abandonment: isaac lahey.

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y/n l/n had been recently forced to move in with her aunt over in beacon hills.
it was a long travel,
and one she desperately hated taking.
but now that she was older,
and her parents qualified for retirement,
she was shipped off to allow them the travel of their dreams;
a sacrifice that didn't feel quite fair.
while her parents got to lounge on beaches,
sip mimosas in the morning and margaritas at night,
enjoy the sea,
and feel free of any responsibility,
y/n was stuck in her aunts two bedroom house with a shared bathroom.
though y/n was humble,
and she loved her aunt greatly.
they behaved more like sisters than niece and aunt,
but she still felt a stab of disappointment at the abandonment of her parents.
"i mean, it's not like they were ever home before. do-do you know how many games of mine they missed? even my concerts! "we need space to grow!" yeah, well, i needed my parents to grow,"
y/n said as she sat in the passenger seat of her aunt's rattling car;
the squeaks beneath her hood were a desperate plea to impound the car,
but her aunt would never let go of her prized possession.
"well...they attended the championship game, right? i heard your father talking about it."
"nope. they missed it."
"huh...what about the time you all took a trip to mexico?"
"they went, i stayed home."
"what? you were in, like, sixth grade!"
y/n turned her attention out of the window and focused it on her aunt,
her eyes narrowing as to say "exactly."
"wow, kiddo. i thought..."
"yeah, i know."
"well, nows the time for a change! you're moving to california!"
y/n faked her best smile and nodded with as much enthusiasm as she could muster,
but let it all fall the moment her head toward back towards the window.
all y/n had known was a life of abandonment;
leaving behind people to chase better materialistic things.
it was only a matter of time before her aunt, too, sought something more exciting than y/n.

the moment they arrived in beacon hills,
the car began to shake with an intensity that made
y/n's eyes widen.
"oh, shit. she's breaking down!"
her aunt reported with a wild laugh.
when the car came to a halt,
y/n looked at her aunt with a look of confusion.
there was never a dull moment around her,
she was full of an oddness that made you feel safe.
people often called her alice in reference to alice in wonderland;
her airhead behavior making her stand out.
there would never be any judgment around her,
just surprise and curiosity.
y/n joined alice at the front of the car,
watching as she stared with confusion.
"oh, kid, i don't know,"
she answered with a laugh.
"i know nothing about cars. even after twenty years with this thing."
"okay...so what do we do? call triple a?"
"eh. we can, but i'd hate to pay for that towing fee."
y/n couldn't help but let out a laugh at alice's erratic behavior.
after moments of standing idly by,
a car began to slow as it drove past them.
y/n grew tense,
expecting a creep,
but found herself stunned when the window rolled down.
there sat a boy her age,
a perfect smile painted on his lips and honeyed eyes that softened her soul.
"miss l/n, everything okay?"
her aunt stopped her nonsensical rambling for a moment to turn around,
and melted when she saw the boy.
"isaac! how lovely to see you! this is my niece that i told you about, y/n l/n. y/n, this is isaac. he used to cut my grass before that old lawnmower quit on me."
y/n gave the boy a wave and said,
"nice to meet you."
"you, too."
"isaac, do me a favor, will you?"
y/n looked away from isaac,
still feeling his eyes linger on her as she did.
"anything, alice."
"take y/n back home while i figure this out. she needs to get settled."
"oh, it's fine, really, i can wait-"
"nonsense. go home, unpack, and maybe you'll be invited somewhere,"
her aunt suggested lowly with a wink.
y/n nodded and pressed her lips together,
a habit she picked up when trying not to implode.
"are you okay with that?"
isaac asked her,
beginning to get out of his car to help her.
"yeah, fine,"
she answered,
loading her luggage into his car.
"didn't pack very much to be living here."
"didn't have much to pack,"
y/n said.
when she realized it sounded like a bit of a pity party,
she hurried to backtrack.
"i just pack the necessities, you know? figured i'd be going back with more than i came with."
"yeah, i understand."
isaac nodded as they climbed into his car,
heading down the road.
"so, you plan to go back?"
y/n looked at her hands in her lap then shrugged.
"i don't know."
"beacon hills isn't...awful. maybe someone will convince you to stay."
he turned to her for a split second with a smile that she couldn't help but mirror.
"yeah, maybe."
"your aunt told me a lot about you. though, i could have sworn you were, like, ten."
y/n laughed along with him as she shook her head.
"she's never wanted me to grow up. it's kind of sweet, in a weird way."
"yeah, i agree. just thought she might've mentioned how beautiful you are at least once before she loaded you up in my car."
the girl began to smile shyly then asked,
"why do you say that? did you need time to practice your lines before meeting me?"
