Chapter 21

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I cross my legs as I sit on Molly's bed whilst she frantically curls her hair. "You have a good hour until she arrives Mol, you should relax."

"Nope. Not happening." She replies, hurriedly. "You don't understand April. If you and Kaiser broke up and you didn't speak for nearly three months when you were still in love with him, you would get it."

I look at her with wide eyes and nod. "Okay. I hear you." I smile. "What outfit are you going to wear?" Not referencing the love part.

"My fleecy black comfy trousers and the matching crop top. I don't want to look like I'm trying to hard, you know?" She signs placing the curler down.

"Okay, so you want to make it look like you're not trying too hard... by trying too hard?"

"Fuck off." She smirks, throwing her bottle of hairspray at me. "You're lucky I like you."

I chuckle and look down at Kaiser's iPad. I click on Ruby's instagram and see and she has posted a picture of the three of us from the plane before taking off. Miss this, she captioned it. She posted it 4 minutes ago. I smile as I look at it. I open Kaiser's iMessage and move to new message. I press her contact and send her a note. I miss you Ruby. Should hopefully be home soon. I place a heart emoji next to it and send it off. My eyes casually wander to the messages along the side and I see Kaiser's messages. Sis, Dad, Mum, Mols - what am I doing?

Molly watches me through her mirror as I cringe and drop the iPad on the bed. "What's up?"

"My eyes just started looking at Kaiser's messages. I don't know why. I didn't even think about it in a protective or toxic way. I-I just looked casually and suddenly I was like what the fuck am I doing?" I sigh, placing my elbows on my knees and holding my hands to the side of my head. I shake my head side to side.

Molly shrugs. "I'm not saying that it's okay, but remember your trust is a little fragile right now. Your conscious made you look. Not you." She let's go another curl. "Besides, if I knew my partner was an ex-man slag, I would check too." She sticks her tongue out jokingly.

I look at her with a frown. "Was he really that bad?"

She sighs and lowers her curlers to the desk. "He needed an escape from this life and that's what women brought him. He never brought them home, they never met any family because he wanted to keep the two sides completely separate. He didn't mean to hurt girls, he just thought he was doing what was best being keeping them out of it." She strokes my leg soothingly before turning back and looking at me through the mirror. "He stopped about a year ago I think. He needed a full re-wiring as he was just a little messed up." She nods and strokes the straight part of her hair.

"What do you mean messed up?"

"He was just-" She sighs. "I wish I could tell you but trust is a big deal in mafia families. He's my non-biological brother and will one day be my boss who I will follow to the ends of the earth. I'm sure he will tell you in his own time." She nods.

"No, it's fine. I get it." I smile, appreciating her loyalty.

"April!" I hear Kaiser shouting. "Dad's here."

"Fucking hell, they're early!" Molly frets, wrapping her hair around the hot wand frantically.

"We are having a meeting first, it will give you some time." I smile, getting up from her bed. "See you soon." I drop Kaiser's iPad off on our bed and head downstairs.

"There she is. My beautiful girl." Kaiser greets me in the kitchen and places his hands on my waist. He pulls me in and places a kiss on my lips.

I kiss him back softly as a smile creeps on my face.

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