collateral: scott mccall.

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y/n was hidden in the pitch black for the sake of her pride.
if anyone were to walk in,
they would only see the faint silhouette of her body in the covers,
and not the blotchy redness around her eyes.
every day that went by without scott was another day spent in pure agony.
it was as though someone had ripped the vitals out of her body and left her wounded.
she knew to others,
it was dramatic.
it's high school!
you fall in love all the time!
but to y/n,
what scott and her had created was much more than the usual teen romance.
it was deeper.
it allowed for them to explore the depths of one another and come to the surface with swelling enamor;
a heightened love.
there was no replacing him.
so here she laid,
wonder where she'd gone wrong to have him disappear in the way he did.
malia asked as the door opened slowly.
"man, it's dark in here."
"what do you want?"
y/n asked,
wiping away her tears with the cuff of her sleeve.
"you okay?"
"i'm fine."
malia pressed her lips together before sitting on the edge of her bed.
"i'm sorry...that was a stupid question, huh?"
y/n laughed and leaned her throbbing head back into the pillow.
" was just random, you know? one minute we were mapping out a future road trip, then the next he just...ends it? i don't know.."
malia hurried and held her tight as y/n began to cry.
malia wanted nothing more than to spill everything right now,
tell y/n that the reason he'd broken up with her was to keep her from becoming collateral in the war brewing around them,
tell y/n that, yes, scott was a being of the supernatural but his love for her never wavered.
but instead,
malia held her tight and felt her heart break a little for y/n.
y/n laid with her head down during class,
the sounds of the teachers voice drowning out as she waned in and out of sleep.
stiles then poked her side and made her flinch awake.
she asked harshly.
"sorry...just wanted to ask how you're doing."
"i'm-i'm fine. how are you?"
"me? i'm good. why wouldn't i be?"
"i don't know...why wouldn't i be?"
stiles tapped the eraser of his pencil against the desk in thought.
he pointed his head towards scott who was sleeping peacefully at the front of the class.
truth be told,
y/n was managing just fine until then.
seeing him with his mouth parted open slightly,
soft snores escaping,
eyes fluttering as he was deep in a dream,
it painfully reminded her of the nights they spent together.
stiles whispered to bring her back,
but all she could do was stare at scott and feel the melancholy ache with each beat of her heart.
without saying anything,
y/n scrambled to her feet and left the classroom.
her stomach was rolling,
too nauseated by this consuming love that still wasn't fading.
stiles called,
pulling on her elbow softly enough to turn her around.
"hey...i'm sorry i didn't mean-"
"did he find someone else?"
she asked abruptly.
"what? y/'s insane."
"stiles...please, just tell me. i can't-"
y/n's voice began to catch.
she took a deep inhale through her nose to soothe the knot swelling in her throat,
then continued,
"i can't take the not knowing."
stiles laid a supportive hand to her shoulder and sighed.
"i don't really know either, y/n."
stiles pulled the girl he'd known since elementary school into his chest and hugged her with only the purest of fraternal thoughts,
offering her the support she sought.
"you're an awful liar,"
she whispered through the crack in her voice,
ending it with a small laugh.
stiles chuckled before saying,
"i know."
when the two parted ways,
y/n figured she'd had enough of school for the day.
her plan was to go home and sleep it off,
then return the next day back to normal.
swept clean of heartbreak and back to the girl she was before scott.
as she began walking with this new motivation in mind,
she tried to remember if there ever was a time before scott.
it was then she realized:
they were practically raised together from drinking milk in a bottle to sipping on liquor in a glass.
every waking moment between them was spent together
"what the hell are you doing?"
the all too familiar voice asked,
grabbing onto her elbow carefully to stop her from walking any further.
y/n turned to meet with scott,
standing there in all his glory.
except for this close up,
she could see red fractures in the veins beneath his eyes;
strain from crying.
his skin was dull like the life had been ripped from him,
and his eyes were clouded.
it never occurred to her that maybe scott was just as heartbroken as her.
"i'm leaving?"
she finally spoke through her drying mouth.
"no. i'm talking about with stiles."
"i don't get it?"
"i saw you two in the hall. you were hugging him."
y/n knitted her eyebrows together in serious concern.
"okay? wouldn't be the first time stiles and i have hugged."
"are you two a thing?"
he asked with his grip still to her arm.
she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss his touch.
"you're delusional,"
she spoke a bit more bitterly than intended.
she noticed a purple hue beneath his eyes then sighed with realization.
"you need to sleep. you always get paranoid when you don't rest enough."
"that's not the point, y/n. i don't think i can handle it knowing you're with him...or-or anyone for that matter."
"you don't get to dictate who i date. you broke up with me. you think you're miserable?"
she asked,
her tone heightening with the pent up rage she'd been hiding.
"i've been sitting at home for weeks now trying to figure out where we went wrong, what i did to make you want to leave. and you can't even grant me a simple answer?! i owe you nothing, scott."
he hung his head low then let his hand drop from her arm.
cold air replaced the warmth that'd been building from his touch.
"you're right...i'm sorry."
"no. stiles and i aren't dating."
he looked back up to her with a spark full of hope in his eyes,
though it disappeared when he blinked.
"there's so much to explain, y/n, without dragging you into the problems i've created. i can't let you get hurt. i refuse-"
"stop. what are you talking about?"
scott laid the palm of his hand against her cheek,
his fingers curling around the shape of it.
"i just need to know that you still love me."
her body warmed up beneath his touch,
feeling so familiar under it yet hating herself for falling victim to it.
he didn't reply,
only bared his eyes into hers,
waiting for an answer.
"of course i still love you...i always will."
"and so will i."
"you're not making any sense."
scott chuckled then shook his head.
"you have no idea."
y/n sat across from scott on his bed,
watching his tired eyes blink slowly,
scared to close them in fear of waking up without her.
neither of them wanted to go without each other again.
doing so had been the most brutal form of torture inflicted by none other than misery itself.
"werewolf, huh?"
she finally asked,
breaking the silence around them.
scott let out a breathy laugh and nodded.
"i could see it. you've got the grisly look."
y/n laughed and shook her head.
"not at all."
"mm, maybe one day."
y/n positioned herself to lay beside him,
his arm supporting the nape of her neck while his hand draped her chest.
"you could have told me when it happened. i love you all the same."
"i was afraid. didn't want you-"
"yeah, i know. getting hurt. but listen,"
she began,
turning on her side to face him.
his fingers fell to her jaw and traced figures there softly as she spoke.
"i can look out for myself."
scott smiled in pride for the girl.  
"i know."
" more hiding stuff from each other, okay? i don't think i can handle another heartbreak,"
she joked,
through there was truth ringing in her statement.
scott agreed then sealed their promise with a tender kiss full of harbored ardor and pooling love.
the two soon fell asleep with mending hearts,
knowing they'd be next to each other again when they awoke again.

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