accepted: derek hale.

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{request for: juptersmoons !!}
stiles stilinski stared at his twin sister blankly from across the dinner table,
trying to decipher her random words and figure out just what planet she'd touched in from.
she asked,
twirling the fork around in her fingers.
"is something wrong? oh...did-did dad find out about you drinking with scott?"
"you did what?"
their father asked,
now entering the kitchen with a raised eyebrow.
y/n sank into her chair with a cringe and mouthed,
"i'm sorry"
to stiles,
but the damage had been done.
she had a horrible habit of saying the wrongs things at the worst possible time,
now being a perfect example of her habit.
"i was just kidding. stiles doesn't drink,"
she lied,
hurrying to salvage what she could from this wreck of a dinner.
stiles buried his head into his hands and groaned,
"you're-you're impossible."
he walked off to his bedroom without another word,
having enough of her carelessness for one night.
he loved his sister and he would do anything for her,
but her timing was godawful when it was important.
she was also impulsive,
resulting in the piercings of her own body that their dad often lectured her about,
and risky adventures she always took on her own.
he worried for his sister,
if he was being honest.
she marched to the beat of her own drum,
declined the company of genuine company,
and spoke whatever came to her mind;
unfiltered y/n stilinski.
y/n sat still,
feeling immense amounts of guilt for having spoken stiles' secrets aloud and for keeping him on edge at all times.
it wasn't like she planned for these things to happen,
they just did!
wherever she went,
risk followed.
stiles and her were close,
considering all that they'd been through together,
good and bad,
but y/n couldn't find a true bond in really anyone.
every person she came across either begged her to lessen herself or strayed away from her because of her eccentric personality,
but she never minded it.
she found herself wishing she had a bond between a friend like stiles and scott.
y/n was alone a lot of the time,
having only her own thoughts as company.
it wasn't like she was forced to be friendless,
she just preferred it that way.
"excited for the first day tomorrow?"
her father asked,
interrupting her thoughts and taking a seat at the head of the table.
y/n prodded her food with her fork and shrugged.
"not really."
she'd been sent to boarding school since her incident in the seventh grade.
her mouth became too snarky to be contained,
no matter how hard she tried,
and she was on the brink of expulsion.
instead of putting both himself and his daughter through that,
sheriff stilinski withdrew her from public school and shipped her off,
hoping a fresh start would help her grow out of herself.
and she did soar during her duration at boarding school,
her grades were exceptionally high,
but her tolerance for socializing as a whole crumbled.
if she wasn't in the library,
she was cooped up in her room,
coming out only to eat and use the restroom.
tit for tat,
she'd say.
a brain of knowledge for a group of friends.
"it'll be nice to integrate back into public school. i think you'll enjoy it."
"me, too,"
y/n lied with a painted smile.
she hated burdening her father;
seeing the lines in his forehead always made her eyes moisten with hot tears.
like the time she'd returned home from a spontaneous cliff diving trip,
resulting in an injury that could no longer be hidden past two days.
when she was on the hospital,
he held her hand and mentioned words of loss, death, and carefulness that made her sob.
maybe it was a painful reminder of the mother she lost,
and forcing her father to relive that grief weighed her heavy,
but whatever it was,
it made y/n's head throb.
when she laid down to sleep for the night,
stiles knocked on her door then entered only halfway.
"hey...sorry for getting mad earlier."
"no, i'm-i'm sorry. i didn't mean to-"
"i know. you never mean to."
the two of them laughed as lightly as they could at this.
"get some sleep. it's your first day back tomorrow."
"ugh. don't remind me."
stiles smiled at her with a low chuckle then closed the door behind him,
leaving her back in the pitch black.
y/n wasn't one to worry about trivial things like peoples opinions of her,
but she was rather restless when trying to sleep.
she began to wonder if maybe it wasn't fear of the peers around her with their taunts and giggles,
but rather the fear of her own self that was sure to be her downfall.
"just know,"
stiles began,
trying to search for another word besides normal.
y/n rolled her eyes.
"normal? i'd rather be caught dead."
"of course you would,"
stiles sighed,
though he had to admit,
he admired y/n for the suede cockiness she owned.
"oh, my god! is this y/n?"
lydia asked with a ring of excitement in her tone.
"that's me."
"you're so pretty! i was worried you'd look anything like stiles,"
allison teased,
giving y/n a soft smile that radiated comfort.
"i'm allison and she's lydia."
"nice to meet you."
y/n then looked at scott and met him for a hug;
he was as much as her brother as stiles was.
"good to see you, y/n."
"you, too."
when she retrieved back,
she took in a deep breath and looked around.
"alright, so-"
"come on. we'll walk you to class and talk."
lydia linked one arm in with y/n's then the other with allison's,
and off to class they went.
stiles and scott drew back and began talking in low mumbles.
"you know you'll have to tell her soon, right?"
"she's gone this far without knowing."
"but now, she's here,"
scott added,
pointing to the school around them.
"tell her soon."
"i will. and remember: we keep her as far away from derek as possible."

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