highschool memories: derek hale.

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"derek! derek, oh my god! my arm!"
y/n exclaimed as she backed into the corner with her arm cradled to her chest.
derek saw the bone of her forearm contorted into ways the body never intended it to be and winced.
"shit, shit,"
he whispered and hurried to her side.
derek carefully took her arm into his hands,
before hearing her cry,
"no! derek, don't you do it-"
"i have to!"
"no! don't!"
"y/n i-"
"i swear to god, derek, if you-"
her sentence was cut short by the echoing crack of her bone being forced back into place by the force of derek.
she let out a string of wails while squeezing her eyes shut,
the pain in her body heightening.
"it'll heal quicker now!"
"oh, my god! i hate you more than anything!"
"shut up, no you don't."
"shut up!"
y/n yelled before the pain in her body began to ebb away.
she watched as the bone set itself back in place,
and the bruising disappeared from her skin.
she stood up with weak legs and gave derek a shove.
"thank you."
"still hate me?"
she grinned and gave his shoulder a playful punch.
"i don't..i don't know how to get us out of this, y/n."
y/n looked around the room and realized just how trapped they were.
y/n sat on the edge of the table before speaking,
"remember when we used to meet here after third period junior year?"
derek turned away from the door to face her.
"is now really the time to reminisce?"
y/n shrugged.
"nothing else to do."
"yeah, you're right."
"remember the time we skipped school and had the whole county police looking for us?"
derek chuckled and nodded.
"how could i forget? you weren't allowed to see me for about a year after."
"mhm. had to sneak you in through the basement."
derek and y/n shared a laugh that seemed to brighten the melancholy in the room.
derek stood between y/n's legs and wrapped his arms around her,
where she resided against his chest to relish in the beating of their hearts,
wondering if this would be the last time they ever heard it.
derek pressed his lips to the top of her head and inhaled the sweet scent of his lover,
letting it burn itself into his memory.
though he tried his hardest not to,
derek could feel the panic rising inside of him.
they were trapped inside of a small, windowless classroom in the basement of the highschool while a ravaging monster roamed the halls in search of its next victim.
"calm down."
"i am calm."
y/n laughed and laid a palm to his chest where his heart laid.
"i always forget you have wolf hearing now,"
he groaned.
"get used to it, love. gonna be listening on every conversation you have,"
she joked in an attempt to make him smile.
"how...how are you so calm about this?"
"i don't know...because you're here."
derek mumbled with a laugh.
"i love you."
her voice was beginning to catch,
and hearing her so fragile in this moment broke derek's heart.
"you cannot cry."
"i'm not crying, douche. i'm just saying...i've loved every minute spent with you."
her eyes were brimming with tears now,
despite the smile pulling at her lips.
derek fit the palm of his hands around her cheeks and allowed for the pad of his thumb to brush away her fallen tear.
"we're gonna get out of here."
"you just said you don't-"
"yeah, but now i'm saying we're getting out of here. i'm not dying in a high school."
y/n smiled and buried her face into his chest for a moment,
letting his scent collect in her lungs and burn in her memory incase this was their last time as one.
derek held the nape of y/n's neck to keep her close while his lips laid a kiss to the top of her head,
inhaling deeply so the alchemy of their love could run rampant through his veins for as long as possible.
y/n spoke as she took a deep breath of air.
"enough with the pity party. let's find our way out, right?"
derek agreed with a chuckle before bringing her in and letting his lips fall to hers.
his tongue swiped across the swell of her bottom lip,
the lingering chapstick she wore prickling his tastebuds.
derek curved to the arch of y/n and allowed for the enamor to swell inside of his core.
y/n threaded her fingers through his hair and found comfort in the heat of his skin against hers.
derek pulled back from y/n and felt the cold air around them replace the warmth where y/n had once been.
he then laced his fingers in with hers,
and led them to the recently blockaded door where their attacker laid on the other side somewhere.
him and y/n pushed the desk that kept them hidden inside out of the way,
and gave each other one last look before exiting.
the frigid wind that lingered inside of the school brushed up against y/n and derek,
making her shiver with anticipation and fear.
derek listened to the spike in her heart rate and gave her hand a soft squeeze.
"are we just gonna stand here and be live bait?"
y/n asked in a shaky breath.
"no, but we sure are gonna run like hell."
on cue,
derek and y/n began running for their lives through the halls of their old high school.
derek could hear the sounds of it's thundering feet echoing throughout the school,
shaking the floor beneath them.
suddenly y/n was ripped from his arms,
the sounds of her cries echoing throughout the place as mental anguish.
he hurried to look back and find her,
but was met with a streak of blood leading away into the darkened area of the school.
without hesitating,
derek lunged forward and attacked the kanima who was claw deep into y/n's flesh.
after he fought off the monster long enough to protect y/n,
he took her up in his arms and ran out of the school.
"holy shit. we thought you guys died-y/n?!"
stiles questioned,
hurrying to open his door for the injured girl.
derek piled in the back with her,
her head resting into his lap and eyes low with paralysis.
the sound of tires against the pavement squealed as stiles drove recklessly;
too worried about his friend in the back to care about road rules.
"where do i go?!"
scott instructed while derek kept his eyes on y/n.
he brushed her hair from her eyes with a soft stroke.
"stay with me, y/n. we're almost there."
derek could see her eyes pooling with love for him,
and the sight made his heart weigh heavy.
"i love you, too,"
he whispered with his lips to her forehead.
when they arrived,
derek rushed her in and laid her on the table.
he didn't stray away from her side,
no matter how persistent deaton was about him needing space.
he couldn't help but feel ridden with guilt at the sight.
she had trusted him with her life in more than one instance,
and now she was paying for that mistake.
y/n closed her eyes then suddenly,
all the frigidness in her body ceased to exist.
"oh, my god. that was awful!"
y/n groaned as she came to,
wrapping derek in a tight hug.
everyone sighed in relief then welcomed back their friend.
derek welcomed her a little more eagerly,
kissing her with such vehemence that any feeling in her body went numb beneath his taste.
"i'm sorry, love. i'll never let anything happen to you again. you're always gonna be safe with me."
"i know. trust me, i know,"
y/n whispered,
closing her eyes in response to the kiss derek laid against her nose.
stiles, scott, derek, and y/n all sat in the jeep,
music filling up any empty space while they drove home.
they were all wiped of any mobility,
but derek still found himself strong enough to hold y/n close,
inhaling her lovely scent that would forever be ingrained in his memory.
derek wasn't sure what the future held,
but he did know y/n would be there by his side in all her beauty.
and that was reassuring enough for derek;
all the motivation he needed to keep fighting and keep his lover protected.

teen wolf imagines. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora