Chapter 76 - Harry | Rest

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"There is nothing sweeter in this sad world than the sound of someone you love calling your name."
- The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo

A/N: double update (chapter 76 & 77)

A/N: double update (chapter 76 & 77)

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Ash slept over 12 hours straight and in all that time I didn't leave her alone for a second. They were the worst hours of my life because I could do nothing but watch her suffer powerlessly.

Her sleep was restless, she constantly turned in bed and kicked the sheets with her legs, now and then she also talked but fortunately she did not wake up. But I felt her pain the whole night.

Now she woke up slowly, her eyes were red and swollen from crying and her features were streaked with sadness. She had marks from the pillow on her face and her hair was tangled.

"Hey." I whispered softly, I knew exactly how she was feeling right now, her eyes alone betrayed her deep pain that I had felt before as well.

"Hi." she croaked back. Hearing her voice alone, the proof that she was alive released so much pressure from my chest.

I don't know what I would have done if I had lost her last night.

"How do you feel?" I asked gently. I sat on the edge of the bed not knowing to what extent she would want my closeness, not wanting to overwhelm or scare her.

"Just lay down with me, please." she whispered back, her voice hoarse and broken.

I nodded and crawled onto the bed with her, a little space between us. But Ash closed the gap and lay down on my chest, her arms wrapped around me. And I didn't hesitate for a second to hug her back.

I held her in my arms like this and at some point I heard her sobbing, her warm tears soaked through my tshirt and I started to gently caress her back. She pulled me closer to her, probably thinking about the previous night.

She and her brother were not very close, but I know that she loved him. Even if she doesn't see it herself.

I know that feeling of losing an important person in your life without ever having told them how important they are to you.

I never told Beckham I loved him either and I regret it almost every day...I'll carry it around with me for the rest of my life.

"It wasn't a dream was it?" she asked now, her sobs had stopped but I could still feel her heart beating fast. She didn't look at me, but I could imagine her empty and broken look.

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