Chapter 37 - Harry | Double deal

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"Never put the future of the deal in the customer's hands."
- Michelle Moore

"- Michelle Moore

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"Tea?" My mother's polite but tense voice made me cringe slightly, as I was not expecting to be addressed. My thoughts had been somewhere else.

"Yeah." I replied curtly. At the moment I was at my parents' house by invitation. Anne wanted to talk about something, probably still about the hunting lodge thing. How can you get so stuck on one topic? It doesn't fucking matter by now. My father isn't even there and we sorted everything out. He's off in Europe right now doing "business" as he calls it. If that's really true... I don't know...but I don't care.

It was quite obvious how annoyed my mother is once again by me, but I have done nothing.
She doesn't even know about the two dead policemen we buried in the forest. So why is she making such a drama?

I will thank Ashley enough for the pleasant and nice 24 hours in the cabin with the boys the next time I see her. She can count on that...

A waiter was pouring hot tea into my cup when my mother cleared her throat. Now I'm sure I'll get a long telling off. Why did I come here in the first place?
"Harry, do you know how worried I was?" she started in a calm voice.
I snorted out briefly and had to suppress a chuckle, because this was too silly. "I guess you mean you were worried about the hunting lodge, right?" I asked with a sneer, because it was obvious that she wasn't worried about me.

Startled by this deeply presumptuous assumption, she put her manicured hand on her heart in hurt and her mouth was slightly open because of the shock she apparently had. Bullshit.
"Of course I was worried about you, too," she said then, stammering. "But with you it's common that you just disappear, which is why I didn't worry about it directly."

I hummed in reply and took a sip of the hot drink in front of me. Anne looked at me with her big eyes and I saw a trace of sadness flashing, which disappeared immediately afterwards.

She straightened up in her chair and had that expectant look on her face again. What does she want?
"What?" I growled irritated, already annoyed that she never says what she wants but always waits until you come up with it yourself. I hate that. Just tell me what you think or want.
"Why were the five of you in the hut anyway? You haven't been there for years, after all..." she then asked suspiciously.

"We just felt like it, okay," I replied casually, as if it were no big deal, which it's not. I still don't know how much my mother actually knows. Does she even know the USBs existed or did my dad keep that a secret from her? Should I tell her?
"You wanted to go to an old cabin in the woods without any contact with the outside world? And for that you left a wedding with free drinks?" she asked with a fake laugh, as if she couldn't believe I said that and really meant it.

I don't blame her, because she knows me and that doesn't sound like something I would normally do. After all, I wasn't there voluntarily but I can't tell her that.

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