one step at a time | n. mackinnon

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Summary: Nathan's terrified about his first dance as a wedded man, but Y/N is there to guide him through it and ensure that she will love him no matter how bad of a dancer he is.

Requested: Partially (prompts 14/15 + Husband Nate Mack)

The idea of a first dance had always terrified Nathan, just the thought of him having to dance in front of all his family and friends was enough to make him feel sick- Add in the fact that he had to impress not only his wife but her family too? Hell- he was close to asking Y/N if they could skip that part.

No matter how many times they went to dance classes before the wedding, Nathan was still sure that he was going to mess it up. There were too many steps to remember, first he had to step forward, then he had to hold his wife's waist and dip her to the left? He had seen hockey plays that were easier than that.

The ceremony had been everything he dreamt it would be. From the decorations to the vows- everything was perfect. The reception was beautiful and seemingly, all the work they had put into making the day special was outshined as soon as Y/N began to walk down the aisle. Her body looked amazing in the dress she chose- the perfect silhouette for her shape and the colour complimented her skin. The details of fine lace and soft glitz had his jaw dropping- but something about the way he looked into her eyes had really taken away his doubts.

She looked like an angel as she walked towards him, her face holding a thousand different expression- all reflecting what he felt inside. Love, compassion, anxiety and fear- they were all present, but the one that stood out to Nathan the most was how ready she looked. She wanted to be with him, and he wanted to be with her. That was all they needed, they could figure out the rest later.

Her hands fit into his perfectly as they stood at the alter, a family friend reading out their vows-While many of their guests were probably hoping to have things move along a bit quicker, Nathan didn't want to be anywhere else- he had a beautiful bride in front of him and he was so madly in love with her that he wanted everyone to know. "Is this the part where we kiss?" He looked at his friend as he finished the vows- the guests all laughed at how eager he was. After getting the go-ahead, Nathan didn't waste any time, swooping down and kissing his bride deeply.

The moment of his lips meeting hers left his mind as he heard his Father's voice come through the banquet hall speakers. Nathan had taken off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt slightly-his black blazer was still hugging his torso as he grinned. Y/N had put on a different dress for the party, something more casual but still in the traditional white colour. The dress was sleeveless and reached the floor, a soft silk material instead of the heavy chiffon her wedding dress was made of.

"Now that diner is over, We would like to invite the bride and groom to the dance floor- taking their first dance as Mr and Mrs. Mackinnon." his father had a bright smile on his face and tears welling up in his eyes- he loved seeing his son so happy, and the fact that he had found this amazing girl who loved him just as much was more than he could ask for.

Standing up first, Nathan reached out and took his wife's hand- a nervous smile finding his lips as he looked at her. "Im nervous." He told her- the sound of her laughter filled his eyes and brought a blush to his otherwise pale cheeks. She could sense it before he even spoke. As he heels clicked against the floor, Y/N rubbed her fingers against his knuckles reassuringly. They went to the middle of the floor and she looked up at him with a delicate grin. "You'll be fine." She promised.

One of his hands found her waist and he held the other up for her to place her hand into. Her head was tilted upwards looking at him and taking in every detail of his face- between the worry creased in his brow and the slight downturn of his lips, she leaned up and pecked his cheek. "Watch me Nate- don't pay them any attention." She told him.

Doing what she asked, His eyes found her and he swore he was falling more and more in love with her- she had him under a spell and it was one that he never wanted broken. A soft melody started to play through the speakers and they began to sway back and forth, slowly moving around the floor. Nate's movements were perfect but he was still anxious.

The moment would be one that was forever engrained in his memory, the way her hand felt against his, the mould of her hips against his body- to the few strands of hair falling out of her up-do as the night progressed. Nathan's Wedding was the happiest he had ever been. "This is the best day of my life." He whispered in her ear, the music changing to a new song and people coming onto the floor to dance as well.

It was still a slow song as the newly weds swayed together, Y/N's head resting upon Nathan's chest- she could hear his heartbeat and it lulled her into a calming state. her eyes were closed as she giggled softly. "And what about when we have kids?" She asked him teasingly. Nathan rolled his eyes playfully, "Then that will become the best day of my life... But this is a very close second." He promised her.

Something about his tone made Y/N beyond happy, she couldn't wait to start a family with him. While they had discussed that they wanted to wait at least a year before starting the attempt to make some babies- the excitement was still filling her body. "I can live with that." She poked at him playfully.

Like the world around them had faded away, Y/N pressed her head into his body- the material of his shirt soothing against her warm cheeks. Her eyes closed in content and she listened to his heartbeat keeping time with the music- She never wanted this feeling to end.

And knowing Nathan, he would do his best to make sure it never did.

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