Chapter 29

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"That lasagne was absolutely beautiful Janet." Kaiser leans back in his chair and exhales a large satisfied breath. "I'm glad you got that banging cooking quality in you." He chuckles towards me referencing the few times I cooked for him whilst we were in New York.

"She makes the best lasagne in York." My Dad laughs and then sipping at his can of Carling.

"She makes good cakes too!" Jade adds.

"Only when you decorate them." I say, making my little sister smile. "Mum, you and Dad go watching telly. Emmerdale's on soon. I'll clean up."

"I'll help you." Kaiser says, standing up and grabbing Jade and my Dad's plate.

"Thank you." Mum says, relieved. "It's nice having my helpful and clean daughter back." She adds, glancing at Dad and playfully rolling her eyes.

He smiles and stands up, taking his wife's hand. They leave the kitchen with my sister following behind with a grin. My parents love Emmerdale, and Jade loves the routine of watching it, brushing her teeth and then going to bed. She's been used to that routine for years and has taken a liking to it.

"I wish you could stay tonight." I say quietly to Kaiser as I put the swilled off plate in the dishwasher.

"I know Babe. Me too but it's not appropriate really, and I want to stay on the good side of your parents." He smiles, rubbing my lower back.

I grin back sadly. "I'll see you tomorrow though, yeah?"

"100%." His smile is brighter. "Plus we need to buy you a mobile phone."

I giggle. "It's insane how I haven't even missed it." I did at the beginning but I got used to not having it unless I just needed the distraction to keep my mind from wondering. "Plus my Instagram has gone from a post of me, Rachel and Rubina on the sunbeds in Ibiza to nothing. People must be wondering where I am."

He chuckles and pulls his phone out. "I didn't even think to ask if you had it. What's your name on there?"

"It's April with the number one instead of an 'L' and then an underscore and then fools spelt with a 'z' on the end." I smile sheepishly as I push my nearly-dried hair back.

"That's a genius name." He searches me up and finds me. He clicks on the most recent photo and it was a picture of me and the girls in our bikinis.

I laugh suddenly. "Javier took that photo for me." I remember, cringing at the thought of it.

"Damn, no wonder he kidnapped you look at you." He makes a fake growling noise to take my mind from Javier. "We will get you a new one tomorrow and take new pictures and make loads of new memories on it." He says excitedly.

"Sound's good with me." I smile back.

He lowers his height to meet my lips, making my heart warm.

Once we had finished cleaning the kitchen, the time was just about to go half seven. "I'm gonna get off Babe." He says, letting out a little yawn.

I copy his actions and yawn too. Can you blame us? Our jet lag is all over the place plus emotions are high for Kaiser because of Andy's death. Though I know he wouldn't admit it.

Sweetheart Mafia ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें