just ask: isaac lahey.

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y/n stared at the front door with an unimpressed look then sighed,
giving it a quick knock.
she waited patiently until it was pulled open by stiles which surprised y/n only for a little.
"stiles, of course you're here."
"oh, my god! y/n? what are you doing here?"
"didn't...didn't scott tell you?"
she asked with a laugh,
watching scott appear from behind him.
"i didn't know you were coming today,"
scott said with a sort of disappointed look.
"surprise, little cousin! my flight just got in."
stiles covered the grin against his lips with his hand,
knowing scott and y/n were often each other's biggest competitor.
she began,
giving him a smile full of greeting.
"you've gotten so much taller! good to see you."
"mhm, you too, y/n."
stiles then allowed for y/n to come in,
where she dragged in multiple suitcases.
"you brought all that? for the summer?"
y/n tucked it by her side and shrugged rather timidly.
"i, uh, couldn't decide what to bring and what not. come here, little cousin,"
she smiled a little too widely at scott,
giving him a bit of a shock.
but what shocked him even more is when she wrapped him in a hug.
not once in all their years of living had they ever hugged.
they could hardly stand in the same room together.
it always ended in arguments or near deaths.
"well i'm going upstairs,"
she said when she pulled away,
being sure to talk over the boys and their nonsensical rambling.
"y/n, wait, it's-"
"i'm sorry i came early, scott! i don't to be here anymore than you want me to!"
she said before opening the guest room door,
finding it to be occupied.
y/n and the boy inside both exclaimed,
scrambling to shield themselves from the embarrassment.
"i'm so sorry! i didn't know someone was in here!"
"because you don't listen!"
scott said from the hall.
"you're-you're fine. i'm isaac."
"y/n. scott's cousin."
"nice, nice. you, uh, staying for the summer?"
"uh...yeah, sure."
y/n and isaac shared soft, shy smiles before she awkwardly waved goodbye and shut the door.
"who is that?"
y/n whispered,
trying to slow the racing in her heart.
"isaac...he just said that."
"shut up, stiles. why is he here?"
stiles and scott exchanged looks,
a sort of nonverbal communication happening between them.
"long story. he's staying with us now."
y/n nodded with knitted eyebrows.
she then whisked by them with her suitcases still in hand,
heading straight for the front door.
"wait! where are you going? moms gonna wanna see you!"
"i'm gonna get a room at the hotel."
"all summer?"
"no, i'm gonna find an apartment eventually."
"what? why?"
y/n groaned and shook her head in frustration.
"just shut up, scott!"
she yelled then took a deep breath in.
"sorry. i love you,"
she mumbled before finding refuge in her car.
"she seem a little...different to you?"
stiles asked,
watching her car drive down the road into disappearance.
scott shrugged and closed the door as soon as isaac came downstairs.
"so, your cousin?"
he inquired.
"she comes every summer. she's, like, a month early though."
scott narrowed his eyes at isaac.
"you don't...feel any way about her, do you?"
"what? no, i just met her. she seems...nice, though."
stiles and scott both looked at one another before letting out a laugh.
"y/n? she tried to drown me when we were nine because my cannonball was better than hers."
isaac raised his eyebrows then looked to stiles,
waiting to hear his experience with y/n.
"oh, y/n and i are cool. just her and scott."
isaac nodded then looked around the room awkwardly.
"so...should i leave so she can sta-"
"no. she'll figure something out."
isaac rocked on his feet then nodded.
"right, okay."
he laid in the bed with a strange sense of longing for the girl.
she looked to be something that walked straight out of his dreams,
the girl he always pictured to be right for him.
"where's your cousin?"
melissa asked as she entered the house,
placing her purse on the table in front of the two boys.
scott slid the tray of food designated for his mother before saying,
"hotel, apparently."
"hotel? why?"
"isaac was in the guest room."
"so you let her leave?"
"she said she was getting an apartment."
melissa sighed out,
rubbing her temples with her index fingers.
isaac hurried to place his dishes in the sink then said,
"excuse me."
before heading up the stairs and into his room.
whatever was happening down below was a family matter,
and isaac respected their privacy.
as she laid in the bed with his eyes to the ceiling,
he couldn't help but think of her again.
he let out a small laugh at their interaction;
dazed by each other but too shy to do anything about it.
the longer he sat in silence with only the deafening admiring thoughts of y/n,
the heavier his eyes became until he fell asleep and dreamed sweet dreams of the girl.
"isaac. wake up. dude! wake up!"
isaac flinched awake at the boy hovering over him before harshly whispering,
"we've got to go. i can't find y/n anywhere."
isaac sat frozen for a bit then hurried to dress himself.
"i don't even see why you care, scott. you hate her,"
stiles added as he leaned against the doorframe.
"because she's still my cousin, idiot. she's got my mom all freaked out."
"she could be with a friend,"
isaac suggested hopefully while they ran down the stairs.
"doubt it. she was never here long enough to make any long term ones."
the two traveled all throughout town,
tracking her scent that bounced from place to place.
they found her in an abandoned parking lot,
sitting on the gravel with her back leaned against her car.
her head was between her knees,
telling the boys that she'd been crying.
isaac asked softly upon their arrival.
she looked up with red eyes,
letting her facade slip for a moment.
she then jumped to her feet and wiped away the dirt from her jeans.
"thank god you're here. my car died."
"you need a jump?"
scott asked wearily.
"yeah, please."
scott wondered as he trailed back to tell stiles.
isaac stayed beside her,
feeling the wave of fatigue seep off of y/n.
