Excerpt: Voltron Vlogs

Start from the beginning

Then the screen flashed on again, and Hunk was sitting in Pidge's spot. "Uh, hi. I'm Hunk, and I pilot the yellow lion. Coran, what was my prompt? Oh, yeah. Vi's best quality." he paused, smiling hesitantly. "All of her is awesome. Do I have to choose only one?"

"Aw, Hunk," Lance's voice said from off the camera. "You're too sweet for us. But yeah, choose something."

"Fine. Well ... probably Vi's reliability. She's the most skilled out of us all, but it goes past fighting. We can trust her to have our backs. She'd throw herself in front of an ion cannon for us."

"Vi would throw herself in front of an ion cannon for fun."

Hunk glared at Lance. "Is it your turn or mine, Lance?"

"Fine. Yeesh."

He turned back to the camera. "As I was saying, I can rely on Vi. I can trust her to be my sous chef and to pretend that my food tastes like anything other than space goo. But we can also trust her to be there for us, to lend a hand. We know that she'll push herself to save us and take the hit for us every time." His face fell. "She did just that. It wasn't supposed to be her. Anyone but Vi. And yet she's the one in the cryo-pod, and we're the ones talking about her to ease our guilt."

Tears filled Hunk's eyes. "Sorry. It's just really hard without her here. We might pretend otherwise, but without Vi, the team's falling apart. There's no one to calm Keith down, or give us inspiring speeches, or gossip with Lance or help Pidge search for her family or be my sous chef." He sniffled. "I'm going to go make cookies and sob hysterically. You know, the secret to my space goo brownies isn't actually space goo - it's the salt of my tears."

"Oh my god, Hunk, you did not just say that," Lance said, and he appeared in the camera, helping Hunk stand. "Shiro! I need you to give this guy a pep talk!"

He gently moved Hunk out of the way. "Besides, it's my turn now." Lance sat down on the chair Hunk had left unoccupied. "Hey there. The name's Lance. Let's talk about my amazing friend, Violetta, who will beat you up if you ever call her by the name 'Violetta.'" He smirked. "Vi and I are super close. I think my favorite thing about her is how she always knows what to say. Like, I get homesick for my family a lot, so Vi tried to learn Spanish for me. She utterly failed - to this day the only words she can say in Spanish are mango - which, by the way, is the exact same as the English version - and Satan. I don't even know how she learned that one. But it still helped a lot."

Lance smiled, but not the jaunting ones he'd worn before. This one was honest. "Vi is the heart of the team. When we were fighting Zarkon the first time, and he'd knocked out the lions, when everything was going wrong, Violet gave us this speech. She reminded us who we were fighting for. What we became paladins for." Lance's face turned determined, and he stood. "I'm fighting for my family. For my sister and brothers and parents and everyone else. Because I know I'd fight for them as hard as Vi does for us."

The camera blinked off. Shiro was the one who turned it on again, his metal arm resting on the table. "Hello. I'm Shiro, and I lead the paladins of Voltron. I guess that means I also lead Violet, but she doesn't take orders from anyone. We're friends, mostly." He shrugged. "If anything, Vi should outrank me. As much as she protests her flying skills, she could probably pilot the black lion single-handedly. Actually, she could probably fly Voltron and defeat Zarkon and Lotor single-handedly, cussing like a sailor all the way."

He chuckled, leaning back. "Vi is a natural-born leader, despite having the dirtiest mouth I've ever seen. We're all lucky to have her." His smile turned amused. "Keith especially.

"All I'm saying is, if Keith is going to lead Voltron, he'll need Violet by his side. Together they could fill the spot I'd leave." Shiro blinked as he realized what he'd said. "Not that I'm planning my death or anything. It's just ... good to have a plan B. You know what, I think I've said enough. Keith, you're up."

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