NekoKouji (3)

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NekoKouji POV

"Here master, say ahh." I said while moving the spoon with some ice-cream toward my dear customer.

"Ahh," She opened her mouth.

"Is it good, master?" I asked.

"Fufu~, of course, and you feeding me made it more delicious." She said.

"I see, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, master." I said.

"Fufufu, you know, you, calling me master is something I didn't know I needed until now." Sakayanagi said.

"Is that so." I said in an uninterested tone. I'm hoping she lets me stop calling her master, it's embarrassing.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I have an offer for you." She said.

"Can I choose not to hear it?" I asked since I already have an idea of what the offer might be.

"I promise you a peaceful school life if you transfer to our class, and, if you call me master, it doesn't sound bad, does it?" She said while completely ignoring my question.

"I'll pass, who knows what you might do to me if I transfer." I said.

"Fufu, you're no fun Ayanokouji-kun." She said.

"Excuse me, Sakayanagi-san, your time with Ayanokouji-kun is up. Ayanokouji-kun, you may go back to your station." Horikita approached us and said that.

"Oh? Is that so? How sad, so time does indeed pass quickly if you are with someone precious to you." Sakayanagi said.

"Ayanokouji-kun, if it's fine with you, would it be ok to ask you to feed me a spoon of ice cream one last time?" Sakayanagi asked.

"Uh, sure I guess." I had no reason to reject her request, so I did it.

"Here master, ahh." I said as I once again move the spoon closer to Sakayanagi's mouth, once it was close enough, she ate it and smiled.

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun." I nodded. I took a glance at Horikita who seems to be trying to hold back a laugh, was it because of the master part I said earlier? Probably.

"Hime, are we going back now?" Hashimoto asked.

"No, we still have a few things to do here." Sakayanagi said.

"Hm? What are we still going to do, Hime?" Hashimoto asked.

"Horikita-san, I would like to order again." Sakayanagi said.

"Oh, sure, let me call a waiter, please wait for a moment." Horikita said before going away. I stood up and left the table after saying my farewell to Sakayanagi. I was 5 steps away from her table already, but I still overheard her order.

"I would like to take the Special Spicy Challenge once again if that's alright," Sakayanagi said. Even though she said she wanted to take the challenge, I knew that Hashimoto was the one who was going to eat the food, poor Hashimoto, I pray for you, but more importantly, poor me, I'm guessing that Sakayanagi is going to request for me again.

"Senpai~~!" You know what, Sakayanagi, tell Hashimoto to hurry up.

"Ms. Y-Your table is this way." Yes, yes, go Akito. Akito directed Amasawa towards a table opposite my direction.

I walked towards the door and went out, then posed like how I was posing earlier, standing straight and have my hand-formed into a soft fist to imitate a paw, and raised my arm a little bit. Now, I look like Maneki Neko.

"Haah..." I let out a sigh. Honestly, I feel like I look ridiculous.

"Ayanokouji-kun." "Kiyotaka." I heard two people call my name at the same time.

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