Picking Up Girls 101.....

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*Don't do this in real life :)


Ayanokouji POV

"So... Which one of us is going to go first?"

"Since you're the one who asked, why not go first?"

"What kind of logic is that?!"

"I'm a man of reasoning who ignores all logic."

"That makes no sense!"

"Hey, calm down Keisei. We can just settle this with Rock-Paper-Scissors."

"That's a good idea Kiyotaka." Akito said.

"Hmm, yeah, that seems like a good way to settle this." Keisei said.

We then proceeded to play rock-paper-scissors. After a few rounds, we finally reached a conclusion.

"So Keisei is going first, then me, and then the last one is Kiyotaka." Akito announced to me and Keisei.

"Damn it, how can you win rock-paper-scissors while using scissors only?" Keisei asked me.

"I don't know, luck maybe?" I said.

"Now now Keisei, don't be a loser." Akito said.

"I'm not being a loser, I was just asking how Kiyotaka won without even switching." Keisei said.

"You can worry about that later, for now, you should go and show us what you've got." Akito said.

"Easy for you to say, you aren't the one who is going to go first." Keisei said.

"Come on, how hard can it be? All you have to do is to get a girl to go on a date with you, or at least get her number." Akito said.

"It's almost like you're saying you can do it." Keisei said. I'm pretty sure Akito would be able to do that easily, especially if he picks the right target.

"I'm not saying that, I was just borrowing Haruka's words." Akito said.

"That makes more sense, I can't imagine you saying that it's easy to pick up a girl." Keisei said.

"Enough of that, you should go now. Come on, chop-chop." Akito said.

"Hai hai." Keisei said without any hint of enthusiasm nor excitement in his voice. After saying that, Keisei stood up from our table and walked towards a girl. Good luck to you Keisei.

How did we get in this situation again? Ah right, it all started earlier today...

~Earlier that day~
Ayanokouji POV
In a cafe outside of Keyaki mall

"So, since you three lost the bet, I and Airi get to dare you, right?" Haruka asked for confirmation and we just nodded.

"Hehe, good good." Haruka said with a mischievous grin. And now, I'm rethinking my life choices. Should I just have agreed to cook for Amasawa today? Should I just have accepted Ichinose's invite to the pool with only her female friends? Should I just have helped Horikita to get unstuck in her washing machine? Should I just have accepted Kei's invitation to shop with her very energetic gyaru friends? Or should I just have accepted Hoshinomiya-sensei's invite to teach me about the human body?

The last one was the best one, even though I already learned about it years back, it was still the safest option available. Normally, I would've just chosen to help Horikita get out of her watching machine, but I did something that she probably won't forgive me for.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now