first day, first date: scott mccall.

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y/n was dejected to say the least.
she knew that by now,
her experiences in transferring schools and starting over should be purely habitual.
but they never seemed to get any easier for the girl.
y/n soon decided she'd had enough just after her fourth period.
she sat in the only available seat in the chemistry lab and began doodling on her spare sheet of paper.
as class began to dredge on,
y/n soon became victim to the taunts and whispers of the girls behind her.
she could hear their giggles and their purposely raised voices that conspired about her transfer,
being sure to include a few stabbing insults.
before she could lose her temper and worsen her image,
y/n picked her books up and hurried out of the door.
the silence that lingered in the halls came as comforting to y/n.
but it didn't stop her rush to get out of the school and go home.
the thought of her bed,
so warm and inviting,
was more than consoling.
as she turned the corner to head into the stairwell,
she bumped into a hardened figure that caused the contents in her hand to spill all over the hall.
she groaned out,
kneeling down to pick up all she could.
the boy, too, kneeled down and helped her to pick her things up.
"i'm-i'm sorry. i didn't expect anyone else to be in the hall."
"it's okay."
"are you alright?"
y/n shoved her things in her bag and nodded,
looking up to the boy for the first time.
she had seen her fair share of cute boys throughout her life,
but there was something about this one that felt rather different.
his eyes were melted pools of brown honey and softened up y/n's tightening chest.
"i'm...okay, thank you."
y/n stood up and brushed her hands off on her thighs and gave the boy a faint smile.
"i'm y/n."
"are you skipping?"
"uh, honestly? yeah. what about you?"
"planned on going home and sleeping the rest of the day."
scott chuckled.
"bad first day?"
"mm, more like horrible."
"that's beacon hills for you. hey, uh, you wanna get outta here together? i mean, since we're both leaving anyways."
y/n adjusted the strap against her shoulder and spoke the words she had grown so used to avoiding,
scott nodded and followed her out to the school parking lot,
where they hid themselves from the trained eyes of the administrators.
the two finally escaped off campus and found better entertainment at the ice skating rink.
y/n laced her shoes up and turned to scott,
who had barely muttered a word the whole time.
"you okay over there?"
"hm, oh! oh, yeah, fine. you?"
"you're nervous, aren't you?"
y/n teased with a smile to him.
"i don't skate!"
"well, then you'll be delighted to know that i don't either."
scott chuckled,
finishing the last knot in his laces.
y/n confirmed with a smile.
scott then got to his feet and extended his hand out for her to take,
which y/n linked with her own graciously.
scott and y/n began stumbling into the rink with their stomachs full of nerves,
and small snickers leaving their lips.
the grinding of the frozen ice beneath the blades of their shoes began to echo throughout the empty place,
but was soon covered by the loud laughter of y/n and scott.
they attempted to skate around the arena as fast as they could,
but failed miserably.
their laughs continued for what seemed like forever,
and soon their stomachs were beginning to hurt.
"wait! scott! stop!"
y/n giggled before falling to her feet,
pulling scott down with her.
scott cursed with a laugh of his own,
the blade of his skate slicing through y/n's forearm.
she laughed so hard that she was out of breath before feeling the stinging feeling gather around,
then the dripping of her blood.
y/n winced,
looking at the deepening cut.
"oh my god. i'm-i'm so sorry!"
"no, you're fine! accidents happen."
"oh, this is bad. this is bad. do you need a hospital?"
"i guess this is what happens when two uncoordinated people skate. help me up, will you?"
scott grabbed y/n's free hand and helped to her feet,
though barely being able to stand on his own.
her crimson blood stained the ice,
and scott knew he'd be in trouble with boyd later,
but tending to y/n's wound seemed more important now.
"does it hurt?"
"it, um, stings a little bit."
y/n replied with a sheepish laugh.
"um, sit down and stay there. i'll be right back."
y/n sat back down on the bench the two occupied just an hour earlier,
and held her arm to prevent the blood from staining her clothes any further.
scott came running back with paper towels,
both wet and dry,
spilling from his hands.
he then kneeled in front of y/n and handed her a paper towel before beginning to untie her skates.
"thank you."
she mumbled while holding the paper towels to her arm,
trying to clean it up as best she could.
