll probably be 10 minutes left, well, that's good enough, no highschooler can get angry at a cute kid. Wow, I didn't know my young self loved praising himself. Wait, young self? Wait, did my teenage mind and young mind combine? That seems to be the case.

I ran toward my classroom as fast as I can go with these tiny legs, well, I'm not as slow as I thought, to say the least, that's good to know, I wonder if I can still fight? Well, I hope I can, just in case.

3rd Person POV

The class of Class 2D was about to start until the door made a loud sound, which made a few people jump, and while the others had confused expressions as they turned their heads in the direction of the door. There, they saw a kid, he had brown hair and golden eyes, he was panting a bit heavily, but he wasn't that sweaty.

"Uhh, are my eyes playing with me right now, or are you guys seeing this as well?" Ike asked.

"If you're seeing a kid, then yes, we're seeing it as well." Shinohara said.

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