Chapter 39

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As I lower my steak knife and fork to the table, I look around the room. Across the room, I spot Jay-Z talking to Elon Musk and nudge Kaiser to look. He smiles at me, watching my excitement.

"You're so cute when you're excited." His eyes watch me in a captive look.

"Shush," I pat my mouth with the napkin. "How are you feeling?" I ask, noticing he seems more chilled out and relaxed.

"Better babe." He leans over and kisses the side of my head and smiles brightly. "I can't believe I was actually gonna do it." He shakes his head.

"Hey, just be glad you didn't do it. Don't beat yourself up about it." I place my hand on his thigh and squeeze it. I look back down at my plate and sigh. I'd just finished demolishing a fillet steak. Medium-rare. It had been served with roast peppers and anchovies, prosciutto wrapped asparagus and a goat cheese pastry. It was absolutely delicious. I look around the room once more as I can't help but be amazed by the high ceilings, chandeliers and famous paintings on the wall.

"I'm off, see you later mate." I hear another British accent from behind.

"Yeah, see ya' Idris. Lemme know how that audition goes." Kaiser smiles, shaking his hand.

I look up and see Kaiser get patted on the shoulder by Idris Elba. He glances at me and gives me a smile and bows his head to show he's acknowledged me respectfully.

"Seriously now? Idris Elba?"

"Yeah, we are pals. We were chatting at the bar; I haven't seen him since I was 21. Don't tell anyone but they're trying to get him in to play James Bond after Daniel Craig. It's between him and Tom Hardy." Kaiser nods, waving at him as he exits the room.

I sit up suddenly. "Please tell me you know Tom Hardy?"

He chuckles. "Afraid not Beautiful."


"I'm glad too because it seems you might leave me for him." He jokes.

"Who said that?" I ask cheekily pulling an innocent face. "I can't believe this is your life." I sigh as a waiter comes to take our plate.

"Our life now, baby." He grins down at me. He leans forward and kisses me softly.

"Kaiser, this is Giovanni and Matteo. We will be doing business with them whilst we are over here. He's going to deal with the Prashad case in return." The Prashad is the hotel Kaiser mentioned a few weeks back that's owner was having some trouble with receiving death threats.

"Ah, April, beautiful. I very much enjoyed our dance earlier." Giovanni says, running his hand over my shoulder.

"Easy." Kaiser mutters threateningly, placing his arm over mine and pulling me closer. "Just cos' you had a dance with her, it doesn't mean you get to touch her." He demands, his eyes holding an intense stare.

"Don't worry Kaiser. I'll leave this one alone." He smiles smugly. "For tonight anyway. Sweet Rebecca says Ciao by the way."

Kaiser hits the table with his palm and stands up, leaning across the table and grabbing Giovanni by the collar. "I'm serious, Wop. You leave my girlfriend alone. This isn't a Rebecca situation where I sit back and forget about it, if you even breathe near April, I'll fucking kill you. Do you understand?" He says, angry flicks of spit hitting Giovanni's cold, smug character.

"Son, relax!" Bates bites, pulling Giovanni loosely from his grip. "Don't use that word! I am so sorry Gents for my sons behaviour."

"No Bates, honestly. Its fine." Matteo grabs his brothers shoulder and pulls him from further Kaiser's grip. He says something to him in his first language and Giovanni shrugs, still smirking. Matteo says something again and he tuts, steps back from his brothers touch and walks away. "I'm sorry about him. I'm sorry for whatever he did that's caused a problem between you two. I really hope this doesn't affect the relationship between us, Bates."

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