"this is a horrible first date. i'm so sorry."
y/n blushed faintly but kept her eyes to her arm,
smiling despite the pain.
scott looked up at the girl to see if she'd caught his accidental words.
though if she did hear,
she hadn't reacted as so.
"come on."
"where are we going?"
"to the hospital."
"oh, scott, no i-"
"y/n, we're going. come on."
y/n let out a breath and a faint smile then took scott's offered arm,
and walked to the car with him.
the whole ride,
scott fumbled over his words,
trying to apologize,
but y/n only laughed.
she sat back into the seat and watched as he drove her car carefully,
trying his hardest to not damage anything further.
but y/n knew that scott could do anything and she'd still smile at him.
she'd known him for a total of three hours,
but wasn't blind to the flutter in her core.
"hey, scott?"
y/n spoke lightly with a faint smile.
he turned to face her for a split second,
shining the worry in his eyes.
y/n gasped beneath her breath for a moment,
never having seen such illuminated eyes before.
there was something almost unreal about them;
the kind of eyes you'd see in a fairytale.
but y/n suppressed the urge inside that wanted to explore deeper,
and continued her original thought.
"stop apologizing."
as soon as the words left her mouth,
scott parked the car in front of the hospital building.
"okay...okay, are you okay?"
"i'm fine, yes."
scott nodded then hurried out of the car to open
y/n's door and help her inside.
she had to admit,
the loss of blood was beginning to make her feel faint.
stars covered her vision as they walked to the front desk,
where a woman who resembled scott a little too much to be a coincidence sat.
y/n swallowed despite the dryness in her mouth and held onto scott a little tighter,
the sound of their conversation soon drowning out by the ringing in her ears.
"y/n, are you okay?"
scott asked,
his voice barely audible through the high pitched hum.
she turned her head to face him,
and the world seemed to slow around her.
scott noticed the lessening in her color and her slow blinks.
he'd been around the hospital long enough to know she was on the verge of passing out.
"shit! s-sit down!"
y/n followed scott into a waiting room chair and nearly fell into it,
her body stripping itself of feeling.
"hey, can you hear me?"
y/n scrunched her face up into a look of hurt;
the effects of nearly blacking out always made her feel horrible.
before she knew it,
she was being carried into a room and soon laid on the hospital bed.
"y/n, hun, can you drink this for me?"
y/n took the cup with shaky hands and put it to her lips,
the tart orange juice making her tastebuds grit.
she drank the rest of it and slowly felt the world around her come back into view,
starting with her hearing and then her vision.
"i'm gonna stitch you up now, okay?"
y/n sat up and nodded her head.
"thank you."
y/n then looked around the room for something interesting to draw her away from the awkwardness in the room.
she spoke,
"i'm sorry for dragging your son out of class. i know i must look like a horrible influence. especially now that i've had to be stitched up. but, he was only trying to help. it's my fault."
melissa looked up from y/n's forearm and gave her a soft maternal smile that y/n felt relieved to see.
"i should be thanking you."
y/n was stunned to hear the response.
"thank me?"
"scott hasn't left the house in...weeks. it's nice to see him hanging with someone other than stiles."
y/n laughed airily,
trying to fight the building blush in her cheeks.
y/n soon met scott outside of the room with a bandage to her arm,
and the strength replenished in her system.
"hey! are-are you okay?"
"perfectly well. thanks to you and your lovely mother."
scott laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck.
"we're going pretty fast, huh? already met my mom."
y/n laughed and shook her head.
"there's nothing fun about slow."
"right. you're absolutely right."
y/n and scott laid in the sand of the beach with a towel beneath their bodies,
staring at the night sky while the waves crashed ahead of them.
it was a perfect, peaceful ending to their once chaotic day.
"hey, y/n?"
scott spoke once they finished stargazing.
scott brushed a strand of hair from her eyes and let his fingers run down the length of her cheek for a second.
"thank you,"
he whispered,
just light enough for the wind to carry it.
"for what?"
"making me feel again."
y/n smiled and leaned into scott's embrace slowly,
waiting for him to mimic her move.
and when he did,
the two met in the middle and shared a kiss that strengthened their already racing hearts.
scott slowly pulled back long enough to bask in her beauty in the moonlight,
and smiled widely.
it had taken both y/n and scott all of twelve hours to fall in love with each other,
and they would forever do so until the end.

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