Chapter 8

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"Hey." I call through the kitchen door to Bonnie. I hear her chair scrape on the floor and quick footsteps.

She grabs my forearm and drags me away from Kaiser into the living room. "Where the fuck have you been?!"

"Relax, Bon. She's been with me." Kaiser says, following us and eventually pulling me from her.

Bonnie lets out a harsh breath. "Well, obviously. Only you'd be stupid enough to take out someone who's supposed to be in our protection into the world." She takes a deep breath. "Where did you even go?"

"The gun range." I mutter timidly, standing closer to Kaiser as his sister is red in the face and hopefully he'll stick up for me.

"You should see this Bonnie." Kaiser hands her the large target from the range. "Her aim isn't bad at all. Bit of recoil, but the gun work is extraordinary! Little bit of practice and she'll be a natural."

Bonnie snatches the paper from Kaiser and looks at it. "Fucking hell, Ape." Her eyes are wide and then she looks at me, looking a lot calmer in the face. "Mate, I can't wait to show Dad this." She scoffs with amusement.

I smile at her proudly. "Thanks."

"Only Dad would save Jason Bourne." Bonnie grins, throwing an arm across my shoulder. "We are lucky to have you really."

"I reckon her aiming and shooting is fine; just needs to get faster at it. Plus maybe continue training with fighting. Man, this is gonna be fun!" Kaiser drags out his final word as he shakes my shoulders with excitement.

"Hey, watch the belly!" I place a hand on my stomach.

"Careful Kaise." Bonnie warns Kaiser as he's chucking me around like a crash dummy.

"Bonnie. Kaiser." A guy walks in the room giving us a nod. "Is this the famous April?"

I look at the siblings first and they give me a nod of reassurance. "Yeah. That's me."

"It's good to meet you, April. I'm Gold." The gentleman smiles. He's tall with grey hair and a grey beard. He's got a small golden ring in his left ear. When I say grey, I don't mean old. Nothing about this man is fragile and elder, he is built strong with a good step of shoulders. His Irish voice is warm and comforting.

I furrow my brows until I remember my conversation with Kaiser earlier today. "Oh, of course. The surname-nickname thing." I nod, shaking his hand. "It's lovely to meet you Mr Gold."

"Please. Just Gold, like it's my first name." His Irish accent is lovely and soothing. Definitely southern. He sits down and leans back in his chair. "We've located the Welsh girl. William's recovered his luggage from the hotel and leaves for the UK in the morning."

"Ah, good." I smile. "At least someone's getting home." I mutter.

Bonnie wraps her arm across my shoulders. "Don't worry April, that'll be you soon." She gives me a supportive smile.

Kaiser leans his head on my shoulder, his brown floppy hair blocking my sight in one eye. "Before you know it." He says.

"Bates told me what happened with Javier. That spoilt little nasty Spanish git." Gold shakes his head and rests his feet on the coffee table. "You're so young too April. What a knob he is."

"I know." I sigh. "But I did it. Now I'm just living with the consequences." I sit down too, Kaiser sitting next to me.

"At least you're having some fun, ey?" Gold raises an eyebrow and briefly looks over at Kaiser.

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