Chapter 5

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"God I am so hungry." I whine to Bonnie who looks at me sympathetically whilst clutching onto her bowl of granola and fruit.

"I know. I'm sorry." She gives me a sad and sympathetic smile. "You can't eat before going under anaesthesia. Dad's lucky to let you have water."

"Why not?" I drag out my sentence with a moan as my tummy rumbles. I place a hand onto it for comfort.

"Because the anaesthesia relaxes your body for you and your muscles in your stomach and throat can relax and whatever you have eaten can back up into your lungs." She replies, not even looking up from her mobile phone.

"Wait, really?" I gasp. That's a fair enough reason to not eat then. I won't complain anymore.

"Yeah." Bonnie says. "Don't want to go through all the beatings just for an operation to take you out now." She makes a light-humoured joke.

I giggle lightly and sadly. "I guess that's true." I sigh, placing an elbow on the kitchen island and resting my head on the hand.

"April, listen," Bonnie places her bowl on the marble surface and takes my hand with both of hers. "I can't imagine what you've been through in the last 24 hours but I can promise you that you're okay now. Dad has fighters, gangs - even the police on his payroll. You're safe now."

I smile at her. It's probably my first genuine smile since I got up this morning. "I'm just worried about my-"

"April!" Bates walks in and throws an arm over my shoulder. "I'm brilliant. Really I am."

I give him a confused look, pushing him to explain further.

"I have people in Ibiza. They've picked up your friends. They also traced the hotel you were at before flying out to Lisbon. They searched the room and have said they found a piece of paper that had you and three others photos and information about you all." He places a iPad on the brown marble island in front of me. "Do you recognise them?"

I look at the screen and immediately without thought I recognise them. It's the two girls and the boy who was in the room with me. "Yeah, they were forced into this too." I rub my belly hinting at the drugs in my stomach.

"Right, I'll get my team to see if they can find out where they are." He answers. "As for your family, we couldn't find anything that suggests that they actually know who they are but I've arranged security to watch your house."

"Will my parents know?" I ask, worried they'll be filing as missing persons report as we speak.

"We don't want to tell them whilst Angelo's groupies are about. If they get the police involved, we might not be able to protect you and believe me, you'd rather us than the police." He chuckles. "I've got four of my lads renting a house across the road. They'll watch out for your family. They think you've ran off with Javier and the girls are coming home because you've all fallen out. That's what we've told the girls to tell your parents anyway."

"So they know the truth?" I ask, running a hand through my greasy hair.

"They know partly." He nods. "But the main thing is that they know you're safe and we've told them to keep you that way, they cannot mention it to yours or their partners."

I nod. "Okay. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He moves his arm away from my shoulders and tells me to follow him. We walk out the kitchen and into a plain bedroom. In the room is a balding, ginger gentleman watching me enter with a smile. "April, this is Dr. Richards. He's an old friend of mine and will be performing the operation on you."

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