say so | t. seguin

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Summary: Making Tik Tok's with your older brother Tyler is a great way to do some brother-sister bonding

Requested: Yes

Y/N swore to herself that she was not going to be the annoying teenager that made Tik Tok's. But after her best friend had convinced her to download the app as a joke and to 'give it a shot' she was hooked. Even though she hated to admit it, she had taken a few hours of her free-time learning dances to various songs and creating her own renditions of the weekly til Tok trends.

She was pretty sure that in a few years she would look back and cringe at herself, but she was having fun, so who cares.

Spring break had come rather early this year and Y/N convinced her parents to let her go to Dallas to spend some time with her brother Tyler. She rarely got to see him with his crazy professional hockey schedule, so getting to spend an entire two weeks with him was something she had been looking forward to for months.

The two had always been really close to each other- more so than Y/N was with Candace and Cassidy. They were her sisters and often babied her or tried to be over protective, but Tyler was the oldest of all of them and more like a friend and occasional wise wizard who kept her out of trouble. But there was no lying that Tyler was the most protective over Y/N. She was the baby of the family, being younger than her older sister by a good three years which made her younger than Tyler by almost eleven years.

She was only 5 years old when he had moved away for hockey the first time, hockey players were always moving when it came to the sport so it wasn't weird that she didn't get really close with him until she was about 8 or 9 years old.

But nonetheless, the two were like peas in a pod- nothing could come between them. Not even Tik Tok.

"Tyler!!" Y/N called out, laying on his living room couch with gerry in her lap. She was scrolling through app when a certain song showed up- the dance looked pretty easy and there had been a few comments on her page asking if she could film something with Tyler.

The man rounded the corner, shirtless like always which caused Y/N to roll her eyes- but she wasn't in much better shape. She had a bathing suit on as the two of them were going to go swimming in a few minutes. "Whats up squirt?" He asked, walked behind the couch and ruffling her hair.

Tyler loved having the girl around- it made him feel like a dad which made him happy since he obviously wanted kids one day. His baby sister was such a big part of his life, there was no other way he would rather have her spend her spring break- it had actually been his idea to have her come down to Dallas anyways.

Showing him her phone, a video of a girl dancing to the song was on display. "Can you learn this dance with me and we film it? I think it would be cute." She admitted- she was expecting a little bit of push back, but surprisingly Tyler was pretty okay with it. "Yeah sure." He answered easily.

Heading out back- the Dallas sun basked against their bare skin, Tyler's tattoos on full display as they analyzed the dance for a good ten minutes- practicing a few times before starting to film it. The dance was pretty easy for Y/N to pick up, but Tyler was struggling.

He kept doing everything off beat and he was missing some of the moves entirely. "Come on! Its not rocket science!" Y/N huffed, the chirping was about to being and Tyler sometimes cursed himself for letting the girl hang out around hockey players-especially his teammates, all they ever did was chirp him.

"Im trying! It's hard!" He defended himself. Rolling her eyes, Y/N giggled. "You literally skate on ice with knives- This should be easy for you!" She pushed at him. The man glared playfully- "Hockey is easy-" he was about to continue but the girl commented quicker than he did. "Is that why you haven't scored a single goal in hmmm 5 games?" She poked fun at him.

Tyler was suddenly determined to get this dance right. He watched the video one more time before processing everything. "Okay record it." He spoke firmly. He was ready to do this. Not to mention the concrete was getting hot against his bare feet.

They had completed the dance rather smoothly and Tyler took his chance- while the phone was still recording, he pushed Y/N into the pool and flashed the camera a peace sign, jumping in after her.

Once it was edited, it was quite the cute tik tok. It was certainly something that Y/N was never going to delete- the perfect memory. It was just the small things that happened when she hung out with her brother that made their bond so special.

Family was great, but when you can act stupid and have a fun time with family- that makes it even better.

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