lips | s. crosby

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Summary: Sidney's lips are Y/N's weakness

This is filth im sorry

Requested: Yes

There was always something that Y/N noticed first when it came to people she was attracted to. Whether it there was their eyes, their laugh or the way the held the door open for someone one, there was always the one trait that stuck out in her mind. When she met Sidney, it wasn't his generosity or his muscular body, it was his lips.

She had started her internship as an athletic trainer with penguins fresh out of university. There was an obvious age difference between the Captain and herself, but it seemed that the two of them got over the difference rather quickly.

As she learned more about Sidney, she fell for him even harder. But somehow, she had become fixated on his lips. It was impossible for her to understand how something as simple as the curve of his smile could drive her wild. Everything about Sidney's mouth drove her insane. However, her infatuation wasn't directed strictly towards his mouth. It was everything to do with his lips, the way he talked- how his voice carried so much power and wisdom, or how he licked his lips when he was focused.

The playoff season was always especially troublesome for her thoughts, when his lips were matched with that perfect stubble which soon formed into a beard, she couldn't help but think about less than appropriate situations.

Sidney knew just how badly he affected the girl. He was a tease, even if he hated to admit it. He always picked at his bottom lip when she was around, or slowed down his words- giving them the familiar Nova Scotia Drawl. Anything to get her going.

And when his head was between her legs after a win, or just when he was servicing her? Well, he took lots of pride in knowing that he was able to get her off before he even touched her.

The man was less than prudish, he was the devil himself and he took pride in it. He never hesitated to get close to his girl and whisper in her ear, or drag his lips across her neck. He relished in the way that Y/N would shiver, how goosebumps littered across her skin when he was close. There was no comparison between using his hands or his mouth. His mouth would win every single time.

It really had become a nightmare for Y/N. She could barely focus when she was around him. Sidney seemed to enjoy how close the proximity of their work was. Given that she was always at the arena, he made an effort to stop in everyday just to make her flustered. Finally she had told him that he had to stop teasing or she would never get any work done.

On the weekends everything was fair game. Although Sidney was a man well into his thirties now and Y/N was in her mid-twenties, the two of them seemed to be hyperactive when it came to one another. Their sex was off the charts and Sidney had no problem going multiple rounds. He never considered their intimate moments finished unless he got her to come undone because of his mouth.

Y/N didn't see an issue with that.

Before Sidney, she never knew just how incredible sex could be. Obviously she had had a partner or two before Sidney, but never had they serviced her like her boyfriend did. The captain had experience and he was more than happy to show Y/N just how much.

It was Sunday night and the pens were throwing a banquet for one of the various charities that they were apart of, Sidney was dressed to the nines although he was overshadowed by his girlfriend. They had been together for quite sometime before finally going public with their relationship. They never talked about each other in the spotlight as they were both very private people. But for the last two years, Y/N had been Sidney's plus one to every event unless his mother or sister was in town. Which Y/N had no issue with.

Tonight she wore a long black dress that hugged every curve, there was some slight ruching at the top. He hair was parted to the side, balancing out the dress. The black silk was almost sinful and Sidney was contemplating on calling in sick. As Y/N stood in front of her mirror, she put her earrings in on both sides. Sidney coming up behind her and grabbing her waist.

"You know... we could just skip this whole thing tonight." He whispered, dragging his lips across her neck- his hot breathed fanned against her skin and Y/N hummed. She let her eyes flutter shut and licked her lips. "I'll make another donation to cover my ass." Sidney tried to propose.

Y/N smiled faintly, turning around in his grasp. She leaned back against the counter of the vanity and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. "You know that isn't an option." She chastised him. Sidney groaned, Biting at her skin as he let his lips travel down towards his collar bones before settling above her cleavage. He was a man of morals so he wouldn't miss the event for the world, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to whine about it first.

"Not even just once?" He asked, letting his fingers knead the side of her hips.

Y/N pushed her finger underneath his chin, forcing him to look up at her as she tilted his head. "Not even once." She smirked before kissing him softly, not wanting to get him covered in lipstick. She grabbed her clutch off of the counter and they headed out to his car.

The event was to be as expected, Sidney went around making pleasantries and appearances, talking to important people that Y/N would never get the chance to know. But she didn't mind, she was happy to sit at the table with some of the other wives and talk about life. The girls were all very tight knit and Y/N was relieved when they had accepted her so quickly- even if she had quite the age difference between them.

By the end of the night, Y/N could tell that Sid was getting restless. He was pretty quiet and didn't laugh at as many jokes as he usually did. They said their goodbyes once the auction was over. As soon as they got to the parking garage, it was like a switch had been flipped in Sidney's personality.

He twirled Y/N into his chest and leaned back against his car, holding her close to him. His lips tangled with hers, the plump flesh becoming swollen after a few moments of their heated interaction. "Can't wait to get you home..." he hummed, pulling away just to nip at her skin. Y/N pushed off of him breathlessly. "If I get a hickey, you're so going to regret it." They had to work in the morning and she didn't need any questions- nor did he need the constant taunts from his teammates.

"Don't care... let me mark you up, Let them see that you're mine." He groaned. Y/N's eyes fluttered shut and she immediately felt Sidney's 'friend' poke at her thigh. Her cheeks burned and she pulled away. "Get me home first and then we can talk." She hummed, quickly climbing over the console and sitting in the passenger heat.

The usual forty minute drive to their house in the city was shortened by at least twenty minutes. Sidney was a man on a mission and he wasn't about to disappoint.

Stumbling into the threshold of the house, Sidney barely even had time to drop his keys in the bowl before Y/N had grabbed a hold of him, kissing his neck and running her hands along his chest. She undid the buttons on his dress shirt expertly, having him shirtless within a matter of seconds, his blazer and tie long forgotten in the car.

"Eager now are we?" Sidney chuckled lowly, dragging her over to the couch. He had unzipped her dress, letting the silk material fall to the floor in a heap.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Thats rich- weren't you the one that tried to stay home just so you could get laid?" She snickered. Sidney slapped her thigh, heat radiating through Y/N's core.

"For your benefit love." Sidney told her. He sunk down to the floor in front of the couch, parting her legs with his hands before leaning I and letting his lips ghost against her skin- travelling up between her thighs. "Be a good girl for me sweetheart."

There was no better way to end the night than to have Sidney between her legs.

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