Chapter 47 - Harry | Drawing

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"Tears are words that need to be written."
- Paulo Coelho

****Harry ten years old

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Harry ten years old

It was dark and silent. No matter what I did, the wooden ceiling above me stopped me from escaping. It always did. Screaming got me nowhere and God forbid, neither did begging. He didn't care. No, he didn't care about me. Always didn't.

He had always made that clear. But who would want me?

It was so cramped that I didn't even have room to turn around, let alone have room to bang my fists against the wooden lid. I want to get out of here. Please, I was not guilty this time. It was just an accident. But he didn't care about that either.

It must always be someone's fault. And for him that meant that it had been me.

Breathing was difficult for me and I heard the blood rushing through my ears, it was so quiet. It was quiet every time. But this time it was the worst. I don't know how long I've been in here. Is it hours? Is it only minutes?

His words rang through my head like always and it's always the same two sentences: You are a monster Harry. And you will always be one.

I squinted my eyes and hoped it would stop. That someone would get me out of here. But no one was there. I was all alone in here and that's how it will always be. At least I could save Beckham. He would not stand it in here and go to ruin.

But I was already too often in here. Too many times to even count.

It started like every time. First I find it hard to draw enough air into my lungs so that I am about to suffocate, although there is actually enough air. The box has holes for that.

Then my head starts spinning and I feel dizzy. My fingers start to tingle just like my legs. From then on there is no way back.
Anne had explained to me that this is called a panic attack. Is that what I have? A panic attack? Why does something want to attack me? I didn't do anything...did he have something to do with it?

I want to get out of here. With my feet I tried to kick the lid and with my hands I hit the sides of the box. But I was too weak. He was right.
I took another swing, as best I could in this narrow space, and suddenly there was a loud bang.



"Harry? What was that noise?" It was a female voice, muffled by a door or something. What the hell is going on here?

Suddenly someone shook me violently, I opened my eyes abruptly and sat upright in bed, it was hard to catch my breath. Fuck, where am I? It was dark, so I could only make out the outline of someone.

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