Chapter 16

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I sit up, gripping the phone tightly as if she's going to disappear from the phone at any second.

"Is that really you?" She says, breathlessly.

"Yeah. It's me." I reassure her. "I feel like it's been forever."

"I know right!" She stifles a laugh, "what a holiday."

"Tell me about it." I say, glancing at Kaiser who's smiling at me and watching me with wonder in his eyes.

"Are you actually safe? And who's this Kaiser geez."

"Kaiser is a guy I'm with, he's looking after me and protecting me." I explain, squeezing his hand. "And as long as I'm with him; I'm safe."

"Is he fit?" She laughs, trying to break the tension.

"Yeah, kinda." I giggle. "How's Rachel?" I ask before she asks anything else about Kaiser that will cause me to blush in front of him.

Ruby sighs. "She's okay. She cried a lot when we got home. She has guilt that it was you and not her."

"Tell her I'm okay. Did anything happen between her and Dylan?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck with worry.

"No. Though she's worried about him appearing. She's had a few nightmares about it." Ruby explains, gulping worryingly for her younger sister. "I hate seeing her like this."

"Well, tell her she doesn't need to worry. Dylan is dead. Franco too." I advise her, hoping it will calm her down. Ruby is my dearest friend, I know telling her won't be a mistake.

She gasps. "Really?"

"Yeah. Kaiser killed Dylan and I killed Franco." I say quietly, hoping people sat around me on the plane didn't hear. Who knows who's sat on here at the moment. With the loud rustling of people getting comfortable and lounging in their seats, it's unlikely anybody heard.

"Holy shit. Really?" Ruby says sounding shocked, but slightly impressed. "I didn't think you'd have it in you to kill someone."

"Oh Rubes, it was horrible but there wasn't anyone else there. He hurt Will and Bonnie. I had no choice." I feel like I owe her an explanation so she doesn't think I'm mad and here to do bad.

"Will and Bonnie?" She asks.

"Sorry, Will is a boy who was in the same situation as me. Bonnie is Kaiser's sister. She
helped me out the first few days I was with Kaiser's Dad."

"Ah, I'm really glad you've had someone to help you out and through things. I'm sorry it's not me." She sighs with guilt.

"Ruby, I am thrilled that it is not you. I'd never want anyone to go through what I have been through in the last few days. All for a stupid boy." I sigh. "I feel so stupid."

"Excuse me, Miss," an air hostess comes to us, most likely about to remind me to use airplane mode.

"It's a WiFi call." Kaiser says quickly, dismissing her away with a smile before she says anything else.

"I'll talk to you when I can, Ruby. Tell Rachel I say Hi." I say.

"No worries. I love you sister and I can't wait to see you."

"I love you too Rube. Rachel as well."

"See you soon," she says, it sounding more like a threat to stay alive. We have always joked she has homicidal tendencies.

"Of course. See you soon." I promise. The phone line cuts off and I hand the phone back to Kaiser with a huge, cheesy grin. "How did you get her number?"

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