archangel: derek hale.

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"i'm scared, derek,"
y/n whispered into derek's neck,
the stillness of the night upon them only strengthening her worries.
derek ran a comforting hand down her back before speaking,
"don't be. i won't let anything happen to you, angel."
y/n smiled at the nickname.
derek pulled the girl from his chest to face her,
and listened to the sounds of their beating hearts that synchronized.
"with my life,"
he whispered before leaning in to connect their lips and seal their promise.
y/n felt all of her worries ebb away at the warmth of derek's lips against hers;
her safe haven.
she ran her hands through his hair and finally relaxed into his mattress.
"okay. i believe you."
"good. cause you're keeping me up, and i'm tired,"
he teased with a soft smile,
turning so that his back now faced y/n.
y/n laughed and let the tips of her fingers trace small circles against his shoulder blades.
"i know."
derek took her hand and kissed her knuckles softly before leaving them to rest against his shoulder.
" know i...i love you, right?"
"i do. and i love you more."
y/n kissed his shoulder tenderly then turned around in the bed,
their backs now facing each other.
y/n closed her eyes and began drifting off to sleep when she felt derek's arms snake around her waist,
bringing her closer to his chest.
she realized then that he was asleep now,
and had brought her closer rather absentmindedly.
the thought of it made her smile,
and helped to ease her to sleep.
y/n wasn't sure when it had happened,
or exactly how,
but when she opened her eyes for the first time the next morning,
she wasn't met with the usual morning glow that came with derek's room.
the room she was in right now was dark and eerie,
it panicked her to know she wasn't home.
when she tried to sit up and move,
her movements had become confined to the chains wrapped around her wrist.
when she jerked her legs up,
they, too, were confined.
she let out a cry of both fear and anger,
and tried to rip herself free.
when the doors signaled an opening,
y/n realized then she was imprisoned in eichen house.
"y/ lovely to finally meet you."
"theo...theo, what are you doing here?"
she let out a wince of pain once the back of her head began throbbing,
as though an open wound was sitting there.
"i need something of yours."
y/n could barely hear the boys voice over her own heightening pain.
"your with scott, not me."
"you're right. but i need derek and you."
she quickly sat up again and tried to force herself out of the bed,
but could barely move her limbs.
"no! n-no! you can't...don't hurt him.."
theo stepped closer and moved y/n's head,
staring at the wound on the side of her head.
" you think it works?"
y/n could now see the drying blood on her pillow and let out a terrified gasp.
"w-what? what is this?!"
theo chuckled and sat back.
"my way of figuring out what you are, y/n."
"the hell do you mean?!"
"you''re something. you just don't know it yet."
"i'm just as clueless as you are, theo, now get me the hell out of here!"
"no can do. with you, comes derek. and derek leads me to deucalion."
"he doesn't...doesn't know anything, i swear,"
y/n's voice cracked at the thought of derek walking into this trap.
she knew he would do anything to save her,
even if it meant sacrificing himself.
y/n let out another dry sob before falling into her pillow,
succumbing to the faintness in her body.

derek had been sleeping peacefully when he first saw her.
his dream was nothing out of the unusual,
until y/n's shivering body stepped in and looked at him.
"don't come, derek. you can't come. it's a trap."
derek tried to speak,
but his mouth suddenly couldn't move.
"listen to me, derek. you cannot come."
he noticed the clothes she'd been wearing just hours prior were now coated in blood,
but just on her right side.
"i love you...i love you so much,"
she cried out,
and fell to her knees.
derek went down to pick her up,
but was suddenly forced back into reality.
his eyes winced at the sight of mornings light inside his room,
and noticed the racing in his heart.
he could tell by the glow of the sun,
that it was about ten am.
y/n was still beside him with a book in hand,
like she was every morning.
"oh, i just had the weirdest dream,"
he spoke and dug the heel of his hands into his eyes.
he waited for a reply,
but heard nothing except for his own movements.
when he opened them,
he realized y/n was gone.
he began to panic,
looking around the bedroom and in the bathroom.
but she was no where to be found.
and just when derek convinced himself he was insane,
that y/n was only out for the morning,
there was a pair of muddy boot prints exiting the house that were much too big to be y/n's or his.
"oh god, no."

teen wolf imagines. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt