stuck with u | s. crosby

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Summary: There is no where to go, but there is no place Sidney would rather be

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With the season on hold, and the world paused for the foreseeable future, Sidney was stuck at home. It was a hard transition for him to make, going from constantly being on the road for games- or at the very least at the rink for practices and games. To go from being so busy all the time to suddenly being quarantined at home with strict orders to stay inside unless absolutely, it was a definite culture shock.

His dogs seemed to enjoy it though, having their dad around was amazing and they were cuddled up to him constantly. Sidney liked it too, even if he complained for the first half of isolation, he was slowly warming up to the idea- and by the time that he and his girlfriend had been quarantined together for two months, it felt like it was any other day.

She had been a trooper through this entire thing, after all, she was was being quarantined too- she wasn't able to go to her job, she wasn't able to go out and see her friends, everyone was learning hope to cope with the drastic changes that were going on in the world.

One of the things that made quarantine better was date night.

There were times when they just turned the world off, no television playing in the background of the house, No light other than a couple candles that Y/N had taken the liberty of lighting and the sound of soft pop music floating through the house. Standing in the middle of the living room wearing oversized sweatpants and hoodies with three day old hair and his beard grown out, Sidney would Hold Y/N close- she was often wearing a set of pyjamas that matched his own- their comfortable outfits.

There was nothing better than having her arm wrapped around his back which the other pressed over his heart, y/n's head falling onto his shoulder. He rested his head against the crown of her head, smelling the shampoo that made her hair soft as silk. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close to him as they swayed around the living room.

Feet moving in time to the music against the wooden floors. Sidney swore that he had her steps burned into his memory, from the way she applied a bit more pressure to the ground when she stepped back ways because she was scared of losing her balance, the way she turned her hips when he pulled her forward- every single detail about her had been memorized into the back of his brain.

Sidney never realized just how much he missed Y/N during the season when he was away- to be able to hod her close now and spend so much time with her was perfect, even if it was under the worst of circumstances, he was grateful to have this time with her and makeup for all the anniversaries, holidays and dates he had missed because of his hockey career.

She had never once blamed him for missing out on things during their relationship, because she loved him so much and was always sure that they would find a way to make things work. And they really did. If that meant taking a month vacation in the summer to have just couple time, she was fine with that.

Y/N had to admit that sometimes she felt lonely during the season, Sidney was usually gone a lot considering his commitments. There had been times when the woman almost forgot what it felt like to be held by him- or times when he hadn't come home in so long, that their shared bed looked like it hadn't been touched on one side in weeks.

But all that pain and loneliness seemed to fade away every time Sidney took her into his arms- spinning her around their kitchen in time to the music as he looked at her with stars in his eyes. They were in love and it was plain to see. It was the best feeling in the world to have someone like Sidney. And the man felt the exact same way about Y/N. Just to have someone that you loved so much near you, it was the easiest cure to take away sadness and doubt.

That was exactly what the both of them needed in these times.

Sidney felt like he could just lock up the house and throw away the key forever, the little world he and his girlfriend had made inside was one he never wanted to show. It was almost too perfect and he was worried that if someone were to find out- or they were to leave, the romantic and soft atmosphere might break in some way.

He could stay there for a lifetime, he didn't care about the hockey season or the Stanley cup. When he was with Y/N and had her attention all to himself, he didn't care if he was stuck inside.

Y/N had no where else to be, the time she had spent in isolation really gave her time to do some self-discovering and rediscovering of Sidney. The couple was able to just sit down on the couch, share a bottle of wine and talk about their feelings- they learned about each other as if it was the first time, finding likes and disliked and talking about the future.

It was those nights where they really connected that Y/N and Sidney didn't really care if life ever went back to normal. If they were able to stay in this romantic bubble for the rest of their lives, that would suit them just fine. Sure they had their fights here and there, after all when you're stuck with one person for so long it can get to be aggravating.

But in the end, the two of them were able to let things calm down, usually resulting in Sidney wrapping his arms around Y/N's head and kissing her head. "You know I love you right? I don't wanna be with anyone else but you?" He prodded her answer.

Y/N just snuggled into his chest and hummed. "I love you too.... I don't wanna be stuck with anyone." She promised him.

Sidney closed his eyes and felt the warmness of her skin as she held his hands. He would give her the world and she didn't even need to ask.

"It's Me and You..."

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