Lotor hadn't taken his eyes off her the whole flight.

It was hard to ignore him, since she sat directly next to his seat, but the trip only lasted a few minutes. Violet blatantly refused to meet his eyes as Allura wormholed them to the meeting point.

By the time they touched down on the planet Zarkon had chosen, it became easier, because Violet's attention was captured by the massive Galra cruise ship planted on the earth. She, Shiro, Pidge, Matt and Lotor strode from the cargo ship; as they watched, a platform lowered on the cruiser and Zarkon stepped out.

Lotor's shoulders tensed, but he kept his chin high. Violet moved behind him, grabbing his cuffs.

Behind Zarkon, someone walked out, head bent.

Sam Holt.

Pidge lurched forward a step, her eyes wide. "We have to get him back," she said, half to herself.

"Give Sam Holt to us," Shiro called, "And we'll give you Lotor."

Commander Holt began walking towards them, his steps dragging on the ground. Violet frowned. He hadn't had any reaction to seeing Pidge and Matt - his face was blank.

Something wasn't right.

Too late. Lotor had already begun striding towards Zarkon, keeping his pace even with Sam Holt's. They passed, so close they almost touched, and then-

Pidge let out a muffled cry and darted for her father. Lotor reached the other side as she leapt into his arms.

And met only air.

Sam Holt shimmered, his face blurring, and disappeared. It had been a hologram.

Violet cursed, Pidge shouting in anger. She'd been right - Lotor had been right. Zarkon had done exactly what she knew he'd do. As they watched, someone emerged from inside Zarkon's cruiser - Acxa, face grim.

And with her, the real Commander Holt. He blinked in the light, seeing Pidge and Matt. "Kids?" he said, brows furrowed in disbelief.

"If you want the earthling alive, you will forfeit Voltron immediately!" Zarkon shouted.

"No!" Violet grabbed Pidge's elbow before she could throw herself at Zarkon. "You gave us your word! Give me back my father, you ugly bas-"

"Pidge, wait," Violet said forcefully, pulling her back.

"Let me go!" Pidge tried to push her off, but since she was half Violet's size it wasn't working too well. "He has my father!"

"I know, and running at him headlong won't change that," Violet retorted, lowering her voice to speak in the paladin's ear. "Wait. Soon the time will be right, and you can get your dad back. But that time is not now."

The fight went out of Pidge, and she slumped.

Across the battlefield, Zarkon still had Lotor. "Forfeit the lions!" He roared.

And Lotor brought up his hands, swinging them around. Not at Zarkon - at Acxa, caught off guard. His cuffs were gone - unlocked - as he lunged at his former general, punching her in the face.

Acxa stumbled back, and he easily forced her gun out of her hands, rounding on Zarkon and shooting him directly in the chest.

Zarkon flew backwards, landing a couple yards away, and Lotor started after him. The Galra emperor stood, his lips curving into a smile.

"This is the day, then. I am going to greatly enjoy this." With a snarl, he leapt at his son.

"Now's the time," Violet said to Pidge, and let go of her, drawing her blades. "The three of you - retrieve Sam. Pidge - bring your father back."

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now