"oh, no doubt. practice would have made this so much smoother."
y/n and isaac shared another bout of laughter that seemed to brighten her spirits.
there was something familiar about isaac,
though she couldn't exactly determine just what it was.
isaac, too, felt the sense of familiarity within y/n;
as though they were old friends just catching up instead of two complete strangers.
"hey, uh, my friend lydia is having a party tonight. do you want to go?"
"oh! uh, would she mind?"
"no, not at all. everyone in beacon hills supposedly shows up so...since you're in beacon hills now.."
"okay, then yeah. i'd love to go."
isaac nodded then flashed her another dashing smile.
"and don't worry, i won't...i won't throw you to wolves."
he finished his sentence with a look of amusement then shook it off.
"i'll keep you company until you've acclimated. sound good?"
"sounds great. thank you."
"i can't find it!"
y/n cried out,
digging through her luggage for another look.
"what is it, kiddo?"
"my ring!"
"well, if you need a ring, i have plenty."
"no, i need this one."
y/n couldn't verbalize the meaning of this ring to her aunt.
it had been a purchase of her own,
she wore it everyday to remind herself that she was her only companion.
not having it on made her feel crazed,
like a part of her being was missing.
"i took it off so i wouldn't lose it on the plane and-and now i can't find it."
alice could see the distress in y/n then began helping her look around.
"i lose things all the time, too. i swear, if it weren't attached to my shoulders, i'd lose this giant head."
y/n faked a laugh for her aunts sake,
but she was so overcome with nerves that she could hardly focus.
"hey, the front door was open,"
said isaac who was now standing in y/n's doorway,
his thumb jerked over his shoulder.
alice laughed.
"i, uh, also found this ring. y/n, is it yours?"
y/n hurried to stand and meet with isaac,
seeing her perfect, lovely ring balanced between his index finger and thumb.
"oh, thank you! i was looking for that. you're amazing,"
she said in a breath of relief.
isaac smiled softly at her then took the hand she often wore it on,
and slipped it onto her finger.
"it looks good on you."
"thank you,"
she replied with a flittering laugh.
"well, are you ready?"
"yes! let's go."
"you two be safe now! would hate to get a call from sheriff stilinski about my degenerate niece,"
alice teased with a wave goodbye.
when y/n and isaac got into the car,
the music leaking from his speakers offered a little consolation to y/n.
"is it that obvious?"
she asked with a laugh.
"your heart is racing like crazy."
"oh! i just meant, like, i-i'm assuming it is."
y/n began to raise an eyebrow then let out a quiet laugh.
"alright, then."
"don't worry,"
isaac finished with his palm open towards her.
"i'll hold your hand through it all."
his grin showed he was teasing but when y/n looked at the gesture,
she felt a pull to connect their hands together,
never noticing how odd it was.
the two laced their fingers together and held tight,
offering each other a sense of tranquility.
it felt just right,
like their hands had been sculpted for this moment here.
isaac began driving without ever breaking apart from  y/n's hold,
and even took to twisting her ring with his finger.
a nervous habit she had seemed to have translated into isaac's flirting.
she was smiling harder than she'd ever smiled before.
it was only then she wondered how long it would be before she was left abandoned by him.
much to y/n's surprise,
isaac and her had continued their blossoming friendship with a hint of flirting.
the night of the party had sealed their commitment to one another.
what y/n assumed was overloading on alcohol,
but had really been wolfsbane poisoning,
she took a hallucinating isaac home and practically water boarded him throughout the night.
she had taken care of him when he needed somebody the most,
and for that,
he'd spend forever thanking her.
isaac greeted at y/n's locker,
nearly out of breath and sweaty.
"ew, gross."
"oh, you're so dramatic,"
he laughed,
pulling on her to bring her in for a hug.
she fought against him and laughed,
telling him to let go,
but her laughter only fueled him to continue.
she finally gave up and collapsed into his embrace,
where she could feel the heat of his chest against her cheek and hear the racing of his heart.
"see? not so bad."
she laughed into his chest,
breathing in the remnants of his cologne and natural aroma that made her lungs warm.
"you reek,"
she joked as she pulled back.
"mhm. hey, do you have an extra chem book? i left mine in the locker room."
"no, isaac, i'm not in chemistry. i'm in anatomy."
"shit, yeah, i forgot."
"go get it. i'll wait for you outside."
"you sure?"
y/n rolled her eyes then gave isaac a push,
nudging him to go.
"okay, don't leave me!"
he called from down the hall.
"i'll be back for you, y/n l/n!"
y/n laughed to herself then hid her blushing face into the locker.
when she was finished,
she walked outside towards the nearest bench and sat down,
waiting patiently for isaac.
"so...where's the boyfriend?"
y/n looked up to see the twins, ethan and aiden, surrounding her.
feeling the hairs stand on her body,
y/n felt panic claw at her throat.
their body language was threatening,
their stares intimidating.
she was beginning to curse herself for becoming so dependent on the company of isaac.
