019. ꕥ Temporary Relief

Start from the beginning

"That's alright. Just don't remove the knife yet." Abby ordered

With me standing at the end of the table and Raven pacing beside me, Clarke stopped Raven. "Here sterilize your hands." She ordered, holding out one of the canisters Octavia brought in earlier.

Raven took the canister and set it next to Finn before aggressively taking her fingerless gloves off and throwing them to the side. She picked up the canister and took a drink before she poured the moonshine on both her hands.

"You need to do this too, Jo." Clarke instructed me. Raven handed me the canister, and I poured the alcohol on both my hands. I sat the now empty canister to the side out of the way.

"Clarke, do you see any fluid?"

Clarke went to answer her Mother's question when a kid knocked into her. The same kid shoved another kid who I assumed pushed him in the first place.

Before a fight could occur, Clarke ordered Raven to clear the room. Raven's way of doing that was yelling, "Everyone, upstairs now!" All the kids did as they were told and headed up to the second level.

I went to feel Finn's forehead while Raven did that. "Clarke, he's hot."

Clarke came up to do the same thing I did and put her hand on his forehead. "He feels a little warm."

"Okay. That's alright," Abby said, not seeming too worried about it. "Sometimes fever accompanies trauma. Clarke, I need you to tell me if there is any fluid leaking from the wound."

Clarke took a close look at the wound, not touching it. "No."

"Plural membrane is intact." Abby informed us. "That's good. Actually, really good. He got lucky."

"Yeah, lucky is sure the word I would use to describe this." I said aloud.

"Hear that?" Raven said, ignoring my comment and leaning down to Finn's face. "You're lucky."

"Okay, Clarke, "Abby's voice came through yet again. "Firm grip on the knife. You're gonna need to angle it upward and to the left, very slightly to the left as it exits the rib cage."

"How very slightly?" Clarke asked.

"Three mil — Clarke?" Abby's voice kept cutting in and out. She was saying something, but we couldn't decipher what.

"Wait, what was that?" Clarke asked. "You dropped out."

"It's not the radio." I said, going to look at it. "It's still because of the storm."

"Three millimeters. You got that, Clarke?" Abby's voice was audible again.

"Yeah, okay, I got it," Clarke said more to herself than anybody. "Here it goes."

"You got this, Clarke." I said, coming back next to Raven, who was on the other side of the table.

"Steady hand, Clarke. You've assisted me on trucker procedures than this." Abby tried to give Clarke confidence in her words. "And once that knife is out the hard part is over."

"Let's get the hard part over with." I said with as much confidence as I could.

Another loud boom is heard outside, shaking the Dropship even more than the others have as Clarke announced, "All right. Extracting now."

I tried to slow my breathing as Clarke put a firm grip on the knife just like her Mom told her to. As soon as Clarke moved the knife a centimeter, Finn started to wake up.

"He waking up!" Raven shouted when Finn started to move and groan in pain.

"Hold him still." Clarke orders.

I went around the other side by Clarke holding down the right side of Finn as Raven did the same with his left side. I pushed down as hard as I could, trying to get Finn not to move and cause more damage to himself.

"Finn, I'm gonna get that knife out of you, okay?" Clarke tried to reassure him.

"Good plan." Finn gasped out and caused me to smile even the tiniest bit.

"Finn, you can't move. You got it?" Clarke told him as she kept slowly pulling the knife out.

"Slow Clarke."

"Finn, you can't move. You gotta stay still." I begged as Finn kept moving a little.

"Almost got it." Clarke announced. "Hold still."

Finn was now fully awake and had his teeth clenched, trying to fight the pain and not move.

"You're doing a great job, Finn." I tried to comfort him as best I could. "You're gonna be okay."

All of a sudden, the loudest boom was sent through the Dropship. The Dropship shook more than ever. However, this time it was followed by an even more loud bang and a rougher shake which caused me to fall to the floor. I could hear the screams of the people on the top levels.

I saw Clarke next to me getting up; I followed; standing next to her, we saw Finn on the floor. That's not what I noticed first though, what I noticed first was that Finn now lacked the knife that was lodged in his chest. He looked up to the two of us, seeming to be okay and alive. Looking down at Clarke's hand, I saw she had the knife still in her grasp.

"Clarke?" Abby's voice ringed through.

"It's out." Raven said, sitting up on the floor.

"You did it." I told Clarke with the biggest smile on my face. "You did it!"

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