Chapter 1 - Ashley | Two calls

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"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
- Walt Disney

Oh by the way, I really love quotes so I'm gonna us them instead of songs lol

Let's go....

Let's go

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I thought it would be easier. Easier to live with the fact that I'm the reason someone else is dead. But it didn't. It never did.
Not that they didn't deserve it. They certainly did. Every single one of them.

But it didn't make me sleep any better. I turned restlessly back and forth in bed. It was my thoughts that kept me constantly awake on nights like these. As always, I had to think about my job. That's probably how it is for many. With me, however, it is a special case, because my work never stopped. I never know when the next call will come.

No matter how many times I tried to convince myself that I was doing good. I've been doing this for almost five years, yet it hasn't gotten any easier.

Will it ever?

The feelings makes me human after all. But the people I kill aren't human. I have to remind myself every day not to become like them. But that's easy.

They were all murderers. Each of these people is responsible for the suffering of another living being. They have killed or had killed in their lives many times.

The trail of dead bodies is already beyond counting.

Only psychopaths like them could live with the fact of harming others. They made profit and plenty of it. All of them are money-grubbing bastards.

Am I also a psychopath when I say that I liked to see them die?

Many of them were too good to get their hands dirty themselves. They paid others to do it. Of course, that doesn't make it any better or undone, so they had to pay too. Pay with their lives. They deserved far more terrible because of all their inhuman deeds. Death was therefore a redemption that I did not want to grant them too soon.  I want them to suffer.

After all they deserved neither to live nor to die.

And they were all on the red list. The red list of the CIA. Once on that list, you never get off. Only death will save you. Believe me, we made sure of that.

On that list were the most dangerous and horrible people in the whole world. They have broken every law of mankind at least once. Whether mafia boss or gang founder everyone was represented. The police couldn't stop them and neither could the FBI.

It was happening in front of their eyes and they didn't even notice it. If they did notice, they were completely powerless.

My mission is to track these people down and bring them to justice. I have made it my personal mission to make their last minutes on this beautiful world a true hell. And I was pretty good at it.

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