lab partners: liam dunbar.

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"you don't find it...odd?"
liam whispered with the end of his pencil to his chin,
eyeing the couple in front of him and y/n.
y/n snickered and shook her head,
passing him the microscope.
"not as odd as your biology grade."
"oh, ha ha, really funny."
"hey, i'm not the one to blame."
liam passed the microscope back to her and let out a heavy sigh.
he mumbled before sitting up and brushing away the stray locks of hair from her face.
"you should wear your hair like this more often."
"no, i don't like it."
"i don't know. i just don't."
liam smiled and shrugged his shoulders,
moving his hands back and letting her hairs fall back into place.
"was only a suggestion, nothing more. you're beautiful either way."
y/n turned to him and tried to swallow the butterflies threatening to block her airways.
she laughed and gave his shoulder a nudge.
"shut up."
liam chuckled and began writing the answers for their lab work.
"i think we're done."
y/n looked around the room and realized her and liam were the first and only ones done.
it often happened that way when y/n was partnered with liam;
they brought out the best in one another.
"i wanna try something,"
y/n mumbled,
beginning to switch the slides out from the microscope.
liam felt a stutter in his heart.
there was something insinuating about y/n's tone that had him thinking rather hopefully.
he asked with a faint blush across his cheeks.
y/n smiled that smile that always had him falling to his knees,
and watched as her teeth carefully sank into her bottom lip;
a look of pure mischief.
"come closer,"
y/n whispered,
scanning the room to make sure no one had lingering eyes on them.
could it be?
that after all this time,
y/n was finally catching on and returning his love?
and better yet,
getting ready to kiss him?
liam leaned in to y/n and waited to feel the soft, tender lips of the girl he admired most to his.
he closed his eyes to prepare every inch of his body to vibrate with the ardor he felt for the girl.
her fingers grabbed his finger and forced a pin through it,
where blood began to draw faintly.
his heart was hammering now,
and his cheeks were deep with a crimson blush.
out of embarrassment more so than the love he held for her.
"the hell is that?"
"what? i want to see what it looks like...what did you think i was doing?"
"uh...i don't know."
y/n spoke in a tune with a small laugh,
then turned her eye to the microscope.
"did you really have to take my blood like that?"
"you'll heal."
"'s sore."
y/n smiled over at him and rolled her eyes,
knowing liam had a touch for the dramatics.
she then took his hand and placed a small kiss to the tip of his finger,
where the pin had once entered,
and threw his hand back to him.
"there. all better."
liam stared at his hand with his mouth agape and tried to memorize the feeling of her soft lips against his skin.
y/n soon mumbled with her eye to the microscope.
"what is it?"
"there's two different sets."
"sets of what?"
"red blood cells, platelets. all of it."
"..okay? is that bad or something?"
"the second set are quantities of a wolf, liam."
she handed him the microscope and watched his confusion melt into fascination.
"see! biology can be fun sometimes."
y/n gave the boy a pat on the back for jokes,
oblivious to the blinding look of adoration in his eyes.
"hey...can you help me study for the test tomorrow?"
"oh, liam, man i-"
liam drew out the letters,
scooping one of y/n's hands into both of his.
"you're awful. you know exactly what you're doing with those-those puppy dog eyes."
"another advantage of being a werewolf."
"fine. come over at, like, six."
liam countered with a grin.
"we just ride home together."
"so eager to go home with me. can't help but wonder what other plans you've made inside that sick, twisted head of yours?"
y/n furrowed her eyebrows in mock question,
but liam was speechless nonetheless.
"what? no, no! god, no, y/n. i-i just wanted to study. that's all."
"relax, would you? i'm obviously joking."
liam was exhausted,
trying to keep up with y/n had proven to be more difficult than he'd ever known it to be.
trying to predict her next move never worked out for liam,
werewolf senses or not.
"but, if you'd like, we can ride home together."
liam looked over at her and gave her a soft smile then nodded.
"sounds good."
liam turned his head around to examine y/n's room and found slight amusement in it.
the posters on her wall showcasing her favorite bands and movies,
the desk that was littered with stray papers and highlighters,
chapter books she loved remained neatly placed against her bookshelves;
if there was anything y/n kept perfect,
it was her books.
