The Great Female War

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*Cringey? Why, of course it is, what do you expect? I'm the one who made it.
Chaotic? Pretty much.
Is it good? I'll leave that up to you.
Hentai Rec.? "Mothers Knows Breast"
Also: Yey 60 Published Parts.


"Aren't you going to stop them?" 

"Huh? Are you crazy? I'll die before I could even come into contact with one of them, or maybe just right after I step into the arena." 

"You? Die? Quit fooling around."

"I'm not, I mean, can't you see what's in front of you? All of them have weapons."

"So? I'm pretty sure that even if you get stabbed 50 times, you won't die." 

"I'm human, you know?"

"Kuku, whatever you say."

I just sighed at what Ryuuen said and put my attention back to what was happening in front of me, or rather, us boys. What's in front of us was a huge screen, displaying a battleground, a battleground where only women are allowed to step foot. To be honest, it's pretty ridiculous, not just the fact that women are basically having a battle royale, but also the fact that I'm going to be the prize of the winner. 

How did it even come to this?

~About A few Centuries ago~
Just some random Narrator's POV

Before this age, everything was settled through war, battles, and shit like that. Of course, wars start for a reason, I mean, it's not like just some random dude decided to declare war against some country or someone..... Or is there? Anyway, we're getting off track, so, my point is that every war starts because of something, a misunderstanding? War for territory? A war to gain someone? To kill someone? To conquer a place or country? Well, there are a lot of reasons for people to start wars.

You know what, let's just cut to what actually happened and how the battle royale in ANHS started since reading a textbook just for war and stuff like that is boring. 

~What actually happened Earlier~

"Ayanokouji-kun, be my boyfriend." Sorry, I think I got infected by the idiocy of the three idiots and I've become delusional like them.

"That's a great joke, you almost made me laugh." I said.

"It's not a joke. Now, please give me your answer, what I am doing is very embarrassing." Is this woman in front of me really Horikita? 

"Hmm, if this is just some trap to get me to help the class again, I refuse since I already did a lot in the second Uninhabited Island exam, did I not? Don't tell me you aren't satisfied." I said.

"Yes, indeed, you have helped a lot, and I appreciate it very much, especially the fact that you got first place and stopped Kouenji-kun from claiming that spot, and thanks to you, we are now in Class C and trailing only by 10 points behind Class B." Horikita said.

"So..... Uh... What you're saying is...?" I'm still confused about all this.

"Yes, I genuinely want Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun to be my boyfriend." Hmm, that's pretty brave of her, declaring it in front of the whole class, but was that really necessary, Horikita? you know, if Sudo continues cutting his wrist, you'll be the one held responsible. should I say that out loud? No, there's no need to do that, I mean, at least Sudo won't be alone when he dies, there's also Airi, who is holding a knife, which I presume, she's going to use to stab her self?

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now