"The Princess and the Pauper"

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" she asked sweetly

"Taking your meds." I answered grinning and her face suddenly flashed a disappointed look while her lips pouted looking like a cute disappointed baby.


"Did I say something wrong?" I uttered innocently but Jennie still looked disappointed.

"Nothing. I just thought you're going to say kiss." she whispered inaudibly.

"What? I didn't catch that. What did you say again?" I asked looking all clueless but Jennie suddenly leaned closer and with out warning, she kissed my lips and everything drifted away.

Her lips were warm and soft and sweet that I found myself completely and helplessly responding to her kisses like I was under some kind of enchanting spell.

And I don't mind getting the flu tho. If that could mean that I'll get to feel her warm soft lips on mine then I guess could say that I love flu.

That's how heavenly the experience is.

Jennie pulled away from our kiss and a satisfied smile suddenly crept across her plump lips, leaving me all flustered, just smiling stupidly at her.

"That's the only thing that would make me feel better. Just so you know Chu." Jennie said with a meaningful look and I have never smiled so wide my entire life that my cheeks hurts so bad.

"You mean it....Jendeuk?" I asked coyly, avoiding her gaze but Jennie cupped my cheeks and made me look at her.

"Did I ever lie to you Jisoo-yah?" she uttered softly as she stares at me with so much affection as she caress my cheeks.

"Tell me Chu, have you ever kissed anyone before?" Jennie suddenly asked which took me by surprise. I shook my head and looked down blushing and I can hear her giggle softly while she adoringly squished my cheeks.

"So I'm your first kiss then Jisoo-yah?" she asked flashing a proud smile making my heart skipped beats again.

God, I swear, this girl will definitely be the end of me.

I heaved a deep breath, mustering all the courage left in me and finally looked at her straight in the eye.

"Yes, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim. That kiss that we shared last night in the rain? That's my first kiss." I answered wholeheartedly and Jennie flashed a heartfelt smile.

"I used to hate kisses and skinships Jendeuk."

"Those things really make me cringe." I confessed shyly at her.

"How about now? Do you still hate it?" Jennie asked with utter anticipation.

"I still do Jennie.." I said and her face fell, looking a little hurt.

"I would still hate it."

"If it's from other people, I won't accept it."

"But not yours.." I uttered sincerely and her sad demeanour intantly lit while her eyes glistened with tears.

"You're the only exception Jennie."

"I always love how good it feels whenever you hug me and look at me."

"It would always make me feel important and loved."

"And your kiss.. It's something I have never done before and it's making me crazy, how heavenly that feels Jennie."

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