You thought that was the last of Chunchunmaru?

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*It was!
-It really was.
+I'm not even lying to you.
>Ok, maybe a bit... Y'know what? Just go forth, and read, and you'll understand.

".....Ok, understood." Chunchunmaru said and put the Nokia 3310 back into his pocket.

"So, great news had just arrived!" Chunchunmaru announced to the whole auditorium and that made everyone look at him.

"What's the news?" Hashimoto asked on behalf of everyone.

"I'm leaving!" Chunchunmaru said.

"Leaving? What do you mean?" Nagumo asked.

"Like, going away? Or something like a lot of people do when they find out that the woman they slept with got pregnant." Chunchunmaru said.

"Still don't get it?" Chunchunmaru asked when he noticed the confused faces.

"Hmm, so, basically, I walk into whatever bought me here, I don't really remember, what that was. Reader-san, please go on check it for me, thank you very much. Anyway, after that, I go back to my world and continue whatever I did there." Chunchunmaru said.

"Wait wait wait, so, that one was the last one?" Matsushita asked.

"Which one was the last one?" Chunchunmaru asked.

"The video! The fanfic! Was that the last one you were supposed to show us?" Satou replied on Matsushita's behalf.

"Yes." Chunchunmaru simply said.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Most students asked.

"I didn't? I'm pretty sure I did, though." Chunchunmaru said.

"You didn't!"

"Oh, is that so? Welp, my fault. Sorry about that. But that's in the past, so forget about it. Now, I have to go. Goodbye!" Chunchunmaru said before being erased from the current world and reimagined in some other place.


"Uhh, what are we going to do now?" 

"Uhh, Sensei, are we going to go back to the classrooms now?" A student asked.

"No. Chunchunmaru just sent me a message. Someone will be taking his place, he should be here in a few moments. Or so, Chunchunmaru said." Tomonari said.


"Yes. Ryuuen, do you have a question?" Tomonari asked Kakeru, who was raising his hand.

"Yeah, I just wanted to know if the guy taking that guy's place has a name." Kakeru said.

"Hmm, well, he didn't say anything in the message, so I'm guessing like Chunchunmaru, he doesn't." Tomonari said.

"Kuku, I see-"

"Well, that's where you're wrong, Mashima-sensei." An weirdly familiar, yet unfamiliar voice said from the stage.

"Ah, you must be the one Chunchunmaru-kun sent." Sakayanagi Sr. said.

"Yep." The guy said.

"Wait, aren't you just Chunchunmaru? With a mustache?" Chiaki said.

"How rude! Comparing me to that guy, and involving my mustache! I'm hurt!" The guy at front said while clutching his left chest.

"Guh, this guy is more annoying than the previous one." Masumi said while making a disgusted face.

"I heard that! I want to talk to your manager!" The person said.

"Manager? Wait, wha-"

"Oi, get out of stage Karen. You're not the one who was supposed to replace me!" The very familiar wimpy male voice was heard.

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