Chapter 6

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"Right. You need to relax now. You heard Dr Richards." Bonnie says, placing her hand on my sweaty bicep.

"I know." I pant, placing my hands on my thighs and sighing. "I just wanna be prepared."

"Hey, if you wanna be safer, would you be open to using a gun?" Bonnie asks, pursing her lips and looking at me suggestively.

"I've used one before but definitely need practise." I reply, standing up tall and stretching my back out.

"Oh really?" Bonnie asks, looking genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, my Dad is a typical Yorkshireman. Even had a whippet when he was younger." I chuckle.

Bonnie chuckles and shakes her head. "Dad's a 'Manny lad but Mum was from Leeds."

"Bet it's fun it your house when football is mentioned." I laugh. "I'm gonna to get washed. Somehow."

"No worries. Let me know if you need a hand." She says with genuine care. She hands me a bottle of water and I down it as I leave the hotel gym to the lift. One of Bates' workers is there waiting there to take me up to the penthouse.

I like the extra protection around me. I seem fine around Bonnie but deep down I am terrified. I feel sick to my stomach with fear. Or maybe that's because I exercise after pizza whilst still have a lot of drugs in my system? Yep, most likely the latter.

As I enter the penthouse, I immediately go to the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror, pull my shirt off and stare at my stomach. I wash my hair over the bath side so my stitches didn't get wet. Dr Richards says I can't shower for 48 hours and I should avoid baths until he says.

Bonnie said jokingly we should wrap my belly in cling film to try and stop it from getting wet. I know she was joking but I am honestly happy to try it. I want any remaining DNA of Javier's touch off me. I fill the sink and grab some soap. A good old hospital-style sink bath it will have to be.

Once I'm washed, I leave the bathroom whilst still wrapped in a towel and knock on Bonnie's door. "Can I come in?"

"Come on in!" Bonnie shouts through the door. I open it and enter the room, looking around her personal space. It looks like a normal hotel room except for the make-up, pink fluffy dressing gown hung up and the silky pyjamas on the bedroom floor. When I was younger, I would have wanted to be like Bonnie when I was older. She so glamorous with a great body and healthy hair. She could model.

"Here, I got one of the lads to pop out and grab you some bits from the hotel shop." She hands me a little blue carrier. I open it and look inside. Inside is deodorant, a pair of bikini bottoms, a brush and some body spray. "He said they didn't have any ladies knickers down there but he figured you wouldn't mind for the time being."

"Honestly, as long as it's clean." I laugh whilst pulling the plastic protector from the piece.

"I'll get the pair you were wearing washed ASAP and we will order some in." She nods with a side smile.

"Could I use your hairdryer?"

"Of course. Kaiser is here now so I'm going to see him. Help yourself to anything. There's my clothes in there. Wear what you wish." Bonnie fully miles, referring to her dressing table and drawers kindly.

I sigh blissfully and smile graciously at her. "Thank you Bonnie. You've been so kind to me."

"You're very welcome." She smiles at me and gives me a tight hug then leaves her room.

I sit down at her desk and look at myself in the mirror. With a bit of food, a lot of rest, and now a wash, my face is already starting to look better. I have a few spots in some places from neglecting my skincare in the last few days so I use some spot cream that belongs to Bonnie.

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