Chapter 12

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It's Tuesday. It's been a full week since Bates welcomed me into his penthouse with his daughter and son. I should be home now, my holiday over. I should be sat at home showing Mum my tan and holiday pictures, talking about good looking boys and funny drunken shenanigans.

"I'd say Bonnie did an alright job." Dr Richards says, breaking me out of my thought whilst he inspects the stitches on my arm. "Not bad at all." He adds.

"Well, she did say that she's always stitching the boys up in emergencies." I smile, pulling my sleeve down.

He smiles warmly. "I don't doubt that. She is a bright young lass. I've known her since she was a baby." He looks at his laptop screen and writes down notes.

I glance at the screen to see what's on it.

44 stitches on the stomach, 8 on the arm due to bullet graze.
Patient taking Citalopram 20mg, cerelle and metronidazole (2 week remaining).
Patient appears to be in good mental health.
Next check up: 5 days.

He has a full informative list about me. At least he's keeping notes because even I am genuinely struggling to keep up with my own shit. It feels weeks since I last saw home. Time is passing by extremely slowly.

"Right, April." He says, lowering his computer screen. "You're in good health. At this rate, you could be off your antibiotics in a week. I'm not sure about your anti-depressants but you've barely been on them 5 days so I'll wait until our next check up or even the one after to see if we need to make any changes there."

"Thank you for your time Doctor." I nod at him respectfully.

"You're very welcome, dear." He smiles, leaving the room for me to relax. "You take care of yourself now. Glad to see you took my advice." He points at the Harry Potter book.

I nod sheepishly with a grin on my face as he exits the room after giving me a wave.

I open up Harry Potter as I'm finally at the chapter where he enters Hogwarts. After a few pages, my eyes droop. Nothing wrong with a nap I guess. It is 6pm.

"It's not my fault your mates are fucking invalids." I hear. I sit up in bed quickly, my legs still feeling sore from the weights Kaiser had me pushing on Sunday. My book falls off the bed, closing as it hits the floor, therefor causing me to lose my page.

"You watch who you're fucking talking to." I hear Andy's voice.

"Fuck you Andy. I heard that you threatened her so don't even fucking start with me about that cos' I am raging with you." I discern from the conversation. It's Kaiser shouting. What a surprise to wake up to.

"Let me guess, your little ocean pearl told you, did she?"

I hear various shouts of people shouting different names and I jump up quickly running to the door and opening it. I go across the hallway and approach the main sitting room. I see Kaiser sat on top of Andy throwing punches at him whilst Fury and Bates grab Kaiser. My eyes widen and I gasp. Bates turns round and notices me. He looks away and my eyes fall back to Kaiser's back as his muscles move with the motion of the punches.

"Fucking Arse!" Kaiser curses.

"Hey, hey." I hear Gold's soothing accent. He appears in front of me, blocking me from seeing them fighting. "Let's go to the kitchen and get a drink." He pushes me gently out the room and shuts the door behind him. He leads me to the kitchen and I sit down at the island. He hands me a glass of milk.

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