Chapter 35 - Harry | Heroes

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"Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell."
- Walter Scott, The Heart of Mid-Lothian

"- Walter Scott, The Heart of Mid-Lothian

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When we woke up the next morning, we were neither dead nor on our way to jail. That's a good sign, isn't it?
However, we now asked ourselves why none of these options had come to pass. The girls had the USBs, so what was stopping them?

Will they wait for us at home and arrest or kill us there?

Are they not coming at all? Were there any problems?

The whole situation was just weird and being locked up with the guys for more hours hadn't really been amusing either. I don't know how we killed time, but at some point the sun finally went down, which means it won't be long before the hut unlocks itself.

The 24 hours are soon over.

I already long for my house, the larger rooms available there, good food and damn silence. It's a miracle that I haven't had a panic attack yet because of this tight space.
Besides, I'm really hungry and a shower now would be fucking perfect. But I am used to worse.

"Awwe is this baby Harry?" asked Niall suddenly delighted. He was standing in front of a shelf in the living room where apparently were pictures that I hadn't noticed before. We were all on the downstairs floor at the moment. Most of the time this morning, however, I had been upstairs in the study to be alone.
"Fuck off." I growled to him tensely as I searched the kitchen shelf's for something useful like weapons. Of course there weren't any, but there could have been.

If Ashley was going to be at the door at any moment with a CIA squad, it would be disadvantageous to be unarmed.
"You were really cute," Niall chuckled as he looked over at me with a cheeky grin. "What the hell happened?" he wanted to know teasingly.
"I killed someone who was getting on my nerves," I replied threateningly. Niall just grunted briefly and turned around again.

Without looking up at him again, I hissed, "Put the picture back, Niall."
He cursed briefly and a clicking sound signaled to me that he had put the picture back in its place. I smirked slightly and shook my head. "Idiot."

"I heard that!" he growled, and I just laughed.
"Well you're just not as skilled as Louis." I said chuckling and Niall rolled his eyes. He continued looking at the pictures on the shelf and I sat down in one of the chairs after my search ended unsuccessfully. There wasn't even a TV in this cabin. What the fuck is this shit?

When none of the guys were talking it was incredibly quiet. Since all the windows were locked, there wasn't even any noise coming in from outside. It was also quite dark, but we didn't mind.
If nothing happens in the next few hours, I'll really freak out because it's so damn boring.

"Um, guys, did you hear that too?" asked Zayn suddenly. He was sitting near one of the locked windows. But I hadn't heard anything. Will my wish come true after all?

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