Chapter 37

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"Look at us." Molly says, holding Bonnie's hands as they admire each other in their dresses. "We are going to be the hottest couple there."

"Truth." Bonnie answers, pulling her close. "Now give me a final kiss before I put my lipstick on and that's it for the night."

Molly chuckles and approaches her girlfriend. I can't help but smile and feel my heart do that fluttery thing you feel when you feel you witness something wholesome and sweet. "You look beautiful." Molly whispers before kissing Bonnie on the lips.

I look away to give them some privacy and look at myself in the mirror. Sidney, the hair stylist, is just finishing my hair whilst the boys wait us downstairs drinking champagne and whiskey.

A light knock taps on the door breaking Molly and Bonnie apart.

"Ladies, you nearly ready?" I hear Gold. I can't see him as I'm behind the door.

"On the last curl." Sidney answers for us. She pulls the curling iron from my hair and applies some hairspray. She runs her fingers through it to make it wavier.

She removes the cover from my shoulders and I stand up, forgetting the extra height due to my heels. Luckily I gather my balance and walk towards Bonnie and Molly. They're stood in front of a ceiling-to-floor length mirror admiring themselves and each other. They both look at me and grin.

"I cannot wait to see Kaiser's face when he sees you." Bonnie smiles.

"Are you wearing the set too?" Molly winks.

I bite my bottom lip and nod. "It's so hot. I cannot wait to see his face."

"All shaved too?"

"You what?" Bonnie asks, scoffing a laugh and fiddling with her hair.

"Tonight's the night." Molly giggles. "Your brother is finally rocking April's sweet ass."

"Give up!" Bonnie nudges her. "I really don't wanna know."

Molly continues to smirk ignoring her cringing girlfriend beside her. "Come on, let's leave first so we can get Kaiser's reaction." Molly says grabbing Bonnie's hand and exiting the room.

"Thanks Sidney." I grin as she bags up her curling iron and styling tools.

"Anytime sis. You girls are fab." She grins.

"We think you're fab too." I smile back.

She zips the bag shut and clutches the warm wand she'd used on my hair in her hand. "Have fun." She leans over and kisses my cheek.

"You ready?" Gold comes in, watching Sidney leave.

"Sorry. I just haven't felt this pretty in a while." I inhale sharply and smooth my hands over my pink dress, bumping over the sequins and diamonds.

"You look beautiful April."

"Thank you, Cillian." I smirk.

Gold throws his head back. "Ugh. Please. I feel hardcore when people call me Gold."

"Your name literally has 'kill' in it. You sound like a pirate."

"Yeah a sexy Irish pirate. Say, who was that woman?"

"Sidney. She did our hair and makeup." I answer. "She's a laugh."

Gold looks down the hallway she had left and purses his lips. "Nice." He mutters to himself.

"Gold?" I say harshly.

His attention snaps back to me with a knowing smile on my face. "Sorry," he laughs, clearing his throat.

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