Chapter 43

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Mature scenes. 18+.

"You get some?" Bates asks as Gold and I enter the dining room, still giggling.

"Yeah, once he stopped feeling up April's arse." Gold chuckles, slapping the bag of cocaine down on the dining room table.

"You what?" Kaiser stirs from the corner, forcing me to look over at him. I see his lip is bust and he's holding an ice pack to his head.

I gasp and run towards him. "Oh my God! What happened?" I ask, placing my hands on his knees.

"Just a run in. Don't worry, we were expecting it." He grins. "Still handsome, you ain't gotta worry. I wanna know more about this guy feeling you up."

I sit down on the light wooden bench that is pulled up to the table. "I was in character."

"What character did you play?" He asks.

"My name was Summer and Gold is my Daddy who I use for money and drugs."

"Nice." Kaiser smirks and nods. "You played a sicko."

"And it worked! The guy was all over me! And I got close enough to see his tats! He had a skull tattoo on his wrist, but instead of hallowed out eyes, there was BB. I think it's gang related, yanno? BB. Banner Brotherhood."

"Good notice." Bates says. "Could you draw it?"

"Of course." I take a pencil and paper and sketch out what I can remember of the tattoo. I pass it back to him. "On the arch of the head there was some more writing but I wasn't close enough to see it. It was really small. Looked like numerals."

"You did good April." Bates smiles. "Gold you too. Just remember it was an act and you're not April's daddy." He smirks.

Kaiser shivers. "Please never say that again." He pulls a sick face as he pretends to vomit.

"Don't worry about it Kaise. April and I are simply - what did you call it?" He thinks for a second. "Ah yes, besties."

"More like beasties." Fury comments in the corner of the room.

Gold fakes a gasp and pretends to be offended. "After all we have been through Fury."

"Ignore him Cillian, he is simply just jealous." I reply as I lift the ice pack from Kaiser's head to inspect it. It's red and swollen a little but luckily there's no sign of a major injury.

"Actually fair enough." Fury retracts his joke. "That's the only time in the last two decades I have heard Gold's first name used without him telling them to shut up immediately after."

"Anyway," I say getting their attention back in. "He also gave me his number." I pull the small piece of paper out of my phone case and pass it to Bates. He unfolds it and looks at the number.

"That's fab. We can see about tracking and tracing him." He nods.

"Alright Meryl Streep. Think you can act as nurse for a bit?" Kaiser asks, grabbing my attention.

"Only for you." I sit down next to him and remove the ice pack to look at his little swelling on his head. "Ouch." I say. Just looking at it makes me have a headache. I place the ice pack back down and look over at the older boys. I smile at the boys as they watch me attend to Kaiser. Well except for Kim who is typing into his laptop.

I get the first aid kit and dap a cotton bud on his lip. I put a little solution on it to stop it from getting infected and make sure it heals well.

"Right lads and lass. Molly and Bonnie are still out, how about a whiskey and an early night? Roman is here in the morning at 11am and I want everyone's heads screwed on." He instructs the group.

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