Chapter 31 - Harry | Hunting lodge

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"Trust starts with truth and ends with truth." - Santosh Kalwar

" - Santosh Kalwar

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We drove another 15 minutes along the long road, after leaving the tunnel. Around us only a few vehicles, because not many want to get into this part of the country. At least not intentionally. The forest is known for hunters, but otherwise it does not offer much for normal people. It is just a forest.

I thought I would feel better once I got Ashley out of the way. Now that it has happened, however, I feel nothing.
I feel no relief, no real joy or anything. I don't feel any remorse either though. Oh god no. I can't even remember the last time I felt any real regret. It's been too long, probably when I was a kid.

I just felt...weird. I've never had a feeling like that before and I can't describe it. What is it?

If she's dead now, she got the spectacular goodbye she wanted so much the last time. Now stories are being told about her. So she should thank me for that.
Of course, she can't do that when she's dead....

Nevertheless, I could not get rid of the feeling that Ashley is still alive. Sure the car had flipped several times and maybe my bullet hit her too, but all that can be survived. Emphasis is on can.

Even if the three of them somehow managed to get out of the scraped Range Rover in time, they would never make it to the hunting lodge ahead. That is impossible.

It seems that Ashley didn't tell her secret organization about me and the others, otherwise she wouldn't have come to us alone with her two partners. Surely she would have called for help long ago... if she had the chance.
Since she never did it, I guess this is something like her own secret mission.
So she has no help and not even her whole team.

That's very interesting...Her chances to stop us now are zero. Because without help it's impossible to catch up with us.

The only question now is why she doesn't ask for help?
After all, she could disband my entire gang now that she knows what we look like.
Nobody in the world knows that.

Why doesn't she use that information? She wouldn't even need our USB to do it.
My last guess was that this is about her family and that's why she's trying to stop me on her own. She doesn't want to jeopardize the deal.
But is that still true now?

What I've picked up over the last few weeks is that her family seems really fucked up. So is mine, actually. If I was in the CIA, I would have betrayed my family long ago if it meant I could do my job. After all, she just doesn't tell who we are because of the family deal. I wouldn't do that.

But maybe I'm completely wrong and it's not about her family at all. At least not about the well-being of them. Maybe she's just not revealing our identities because she's scared that her father will pass on her own flash drive, since she's theoretically breaking our signed deal. After all, the deal was that we wouldn't hurt each other and that's exactly what she would do if she betrayed me to the CIA.

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