"what? n-no, hes just my friend,"
she said,
trying to stall.
y/n started looking around for isaac,
except that he was no where to be seen.
a sense of abandonment fell over her,
and suddenly she was angry.
"you're coming with us."
"leave me alone,"
she said with as much stern as possible,
jerking her arm away from aiden's grip.
"derek wants to see you-"
"leave me alone,"
she said again,
her hands balling into pale fists.
isaac appeared and grabbed the back of their collars,
preventing them from stepping toward y/n.
"she's said it twice already. leave her alone."
isaac pushed them away then grabbed onto y/n's hand,
ushering her towards the car with an urgency.
she ripped her hand away from his and climbed into the seat,
wondering why she was still feeling this immense amount of anger.
isaac hadn't abandoned her,
he was right there next to her!
but even the thought of him leaving her behind like that was sickening enough.
the drive began a little quiet until he spoke up,
"are you okay?"
"..you sure?"
"i'm fine, isaac."
isaac pulled over and stopped the car,
turning his body fully towards her.
"you're mad."
"no, i'm not."
"stop lying. what's wrong?"
y/n turned her head towards him and shrugged.
"i don't know, honestly."
her eyes fell the scenery outside of the window.
isaac's once frustrated face softened at this.
"you've got to put some trust in me, y/n. i can't promise to be there every minute of every day, but i'll be there when it matters most."
y/n's attention fell back to him,
noticing his lovely features and how true they were.
"i won't leave you, okay?"
he finished with his hand connecting to hers.
and for the first time in years,
y/n allowed herself to believe.
instead of arguing against him or not believing him,
she said,
"okay...i trust you."
and she meant it with everything inside of her heart.
"isaac...am i in trouble or something?"
"huh? why?"
"the twins said derek wanted to see me?"
isaac sat up straighter in his seat then looked in his rear view mirror.
"oh, shit,"
he groaned,
beginning to speed his driving up.
"you're not in trouble. derek is just...a bit dramatic when it comes to certain things."
y/n snickered.
"it's the full moon."
isaac nearly swerved the car off of the road at this.
"people get crazy on the full moon! like you swerving and trying to kill me!"
"oh...i..i saw a squirrel in the road."
"yeah, right."
y/n said with a soft smile then rested her head to isaac's shoulder,
his tenseness falling in response to her.
when isaac pulled up to her house,
she got out and noticed that he was still buckled in.
"are you not coming in?"
"i'll come by later. i've got something to do."
"okay...just text me when you're on the way."
"sounds good."
y/n nodded then went to close the car door before he said,
she turned back around with a playful grin.
"what is it, isaac?"
he pointed a teasing finger at her while saying,
"remember: trust me!"
"i do!"
she walked inside of the house with the growing schoolgirl smile on her face and began to feel lighter;
there had been a burden lifted from her shoulders at the words of isaac,
and she was eternally grateful.
y/n woke up in the middle of the night after her nap extended longer than she intended.
when she sat up,
she noticed a slumped over figure lying in the corner of her room.
her heart stuttered inside of her chest at first sight,
but when she looked again,
she noticed the golden ringlets that laid perfectly on their forehead,
along with snores leaving their slightly parted red lips.
y/n let out a laugh of relief and began whispering,
until his eyes fluttered open.
"are you okay?"
he asked while adjusting his head to lie a bit more comfortably in the corner.
"yes. why are you sleeping on my floor?"
"i'm on watch."
"oh, yeah. you're doing a great job,"
she teased with a low snicker.
isaac grinned in response.
"i couldn't help it. long day."
"i know. come lay up here. the corner doesn't look too comfortable."
isaac slowly got to his feet and stretched out the knotted muscles in his body,
then climbed into the bed beside y/n.
he draped the crook of his elbow against his eyes to shield them,
giving y/n the perfect opportunity to stare without judgment.
"i know there's something you're not telling me. but...but i trust you. and i'll be ready to listen whenever you're ready to tell them."
isaac turned his head toward her with eyes pooling a pure affection.
the sight made her smile a genuine smile.
"i've never loved anyone like i love you...you know that, right?"
"love? as in like..?"
"yeah. in love."
isaac then pulled y/n towards him by her waist,
where her head began to rest on his chest.
her heart was climbing up her throat in this moment.
she felt the same too,
there was no doubt in her mind.
though it was rather foreign to her.
she'd never experienced this kind of enamor before;
feeling it in corpus amounts like this was making her stomach fill with nerves.
but y/n swallowed any shred of doubt and said with conviction,
"i'm in love with you too, isaac."
he smiled proudly then laid a kiss to her forehead.
"you've come so far, you know that? i'm proud of you, y/n."
"thank you for holding my hand through it all."
isaac let out a chuckle then entwined their fingers,
letting his lips caress her knuckles before pressing soft kisses there.
"and i'll never let it go."

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