"'s a mess. didn't plan to have company today."
but liam loved it.
her room was the perfect encapsulation of who she was as a person.
an organized mess with a tinge of fascination.
it was everything liam loved about her placed in one room.
"it's nice,"
he mumbled while running his fingers down the spines of her books,
then across the cover of her vinyls.
"thank you."
liam then turned around and smiled at her before sitting on her bed,
taking out his work along with hers.
"so, this is called?"
she asked,
pointing at a picture in their textbook.
"an allele?"
"not quite. a phenotype. remember the "p." phenotype, physical traits."
"okay. got it."
"alright. difference between dna and rna?"
liam looked up from the textbook to y/n and let out a stutter of words,
"you've got this,"
she spoke softly;
softer than liam had ever heard before.
liam saw in her eyes that she truly cared,
and was doing her best to encourage him.
this was enough to make him smile.
"i don't know."
he could see a little timidness fall over her at his admiring gaze,
but only a quick flash of it that would have been dismissed by anyone other than liam.
they continued their study session,
y/n helping him to retain the information he had been too stubborn to learn before.
he knew he'd do anything for y/n,
even study for the most boring of his classes.
ten pm soon fell upon the two,
and liam's brain was fried from all the new information.
he groaned and leaned against y/n's pillow,
closing his burning eyes.
"i'm tired."
"you did amazing. i'm proud."
she gave his abdomen a quick, supportive tap that made his heart flutter.
"you hungry?"
"i don't have any dog food, but i'm sure i can find something."
she teased with a small laugh.
liam mocked her laugh,
which seemed to be funnier to y/n.
the sound of her laugh,
light but loud,
was enough to keep a smile on liam's lips.
the two trailed down to her kitchen where the fridge was stockpiled with different foods.
y/n leaned against the counter and watched him filter through her fridge with the greatest intent.
it was then liam realized how late it was and how empty her house was.
"hey..where are your parents?"
"business trip."
"so, you're just here by yourself?"
"yeah, most of the time."
"it's never lonely?"
"well, yeah. but it's comforting."
liam scoffed playfully before placing a grape between his lips.
"peanut butter?"
liam mumbled to himself,
having his tastebuds interest piqued.
"you really are a dog."
"oh, ha ha."
liam rolled his eyes at the girl before placing a bit of peanut butter on her nose.
she groaned and wiped it off,
taking the excess to place onto his face.
the two went back and forth for a while,
filling the air with their harmonious laughter and squeals.
y/n realized then this was the most noise she'd heard being reverberated off her walls in years;
it was exhilarating.
liam finally pulled away from the girl with one last laugh and shook his head.
"you're awful."
"you started it."
"it was an accident."
she smiled,
wiping her newly washed hands on a paper towel.
liam soon wiped the rest of the oily contents off his face and turned to y/n again,
watching as she absentmindedly smiled at her hands.
he stepped closer to her and let the innocent stroke of his thumb wipe away a stray eyelash.
y/n blinked at him shyly and tried to hide her smile.
"thank you."
her lips were daring him to lean in and acquire a taste.
but he only let his eyes hover over them and find clarity in her beautiful eyes.
he gave her impeccably soft cheek one more caress before nudging her shoulder playfully.
"come on. still got some studying to do."
"y/n! look!"
liam exclaimed once he found y/n by her locker.
she closed it and let her eyes read the grade on liam's biology test,
a perfect 90.
y/n gasped for him and wrapped him in a tight hug.
"oh my god! i knew you could do it!"
liam began to speak words of gratitude before y/n pulled him in for a kiss,
heightening the excitement inside of him until it reached its peak.
after all this time,
they were finally connected as one.
and it had been everything liam wished and imagined,
if not more.
y/n pulled back and ran her hand down his cheek before sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.
liam laughed in shock and stuck his tongue in his cheek.
"i couldn't wait anymore,"
y/n admitted with a quiet laugh.
"me either."
liam agreed before pulling her in by her waist,
and reveling in the love they created.

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