Ch. 39 - Xavier's Secret

Start from the beginning

Jake put his hands up in surrender, making Joshua roll his eyes. Brent and Campbell laughed, and Ryan was playing with my bracelets on my wrist.

"Joshy! Joshy! We saw a cartoon on the big screen!" Kylie exclaimed with a big grin to Joshua.

"Really?" Joshua asked with a small smile.

"Yes! And we bunches of candy and slushes!" Ryan added with an even bigger smile than his sister.

"That sounds like kid heaven right there," Joshua replied, ruffling Ryan's hair.

Seeing Joshua interact with the twins is adorable. He's a role model to the twins, and they look up to him so much. If somebody were to hurt the twins, I would not be standing in the way between Joshua and that person.

"Is your ribs feeling better?" Campbell asked Joshua as he shifted Kylie around so she wasn't sitting on his bad ribs or his hurt wrist.

"Somewhat," was all he replied.

"You do realize I'm a nurse, right? I can tell they are still hurting you," Campbell retorted, making the boys' snicker.

"Ohhhh Joshy is in trouble," Xavier said like a five year old, making Joshua roll his eyes.

"You got a boo boo. I'm gonna get you a bandaid," Kylie said, pointing to Joshua's black eye before getting off his lap to grab a bandaid. His eye isn't swollen anymore, but it's definitely still bruised.

"It's okay, Kylie. I don't need bandaid. I'm perfectly fine," Joshua called after her as Ryan slid off my lap to go join his sister.

"Well, we are going to put the kids to bed, but we'll still be up if you all need something," Campbell informed us as Brent gave her a back hug, making her grin ear to ear.

"Goodnight," we all reply as Campbell and Brent headed upstairs.

Brent whispered something in her ear, making her giggle like a little school girl which made Brent grin. Their love is beyond pure even to this day. If somebody were to ask me to define the word soulmates, I would define it as the love between Campbell and Brent Mason.

Joshua put his hand on my thigh, and I snuggled into his side. I'm so glad I found my soulmate; the one that I want by my side till the end of time.

He looks over at me and whispers,"I love you."

I smile,"I love you."

"Man, this shit is making me feel single," Xavier said, noticing our affection.

"Don't worry, Xavier. It won't be much longer till you and Van-...hey that's a cool movie," Jake started to say but changed the subject mid sentence.

Xavier glared at Jake, and I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Joshua looked confused as well, and Xavier avoided eye contact with us.

"Xavier, what's going on?" I asked, making him quickly glance up at me. Then he got off of the couch, and he headed towards the kitchen, away from us.

"I'll go talk to him," Joshua said about to get up off the couch, but Jake stopped him.

"Actually, I think Leah should be the one to talk to him," Jake said, a little bit nervous.

I nodded, and I got off the couch. I walked into the kitchen to find Xavier leaning against one of the counters with his arms across his chest in defeat. He wasn't looking at me though, but, instead he was looking at the floor like a kid in trouble.

I hoisted myself up onto the counter, leaving my legs swinging above the floor. Xavier knew it was me, but he still didn't look at me.

"Y'know I'm not a mind reader. I can't read your mind and help you. You gotta tell me what's going on so I can help you," I said, making him turn his head at me.

"You are going to hate me. Like you are going to loathe me, and I don't know if I can handle that right now. You are my Little Leah, and I don't want to loose you because of what I did," Xavier finally replied, sadly, and I put my hand on his.

"Xavier, you aren't going to loose me. I'm your bestie, remember? You can't tell me anything, you know that."

Xavier nodded before taking a deep breath. I thought he wasn't going to say anything, but I was proved wrong when he opened his mouth.

"I kissed Vanessa two weeks, and we have been talking ever since. It was right after you found out about her and Asher. I knew what she did to you, and I still kissed her. That makes me a horrible best friend, but I couldn't help it Leah. She has this hold on me, and I actually like her. I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore, but just know that you'll always be my Little Leah."

Surprise hit me like a truck, but that was it. I wasn't angry or upset with Xavier. If he truly cares about Vanessa then I refuse to step in his way. Even if me and Vanessa aren't on the best terms doesn't mean Xavier can't be with her. That would make a horrible friend if I tried to keep them apart.

"Oh, Xavier. I don't hate you, I promise. I'm not even mad or upset," I started, making his face light up. "You deserve to be happy with someone, and if that's with Vanessa, then so be it. I would never step in the way between what you want. I would a horrible friend if I told you that you couldn't be with her just cause me and her have our own problems. I love you, Xavier, and I want what's best for you."

Xavier grinned,"Have I told you that you are the world's greatest best friend?"

"Hey!" Joshua and Jake's voice said, making Xavier and I look at each in confusion.

Xavier opened the kitchen door, and Joshua and Jake both fell to the floor with Joshua on top of Jake. Both of them groaned as they hit the floor. They were definitely eavesdropping like children, and I couldn't control my laughter from spilling out of my mouth.

Jake and Joshua untangled from one another, and Joshua leaned against the counter next to me. Jake stood up, and he brushed off his clothes.

"We have been through a lot together especially in the last couple months," Joshua started a moment of silence. "But it's all about to be over. Sebastian is going to go away for good, and we all will be at peace once more. I couldn't be more grateful for you all."

Xavier and Jake nodded, and I exclaimed,"Group hug!"  I jumped off the counter, and all the boys looked me like I was crazy.

"Guys don't really do the whole group hug thing, L," Jake said, making me roll my eyes.

"Okay, fine. If you three don't do a group, I refuse to make cookies tonight!" I threatened, making all of their mouths drop open.

"Who wouldn't," Xavier said, making me smirk.

"Try me," I simply replied with a shrug.

The boys looked at each other for a moment, and they all nodded in agreement. Then we all came into a group hug, and I felt beyond happy since I got my way.

If only we knew what was coming. How stupid we were to believe everything goes fine.....


Hey guys!!!

Thoughts on this chapter??

I want to apologize for not updating, but with college, work, & school work, my schedule has been hectic! And that's not fair to yall, but I'm back now & I appreciate every single one of you!!

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