feels like home | n. mackinnon

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Summary: Nathan has a case of home-sickness, a girl at a bar makes things a little bit better

Requested: No

It's funny how long people can go pretending that everything is fine when the whole world is crashing around them. No matter what may be in the back of their mind, they are able to put on a fake smile and make everyone believe that they're okay. That had become one of Nathan's biggest strengths in life.

Ever since he got serious about hockey, he had learned to hide his emotions. There was a lot of pressure on his shoulders to perform and even though he was doing well, there were many times where he began to crack and did his best to stay strong. Over the years, hiding his real emotions had become somewhat of a superpower. But there were many times when he thought it may be a curse as well. Opening up to people was harder than it had been before.

With every change in his life, there was always one constant that remained in his life. His hometown friends and family. No matter what he did or how rough of a season her had, they never judged him. When he came home in the summer, they were still the same and treated him as though he had never become a major hockey star.

Leaving them was always bittersweet. Even though Nathan was living his dream of being a professional hockey player, it was hard not to miss home. But he had a reputation to uphold, he didn't want to let his team down so he buried the feelings home sickness deep down until he almost became numb.

He spent most of his time at the gym or on the ice, doing anything to keep his mind off things. Which was what lead him to meeting Y/N. He was out at a bar with some of the guys from the roster after a win. Sitting at the bar, his attention had been pretty much on the menu the entire time- he was tired and didn't really want to be going out, but somehow Landy had managed to get him to come out. That handsome swede just had a way with people.

When the chair next to him suddenly scraped against the floor and a woman sat down, Nathan barely noticed. It wasn't until he heard her voice that he had turned to take her in. She was beautiful, soft skin, amazing smile and kind eyes with matched her tone. The fact that she had ordered a beer also had him hooked. However if she had ordered a martini, he probably would've been just as head over heels.

Feeling like someone was watching her, The woman turned and noticed Nathan. She let out a soft chuckle before grinning at him. "You okay there?" She asked playfully.

Immediately Nathan straightened up, realizing that he had been staring. "Yeah im good." He smiled. It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but there was something about this woman that had Nathan captivated. Almost as though it was reciprocated, The woman stretched her hand out. "Im Y/N-" she introduced herself.


The name rang around in his head for a few moments as he processed, if he was being honest he even tested it out with his last name. Boy, did it sound good. He introduced himself and learned as much as he could about her, his friends and teammates long forgotten.

For a while, Nathan thought he had been doing really well. He was charismatic and charming- but as soon as Y/N leaned close and whispered in his ear, he knew that he had been caught. "So... why are you drinking sadly in a bar?" She had seen right through his fake facade and wasn't afraid to call him out on it.

After all, she was a few drinks down so her hesitation was being blocked by beer and tequila.

So Nathan told her everything. Really, what did he have to lose? It wasn't like he knew this girl in everyday life. She didn't seem like the type to run around and tell people his darkest secrets.

They talked about how he missed his family and home, covering everything from his feelings and how he almost cried the other day by just hearing his mother's voice over the phone. Through everything, Y/N was attentive and didn't hold a single ounce of judgment.

Multiple rounds of drinks were shared before Y/N finally decided that she should probably head home. "If you ever want another therapy session- here's my number." She spoke kindly, scribbling her number down onto a napkin and sliding it across the counter top. Without another word, she was pulling her coat on and heading out the door- heading into the city of Denver to do god knows what.

Nathan's gaze lingered against the door as she left, a warmth in his chest taking ahold of him.

"She's cute." Gabe spoke softly, leaning over and finally capturing the attention of his teammate for the first time that night.

A delicate blush crossed over Nathan's cheeks, he didn't need to say anything but he agreed with Gabe. Even though he had spent maybe two hours at the most with Y/N, there was something about her that he adored- as he looked down at the paper napkin, he realized exactly what it was that had him so enthralled.

Y/N felt like home.

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