for the jokes: theo raeken.

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"watch where you're going, douchebag,"
y/n spat after theo purposely shoulder bumped her.
he began walking backwards to face her with a sick smirk.
"shouldn't have been in my way, l/n."
"go to hell."
theo let out a chuckle that seemed to echo within the hallway,
making y/n's blood run a bit more hot than she intended it to.
"what a dick,"
y/n groaned with an unwanted irritability tightening around her abdomen,
running her short of breath and carefulness.
"he's kind of cute though, don't you think?"
"no. absolutely not. i'd rather sever both of my legs than ever stand near him again. he's foul, annoying, and so exasperating!"
kira giggled and nudged y/n as to brighten her mood before walking into class.
when they did,
y/n saw theo sitting in the seat beside hers;
the same seat meant for kira.
just as she began to calm down,
her adrenaline began again at the mere sight of him.
"you're in kira's seat."
"it's fine, y/n, i'll sit over here."
theo looked to kira's new seat then faced y/n again with a smile.
"see? she's sitting over there."
"you're unbelievable, you know that?"
"thank you. i really try."
y/n looked around for another seat to occupy,
but it seemed everyone was in attendance today,
and kira took the only spare seat left.
despite herself,
y/n slowly sank into the seat beside theo.
"good girl! wasn't so hard, now was it?"
"don't ever call me that again, you self righteous prick."
theo began to laugh,
sitting back in his seat with his arms folded against his chest.
"you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?"
"get over it,"
y/n whispered,
hiding her head between her hands.
he began accusingly,
"trouble in paradise?"
"shut up, theo."
theo smirked at the girl beside him,
finding it so thrilling to argue with her despite the topic of conversation.
whatever he could find to irritate her,
he surely used.
"don't tell me. your boyfriend was late picking you up for the weekly ice cream date. no, no, he didn't text you good morning on time. am i on the right track?"
y/n turned to him with fiery eyes that he'd never seen in her possession,
and found himself feeling a bit chilled at them.
"drop it, theo."
he decided not to reply.
whatever he said,
had touched a nerve.
theo was disappointed to say the least.
four years of constant bickering and the one thing that riled her was the topic of her boyfriend?
the boy had zoned out entirely,
trying to figure out why the relationship topic was so touchy to her.
by the time he focused his attention again,
he was completely lost in class.
"so...what time should we meet up?"
y/n asked,
her voice sounding as cordial as it'd been when they very first met.
"what? meet up for what?"
"are you an idiot?"
"you're such an asshole."
y/n snorted a laugh as though to mock his words then said,
"the project we literally just got assigned."
"oh..oh. we're working together?"
"yep. because you chose today of all days to sit with me."
"trust me, i don't want this anymore than you do."
"it's your fault!"
theo shrugged with a nonchalance that made y/n sigh.
"it was just for the jokes. didn't mean to get stuck with you."
"yeah, well, suck it up. i'm not failing this class because of your incompetence."
without another word,
y/n stood to her feet and practically ran out of the classroom without warning.
theo was stuck;
he found a small sense of pride in annoying her so much that she darted away,
but also felt a wave of guilt crash over him.
it was unlike him to feel just that,
but here he was,
letting the guilt win.
he stood to his feet and with a dramatic groan,
began to walk out of the class to find her.
theo began searching all over school for her,
but it looked as though she'd disappeared from the school campus entirely.
he nearly gave up his search until he heard a cry come from the solitude of the supply closet.
he wasn't sure how,
but he was able to pinpoint the cry to just who it was:
y/n l/n.
he peeled the door open,
walking a bit further in and turning to see y/n huddled in the corner with tear stained cheeks and a look that read ire.
"what an interesting place to cry in. you've got some creativity."
"the last person i need mocking from is you."
"i didn't come here to mock you. just wanted to make sure you weren't using the bathroom to, like..."
"what? kill myself?"
theo sat up a little straighter at the words,
swallowing hard with a shrug.
y/n let out a scoff then wiped her eyes with her sleeve.
"don't worry. i wouldn't give you or them the satisfaction."
he echoed.
the girl looked to him with round eyes that, now, looked a bit hopeful.
theo responded by looking behind him to see if anyone else was standing nearby.
"you don't know?"
"don't know what?"
"my boyfriend-well, ex boyfriend..."
" two broke up, then?"
all of it was beginning to make sense to theo,
yet he still couldn't figure out why she was being so conspicuous.
"yeah. he cheated on me then, like, told everyone we hooked up with me in the auditorium. twice. which, never happened, by the way! we-we only ever made it to second base."
theo chuckled and leaned against the nearest post,
gaining a better look at her.
when she wasn't cursing him,
she had a unique beauty that made him smile.
" what's the issue with that? who cares?"
"everyone's been calling me a slut, theo."
theo knitted his eyebrows together in shock.
he had said his fair share of insults directed towards her,
but this seemed crueler than anything he'd ever imagined saying.
"i'm sorry, y/n...that's awful."
y/n shrugged then stood to her feet,
giving him a tap on the shoulder as she left the supply closet.
"you're still a douchebag."
theo was left behind with a grin and a growing liking for the girl,
no matter how out of character it was for him.
theo had been standing beside his car when he first heard him.
there, adjacent to where he was, stood y/n's now ex-boyfriend.
he began to wonder how y/n could lower her standards for someone like him.
he was puny,
and made theo angry just with a look.
though he wouldn't admit the anger stemmed from the fact he had gotten to y/n before he ever got the chance to,
and that he'd made her cry.
theo pushed it aside and returned to the entertainment of his phone before hearing him say,
"oh, yeah. y/n's super easy. just give her a smile and she's all yours."
theo had an anger pulsing through him that could no longer be swallowed.
he marched up to the ex-boyfriend and cocked his fist back,
allowing it to collide with his face so heavily that theo swore he heard bones shatter;
whether those bones were his or the bleeding ex would be a mystery.
theo then hovered himself over the boy and gave him a swift kick to the ribs,
knocking the breath out of him.
"the next time you even think about saying y/n's name, remember how hard it is for you to breath right now."
with that,
theo walked back to his car and drove off before any further attention could be drawn to him.
y/n was standing across the street,
having seen the whole thing unfold,
and watched with a certain admiration as theo's car began to drive away.

