Ch. 39 - Xavier's Secret

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"SO YOU ARE TELLING ME HE JUST dies?!" Xavier exclaimed before a sob escaped his throat

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"SO YOU ARE TELLING ME HE JUST dies?!" Xavier exclaimed before a sob escaped his throat.

"This is such bullshit!" Jake explained as well, wiping away tears.

Xavier and Jake both shared the tissue box as they both blew their noses. I couldn't even laugh at them because I was too busy crying.

Let me give you guys a recap over the last two days. After Harrison told us about Sebastian's drug deal, we informed Luke immediately. Luke and the FBI are teamed up to take Sebastian down, but in doing so, Joshua and I are both are lockdown.

We are suppose to lay low and let the police handle Sebastian and his goons. Even though we were both still so anxious about the whole situation, we had no other choice but to focus on other things.

So we were watching The Fault in Our Stars at Joshua's new home aka Brent and Campbell's house. None of the boys have seen it, and I couldn't let them live life without seeing this masterpiece of a movie.

"This is a stupid movie," Joshua grumbled, making me look up at him. He had his arm around me, and I snuggled into his side.

"No it's not," I replied with a sniffle. "It's a masterpiece."

"It made you cry," he argued, making me smile.

"Awww, Joshy is a big ole softie now. I thought I would never see the day," Xavier said before blowing his nose.

"Me either. Is hell freezing over?" Jake agreed, making Joshua flip them both off.

The front door opened, revealing Brent, Campbell, and the twins. Brent was holding the twins in each arm while Campbell was carrying two to go plates. They went out to go watch a movie and dinner, and they invited Joshua to go, but he already had plans with us.

"Hi guys," Campbell greeted with a smile while Brent put the twins down on the floor.

"Hey, Mrs. Mason," Xavier replied as Joshua turned the tv off since the credits were playing.

"Xavier, how many times have I said Campbell is quite fine? Mrs. Mason makes me sound an old, ugly grandma who has five thousand cats," she replied, setting the to go plates on the dining room table.

"Sorry, it's just habit," Xavier apologized, sheepishly.

"Well, you are beyond beautiful, Campbell. Definitely not ugly nor old. If I never met you before, I think you would be a smoking hot twenty year old," Jake said with a small smirk.

Joshua and Brent scowled at Jake, and Joshua threw a pillow at him, hitting him right in the face. Brent fist bumped Joshua, making Campbell and I laugh. The twins ran over to Joshua and I, and I picked Ryan up while Joshua picked up Kylie.

"That's a wonderful compliment, but..." Campbell started, but Brent cut her off by wrapping his arms around her waist as he stood behind her.

"But she is happily married for the rest of her me," he said before kissing her head, making her giggle.

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