healed over: isaac lahey.

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"i promise we'll find each other."
"promises don't come true unless you tie them off."
isaac lahey,
who was currently nine years old and stood at a stature of four foot six,
(though he'd lie and tell you he was five foot already)
was staring into the eyes of a dear friend he was currently departing from.
y/n l/n.
with eyes that were always wide with excitement and a smile that never wore thin,
isaac had found great company in her.
but now,
he was left to up and leave town in demand of his father in promise of a better job. 
so here y/n stood before him with her pinky extended,
wearing her same smile despite the quiver in her bottom lip.
they really only had each other until now.
neither of them could imagine what to do with an abandonment so wide.
isaac couldn't imagine his future without y/n's companionship.
but he could hardly ever imagine his future;
his world was only one block wide.
isaac entwined y/n's pinky with his,
kissed the side of his index finger knuckle in follow of y/n then nodded.
"i promise we'll meet again."

i couldn't remember what today was,
but it felt important.
too important for me to still be in bed with the sun beaming through my blinds so brightly.
then when i sat up from the bed with a bit of a headache and looked at the clock,
i remembered.
"shit, shit, shit."
i climbed out from the twisted covers around me bed fumbled for the nearest clothes to slip on.
not only was i over two hours late to school,
but i was near to missing the biggest exam of the school year.
if i failed,
my senior year would have to be repeated.
this, in my personal opinion, was practically being damned for all of eternity.
i'd had eighteen years enough of the education system.
forcing myself through an additional, painful one hundred and eighty days because i'd neglected to turn on an alarm was worse than any form of torture.
i finally burst through the school doors and ran to my designated class.
upon my entry,
the late bell rang above.
i made it just by the skin of my teeth.
"glad to see you on time, mr lahey."
i sat down and looked at the class around me,
wondering how i had managed to sleep in so late.
since my arrival to beacon hills and becoming introduced to derek hale,
i'd indulged into the party scene that surrounded the city.
i often traveled hours away to arrive at a party i'd caught word of,
including last night.
i don't even remember making it home.
it's true that werewolves solemn find entertainment in the form of watered down liquids,
so we chase highs.
and more often than not,
they're entirely difficult to climb down from.
"dude...you're a mess."
i felt the fraternal pat on my shoulder before the words registered.
i turned to see a friend eyeing my clothes and disheveled hair.
it didn't occur to me what i might have on or what i genuinely looked like.
"i know. late start."
"last night...crazy, man."
"hm? oh, yeah...crazy,"
i laughed with a certain falsity to my tone.
the worst part about hangovers,
even for the supernatural,
are the aches that follow.
i rubbed my throbbing temples with as much pressure as my fingers could gather and tried to suppress the nausea rising in my throat.
"did you ever find that girl?"
"huh? what girl?"
it wasn't unlike me to find a girl and pursue her solely for the chase.
it was, however, unlike me to fulfill my role in these affairs.
the moment things felt too serious and the fun was replaced with anticipated performance,
all the elation i felt fell through.
understanding why i wouldn't allow myself to fall in love or like was a question for another time.
"i don't know. you knew her, though. i thought for sure you two were gonna hook up."
i watched the boy before me laugh with the shake of his head.
it was only a regular girl with no importance.
neither of us could remember her name,
so surely she wasn't that big of a deal.
"i think you said her name was y/n? that sounds right."
it was then i'd felt,
for the very first time,
the sinking feeling of my heart into my gut.
i knew that name.
of course i knew that name.
i carved it into my bones,
inscribed that name across the flesh i wore,
felt it stitch itself in the muscle of my heart.
i went to lunge into an overload of questions for my friend.
if y/n was in town,
that meant we could find each other.
even after all this time!
but i was quickly cut off but the booming voice of the teacher,
beginning this cursed exam.
how was i meant to focus now that i knew the girl who was once my lifeline was just in reach?
my heart stuttered deep into my chest at the thought.
what would she think of me after all this time?
was it even possible that it was her?
was her name that common?
i shook my head free of the thoughts and tried to focus on the questions before me.
but all i could think,
the only question i could entertain was,
has y/n finally found me?

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