"you alright?"
isaac asked,
hooking her car up with cables.
"yeah, fine. just need a new car,"
she laughed.
"think this is bad? my bike chain would break almost everyday. so painful to fix."
"oh, my god, stop! i had a bike that did that all the time too. my fingers were always torn from fixing it."
the two of them laughed together,
creating the perfect harmony in the air.
isaac felt warmth from within himself spread.
"i can stay on the couch if you want. melissa really wants you there."
"nah. i know she gets tired of scott and i's bickering. bless her, though."
"what is it about you and scott?"
"i don't know. we just never got along. more my fault. scott's a sweet kid."
"yeah, but so are you."
y/n looked to him with a soft smile then rolled her eyes.
"you barely know me."
"call it a gut feeling. here, let me start your car."
y/n handed him her keys then waited patiently by the hood,
soon hearing it purr to life.
"all good?"
scott asked as he returned.
"yeah. thank you,"
she said,
stepping in to give him another hug.
scott hesitantly hugged her back,
picking up on her melancholy feeling,
but still felt odd about her change in attitude.
"ride home with her, will you?"
scott whispered beside isaac,
eyeing y/n who had slammed the hood of her car a little too aggressively not to raise suspicion.
isaac nodded then piled into her front seat,
smiling at her look of confusion.
"what are you doing?"
"riding home with you."
"i'm not going back to scott's house."
"mm, i would if i were you. melissa's pretty upset you didn't pick up her calls. and, well, you know how protective she is."
y/n laughed then leaned her head against the steering wheel.
"you're right..."
"i often am."
he heard her chuckle before she began driving home.
the pair sat in silence before he said,
"it doesn't seem like you and scott hate each other. from what i've seen, you two look...cordial."
"it's new..just trying to fix what relationships i have left."
isaac turned to her with knitted eyebrows,
forcing her to explain,
"i got cut off from my parents. like, entirely."
"some pretentious bullshit."
"well..at least you have a chance to start over, right? come to beacon hills and be whoever you wanna be, pretentious bullshit or not."
"yeah, guess you're right."
"i'm here if you need anything though. just gotta ask,"
isaac said with a reassuring smile,
making the both of them chuckle shyly.
butterflies were circulating all throughout y/n,
numbing her from head to toe.
"thank you, isaac."
"anytime, y/n."
y/n was spiraling,
trying to find ways to cope with her being of a "disappointment" to her parents.
she couldn't quite stop the hurt from taking over,
so she did her best to bury it.
isaac had heard faint whispers of her drinking herself into oblivion and getting into things that didn't benefit her.
it weighted heavy on everyone's heart,
including isaac's.
the girl wanted so badly to be the best at all she could,
but ended up in the ditch.
one night,
y/n returned home as drunk as she could be without getting sick,
and traveled up to the guest room.
isaac heard her footsteps before he saw her.
but there she stood,
eyes heavy with ache,
skin dull from melancholy.
she whispered with a catch to her voice.
"can i lay with you?"
isaac shifted himself to the edge of the bed to give her room,
and opened up the covers for her to take.
she climbed in beside him,
the air becoming thick with liquor,
but there was still a tinge of her normal scent deep behind it.
isaac held her close to his chest,
kissed the top of her head and whispered,
"i'm here. you just gotta ask."
her cold hands snaked around his waist for comfort,
and she seemed to mollify into him.
isaac wanted to be able to fix everything wrong in her life,
but all he could do was offer her this comfort.
and hopefully,
just hopefully,
that would be enough.
"thank you, isaac,"
she whispered,
kissing his adam's apple.
his skin tingled as he stroked her back to soothe her.
"anytime, y/n."
the drinking and partying had worn the family down,
including isaac.
his heart weighed heavy hearing her stumble in,
mumbling about what a life she led.
melissa soon sat the girl down and told her,
"you are only digging your grave deeper."
and it seemed to be a wake up call for the girl.
y/n stayed at home for the first time since her arrival three weeks ago,
and sat still on the couch.
"hey...you wanna go get a smoothie or something?"
isaac offered once he hit the bottom step,
shoving his hands in his front pockets shyly.
y/n looked to him with saddened eyes,
but found them brightening once they locked with his.
"i'd love to."
the two of them piled into her car,
isaac behind the wheel,
and headed for the nearest smoothie shop.
"so, what have you got planned for the summer, lacey?"
he sucked a breath in as he began to think.
"nothing. just want to do absolutely nothing."
"you and me both."
"hey, let's do nothing together,"
he suggested,
looking to her quickly with a smile.
she returned it and giggled.
"sounds good to me."
the silence suspended over them,
the music oozing from her speakers being the only sound.
"hey...i just wanna apologize. i didn't mean to dump all my issues on you like that. you don't-"
"don't apologize, y/n."
"are you sure?"
"never been more positive."
the two ordered their smoothies then sat in the car,
sipping on them and talking.
their laughed bounced around together,
their jokes seemed to compliment one another,
and everything about y/n was perfect to isaac.
a girl after his own heart.
when the time seemed to slow around them,
y/n laid a hand to his arm and said,
"if you want something, just ask."
he grinned at his words being thrown back at him.
"can i kiss you?"
he whispered,
feeling his body become numb with nerves.
she answered by connecting their lips.
isaac was left to drink the girl,
feeling his core tighten in anticipation.
the mango against her lips made his tastebuds ring with excitement,
and it felt as though their lips had been molded to kiss one another.
it was perfect.
and all he had to do was ask.

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