honey | m. tkachuk

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"hey are you free right now?" Y/N asked, her kind hearted manner seeping in through her tone. 

Matthew smiled tiredly. "Just got out of practice- why whats up?"

The woman paused for a moment. "I was just going to see if you wanted to stop by for dinner- I might have over estimated my recipe a bit." she laughed. "I have enough food hear to feed a football stadium."

Grinning happily, Matthew hummed. "Or one very hungry hockey player." he pointed out.

Y/N smiled. "That too!" 

Matthew assured her he would be there within the next half hour, taking an exit as he headed back into the city towards her apartment. Part of him hated living in his big fancy duplex on the other end of town. It was always a long drive before he got home, and a lot of his friends had been moving closer to the city. so he wasnt able to see them as often. 

Maybe he could see if Y/N knew of any places near by to rent. 

As he pulled up to her apartment, she buzzed him in. Waiting for him at the top of the staircase to walk up with him. "Long night?" she asked, noticing his more than exhausted figure. "You really didn't have to come over-  I would have gladly dropped some food off at your place in a take-out box"

Letting his hand ghost the small of her back as she walked ahead of him, Matthew shook his head with a smile. "no no. I would much rather be here than my own apartment at the moment." he told her. "Its so far out and I can never say no to a homecooked meal." 

Y/N smiled. She was glad to hear that. She prided herself on making people happy, which might be the reason she was so close to matthew. He seemed to constantly overwork himself and she liked being the one to put him back together. 

She couldn't lie and say that she hadn't wondered several times what it would be like if he was really hers. To wake up with him in the morning or be the one he came home to at the end of the day. Sure, he was sort of already doing that last bit- but he always went back to his own place afterwards. It wasn't like they were friends with benefits either. They were just good friends.

Y/N didn't want to ruin that for sake of her appearing like a puck bunny, or something worse. So she kept her feelings a secret and hoped that if Matthew felt the same, one day he would speak up and say something. 

Because even though she had been the one keeping him afloat, as of late he had been doing the same for her. With her work and school schedule it was easy to fall behind and get left in the dust by her peers. So she worked really hard, sometimes skipping out on a meal or few hours of sleep, just to get caught up and stay on track.

Daniel had suggested taking fewer classes, or fewer shifts at the cafe but if she did either of those, she would A. No longer qualify for student housing and B. she wouldn't be able to afford anywhere to live. 

It wasn't like her situation was unique either, there were plenty of full time students also trying to work full time jobs. They just happened to be better at it than her. 

"You alright? You seem quiet tonight." Matthew poked Y/N's side, watching as she stared off into space on the living room couch. Their plates were long forgotten on the coffee table and Y/N quickly snapped back together, a smile appearing on her face- albeit a strained one. 

"Oh yeah. I'm alright, just thinking of my schedule for next week." she fibbed.

Matthew narrowed his eyes. "I doubt that- you are always ontop of that sort of stuff, I can't see why that would be causing you to pout." he pointed out her furrowed brows and downturned lips. 

Rolling her eyes playfully, she couldn't help but laugh. "You keeping an eye on me now matts?" she questioned. 

Matthew shrugged. "Who said I haven't been doing so all along?" he cleared his throat and straightened himself out, turning towards her and taking a breath. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

oh no. Y/N thought. That didn't sound good. Her mind started spiralling, wondering if she had offended him somehow or if she overstepped a boundry- or maybe he was going to tell her exactly what she wanted to hear? that He had feelings for her and wanted her to have them too!

"I like you- a lot. You're a great friend and you're absolutely beautiful both inside and out." Matthew couldn't help but cringe at himself, he was not a lovey dovey person- but around Y/N, he just might be. "i love the way that you put honey in my tea whenever I go visit you- and I don't even like honey so trust me, Its something. And I just, I would like to take you on a date and see what happens." he admitted.

"I'm not looking for sex, im not looking for a grand engagement or commitment, I want whatever you're looking for. and if that happens to be me? that is fantastic- if not. then no hard feelings we'll act like it never happened." he promsied.

"i just can't go through the rest of my life and our friendship wondering what if?" he told her.

Y/N smiled graciously. "You could've told me that you hated honey." she smirked. 

Matthew laughed, reaching out and pulling her close to his chest, his curls bouncing against his face. "and risk seeing that smile of yours fade?"


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