blue | m.marner

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Summary: you can't see a certain colour until you meet your soulmate, and god- the colour blue is so beautiful

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Y/N could describe every single colour in the world with vivid detail. As a child, she spent hours colouring, taking in how every shade was different and looked drastically different from the others. Pink was one of her favourite colours, it was innocent and delicate- with the softness hint of romance from the red undertones- and the purity from white. There was so much that Y/N could say about pink, about yellow or even black.

But the one colour she could never describe was blue.

The infamous colour that was cold and rigid, but could also be bright and deep. The colour of the sea and the daytime sky, of ice and the colour that she had never seen.

When people are born, there is one colour that they cannot see. That is their soulmate's colour. Everyone has one, you only ever see that colour when you meet your soulmate- if they should pass away before you meet them, then you never see the colour. That was just how life worked.

The woman was desperate to see the colour, there was nothing she wanted more than to know that she had met her soulmate and that she was finally going to be okay. She didn't know who he was or even if it was a she, but Y/N knew one thing- she loved her soulmate and they loved her too.

It was an unconditional sort of thing, even if soulmates didn't always see eye to eye at first, they found a way back to one another as that was how fate dealt them their cards.

Part of Y/N always worried that she might not have a soulmate though, here she was in her twenties and still hadn't seen the colour blue. A lot of her friends had already found their soulmates, they were high school sweethearts or met through university- but here she was still alone. Of course she had her whole life ahead of her, but she didn't want to risk being alone forever.

At night Y/N always wondered what her soulmate was like. Was he close to her age? Was he younger or older? Did his lips feel soft or chapped? Maybe he had facial hair. She wondered what it would be like to hug him, to have his toned arms wrapped around her as she smelled his cologne off his neck. She didn't even know who he was yet and she could already tell that he was intoxicating. She couldn't get enough of him and he was a complete stranger.

In some situations that might be really weird.

But it felt normal to the woman, everyone felt that way about their soulmates- it was normal to feel anxious and excited all at the same time to meet the love of your life. Some wanted to live their lives for a while before finding them, others couldn't wait and just wanted to be with their lover.

Y/N was certainly a part of the latter.

It was somewhat hard to not have her soulmate, especially when her older sister Tessa had already found hers. He was a hockey player which made since considering tessa was an olympic ice skater. Y/N envied her sister, she loved the relationship that she had and wanted to feel that happiness too.

Things had always been a little tense between the sisters, nothing out of the usual though. They were a normal family when it came to how they interacted- just some younger sibling jealousy is all.

When their younger cousin found their soulmate, it was like the final nail in the coffin. Y/N was convinced that she was never gonna find love- left and right, it seemed like people were falling in love all around her and she was left to be lonely forever.

The knot in her stomach never faded and she just wished that she could find her lover. It was getting harder to pretend that everything was fine.

In an effort to cheer her up, Tessa had decided that they needed a girl's night out. The two of them had always been fans of hockey growing up, so she figured it was finally time to cash in on having a hockey player as a boyfriend.

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