cliche | m. marner

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Summary: after pinning after each other for a while, jealousy causes Mitch to make a move on his best friend

Requested: Yes

It was the classic Best friends to lovers trope. No matter how hard Y/N tried to fight it, she had become a cliche. There was no telling when she had fallen in love with her best friend Mitch. Maybe it was when he stayed the night at her house for the first time, the two of them waking up snuggled against the couch with his arms looped around her waist.

His fluffy brown hair was a mess upon his head. Mitch's forehead pressed into the crook of Y/N's neck and as her eyes fluttered open, she couldn't help but stiffen. She wanted to move and avoid embarrassment but something in her was telling her to stay still- just let the feeling linger a little bit longer.

Over the course of their friendship, Mitch and Y/N had always been close. They had a very touchy aspect of their relationship- whether it be Mitch always having an arm draped around her shoulders or grasping her waist, or Y/N always leaning against him and holding his hand when they sat on the couch. There was never a moment when the two didn't have their hands on each other.

This meant that many of their friends took turns chirping them, teasing them for always being so close and being practically attached at the hip. Auston had even commented a few times that Y/N was trying to steal Mitch away from him. Of course this was all in good fun and Y/N would never think of doing such a thing. Toronto needed their dynamic duo.

It was a scene taken straight from a rom-com, Y/N was throwing a party for no reason and she had turned her apartment into what looked like a frat house. There were kegs in the kitchen and a mini bar created on the counter, the living room had become a sort of dance floor and hang out spot while the balcony called for peace and quiet- giving people the opportunity to smoke or get some air.

The lights were off and music thumped from the speakers, it was currently Auston's turn at the Aux cord. Y/N wasn't particularly fond of his music choice, but it did result in her getting to watch Mitch pretend to shake his ass against Freddie in the living room.

Leaning against the counter, Y/N had a red solo cup in her hands- humming softly as she watched her friends all have a great time. She was usually in the middle of the group, dancing away and hanging out the guys- but tonight she was more so worried about keeping the peace and ensuring no one ruined her apartment.

"Why are you here all alone?" A voice spoke from behind her, turning around and furrowing her brows, Y/N found none other than Auston. Chuckling softly, she smirked. "I'm not a fan of your music aus- even if it doesn bring entertainment." she pointed towards the scene unfolding in the living room.

Auston smiled softly and brushed his hair out of his face. "Oh come on! It isn't that bad!" he defended himself, clutching his chest as if he had been wounded. Noticing that the girl was spending a little too much time trying to keep the part from getting out of hand, he sighed.

Placing his cup on the counter, he took hers and tossed it down the sink. "Come on- let's go dance. I'll let you pick the song, but you gotta relax a bit- you threw a party so you should at least enjoy it." He spoke kindly. There was no ill-intention found in his words, he was simply just trying to make his friend feel comfortable.

However, that's not what it looked like to mitch. The man had already had a couple of drinks so his inhibitions were taking hold of him. As he watched his friends head into the living room a couple of feet away from him, he had a scowl on his face- his drunken puppy like energy quickly turned into that of a possessive guard dog.

Seeing Y/N dance so freely with Auston as his hands found her hips lit a fire inside of Mitch. He didn't care if Auston was one of his best friends, as far as he was concerned, Y/N was his.

He had feelings for her even if he hadn't admitted them out loud. She was always the person he went to at the end of the day, if he was feeling under the weather, she was the first one he called. If he just needed a hug, he was showing up on her doorstep- it didn't matter what the situation was, Y/N was always the person he turned to.

Mitch really did try to ignore it and let it go, but as soon as Y/N had leaned back into Auston's touch, laughing at something he said- the man saw red. Pushing his way through the group, he gripped Y/N's wrist and looked at Auston firmly.

"Mind if i cut in?" although it was a question, there was no room to argue with mitch- his tone was sharp and if looks could kill, Auston would have been 6 feet under.

He got the hint.

Auston made his way through the crowd, leaving Y/N with Mitch- the girl stopped her dancing and looked at him nervously. She had never seen him so angry and if she was being honest, it somewhat frightened her.

"Mitch?" she asked delicately, taking his hand and trying to get him to look at her instead of glaring into Auston's back. It was like her words had fallen deaf upon the brunette's ears.

It wasn't until Y/N reached up and cupped his cheek, forcing Mitch to look at her that the hockey player finally snapped out of his daze. His eyes found hers and instantly he became lost in them- taking in their deep colour and how they were red around the corners. She was probably getting a second hand high from the people smoking.

Mitch glanced down at her lips and took a deep breath- thoughts swarming through his head. Without a word, he grabbed her hand tightly and tugged her towards her bedroom which had thankfully been empty.

Calling his name once more, Y/N was very confused as to what was going on- her heart was racing and she wasn't sure she could keep up with the man pulling her through her ow

n apartment.

"I need to tell you something.." Mitch mumbled, closing the bedroom door behind them as soon as they walked in. Before Y/N could say anything- he held up his hands to stop her. "I have to get this out before I lose the courage.." he sighed.

Instantly Y/N's chest clenched, she was praying that he was going to tell her that he liked her too- maybe then she could stop pretending like they didn't have something special between them.

"I like you... and seeing Auston draped all over you drove me up the wall... I don't know if you like me, or if you like Auston- and It's fine if you do... I just- I need you to know how I feel." he confessed, face turning bright red as he blushed.

Y/N paused for a moment, taking in everything that he was saying. She had been waiting to hear this for so long that she couldn't help but smile. "I like you too Mitch." she told him- her lips stretching even wider if it was possible.

Standing on her tip-toes and kissing him softly, she felt him mold into her, grasping her lower back before kissing her back. It was soft and delicate but filled with so much love. Pulling away shortly after, Mitch grinned.

"I think we have a party to get back to." he chuckled softly.

He had a point, they couldn't just abandon all the guests. Y/N smiled and opened the door for the two of them to return. She had started this party being single, but luckily- she was ending the night with the love of her life.

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