y/n had found theo's number through stiles,
and after an hour of questioning,
had finally gotten it to call him.
he picked up on the first ring.
"theo? it's-it's y/n."
", do you wanna come over? to-to work on the project, you know. get a head start."
"get a head start,"
theo repeated.
she could practically see his smirk from here.
but instead of growing annoyed,
y/n found herself smiling at it.
"yeah. i'll be there soon."
by the time he arrived,
y/n had cleaned the entire house,
baked a few goods,
and set up a place for them to work.
"hey. come on,"
she said,
opening the door wider for him to step through.
"smells good in here."
"thank you! i baked some strawberry muffins and brownies."
theo looked at her with narrowed eyes,
trying to see through her,
but his smile only grew at the sight of her;
beaming with nerves,
flour staining her cheek,
and eyes bright with an excitement he longed to feel.
"strawberry muffins are my favorite,"
he said while using his thumb to wipe away the stray flour.
y/n flushed beneath his touch then nodded,
heading towards her room for him to follow.
when he entered,
he gained a knowledge of y/n he'd been lacking for four years;
a missing piece of the mosaic that was y/n.
music was plastered in every space possible,
her favorite books being shelved with careful precision,
stickers of her favorite movies and shows being stuck to the back of her laptop,
and clothes that he'd never seen her in being hung in her rather neat closet.
"arctic monkeys, huh?"
"oh, yeah,"
she admitted with a shy laugh.
"do you like them?"
"yeah. i listen to them from time to time."
y/n nodded and focused her attention to her lap,
making theo laugh quietly.
"what are you so worked up about?"
he asked,
sitting beside her with his hands almost touching hers.
"i don't know. shut up."
she laughed,
giving him a push that hardly made him budge,
but he chuckled nonetheless.
y/n then picked up his bruised hand and brushed her fingers along his purpling knuckles.
"so...what happened?"
he began with a shrug.
theo wouldn't admit to her that he punched the boy out because of his foul tongue towards her.
"punched a tree. got-got super mad, you know."
she asked with a teasing undertone,
giving him a grin.
"i don't see any splinters."
"it was um...a fake tree. you know, like the ones for christmas."
"oh, yeah. a fake christmas tree in the middle of may. i get it."
she suddenly became entranced into his bruised hand,
caressing his bruises with a gentleness that made his skin rise with chills.
"never seen a bruised hand before?"
"never seen one i cared for,"
she answered enigmatically,
making him wonder but never ask.
y/n then dropped his hand carefully,
despite his mental wishes that she'd never stop,
and took in a deep breath.
"so, should we start, tree puncher?"
theo didn't care for the project in the slightest.
at least not now anyways.
he was overcome with this newfound enamor that was making his heart hammer against his ribcage.
all he wanted was to feel her skin to his again;
it brought him a comfort he'd never known to exist.
whatever was happening to theo internally was making his head spin.
this was the girl he once taunted for the laughs of it,
once received a slap in the face from her,
he once hated her.
but here he sat,
dazed by her elegant tongue and bashful stare.
"i hate how you make me feel."
"i don't want to feel like this for you.."
"like what?"
theo put his hands over his face to shield himself from the zeal corrupting him,
but couldn't stop himself from bursting with rashness.
he cupped his hands around y/n's cheeks and pulled her close enough so that her perfumed scent could practically be tasted.
"can i show you?"
y/n could feel his minted breath fanning her cheeks which made her words catch in her throat.
instead of verbalizing her answer,
she nodded.
theo closed the space between them and allowed for the years of pent up rage,
growing adulation,
and the zeal bubbling inside of their core to be poured out into the kiss.
y/n could feel his hair sliding between her fingers as she attempted to pull him closer.
she then carefully sank his teeth into his bottom lip which earned a grunt of approval from him.
the two of them began to grin against each other,
breathing each other in heavily.
"i hate how you make me feel, too,"
she whispered with her lips brushing his.
with his hand still molded around her cheek,
the pad of his thumb began caressing her.
"then i'll just have to keep making you feel like that. you know, for the jokes,"
he teased,
giving her another soft kiss.
she closed her eyes beneath his embrace then giggled.
"yeah, for the jokes."
the pair had salvaged a love from the depths of their hatred.
but out they came triumphant and in love.

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