unspoken: theo raeken.

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y/n's breathing hitched as the dread doctors stared down at her,
their heavy breathing muting her low cries.
she whispered through the fear building in her throat,
almost preventing her from speaking.
"leave him alone. i'm begging you, don't-don't hurt him."
instead of answering her,
hopefully deciding to bring mercy to her,
they turned on their feet and impaled theo.
y/n let out a blood curdling scream at the impact,
watching theo fall over in convulsions.
the dread doctors seemed to have disappeared into thin air,
leaving just her and her now dying boyfriend.
she cried over him and felt her hands become sticky with his blood.
y/n's throat was drying quick and sore from the sobs slipping through.
he called,
his lips painted with red blood.

y/n's eyelids peeled back and she jerked awake.
she let her eyes adjust to the dark room,
remembering that she was confined to the safe space of her bedroom,
and theo right beside her;
well and alive.
"oh, my god,"
she spoke hoarsely,
her whole body trembling with fear.
she felt cold to the touch despite being drenched in sweat,
and her mind was still on alert from the all too real dream.
"you're not listening,"
theo said quietly,
trying to ground her by drawing her attention to him all while molding his hands around the shape of her cheeks.
he held her steady and kissed her forehead before saying,
"it was only a dream. i'm here, love."
she began feeling around his abdomen for the wound she swore existed.
y/n had herself convinced the sweat against her palms was his blood,
and it only made her shake harder.
she was stuck in this hallucination,
despite knowing she was awake.
"oh, god!"
she wailed out,
looking at her hands that were slick with perspiration.
suddenly the lights turned on and made y/n flinch,
but she was able to look around and realize she was home safe with theo by her side.
he stood still by the light switch,
giving her time to adjust before he curled up and held her close.
when she looked to him with wide eyes pooling with tears,
he could see the need for comfort in her eyes.
he didn't skip a beat climbing in beside her,
wrapping her in tight to his chest.
y/n's breathing began to steady itself beneath the symphony of his beating heart.
her own racing heart fell into its usual rhythm when she inhaled deep,
allowing for his scent to travel into her lungs and rest there.
she had been reassured by the mere presence of him.
"i'm sorry,"
she whispered hoarsely against his chest.
y/n felt his abdomen tighten quickly,
signaling his quick chuckle,
before she felt his gentle touch to her skin.
"don't apologize. you did nothing wrong."
"i scared you half to death, i'm sure."
he shrugged.
"nothing i can't handle. the neighborhood, on the other hand, might have called the cops already. not sure."
the two of them fell into quiet laughter that seemed to brighten their once darkening souls.
all y/n could remember was their night trapped together by the dread doctors,
escaping only by the skin of their teeth.
it was often her dreams played out to her demise;
she'd wake up shaky but remembering she was still alive,
and that was insurance enough.
but tonight,
her subconscious had played out the death of theo this time.
she had never had a dream so vivid nor horrific.
"you know i'd never let anything happen to either of us, right?"
y/n agreed,
"i know."
"do you want to talk about it?"
the girl sat up and rubbed her eyes that were burning from exhaustion.
when she thought about the dream in all its detail,
ice covered her veins and made her throat tighten in irrational fear.
"alright, alright,"
theo began with a breath out,
laying a hand to her shoulder in reassurance.
"come on. let's go downstairs."
"for what?"
"i'm hungry. are you?"
y/n nodded before answering,
"yeah. i could eat."
"sounds good. come on."
the two of them traveled downstairs,
the house empty now that y/n's parents had left town.
she could feel the weakness in her legs,
her body's response to the over-induced adrenaline created by her dream.
she took a seat by the island and watched him hover over the stove,
leaving her in silence so she could collect her thoughts.
it was often times like these y/n appreciated theo the most;
whenever she was angry, sad, worried,
he never forced a word out of her.
he only waited patiently until she felt comfortable talking.
y/n admired him from where she sat,
his abdomen no longer shielded by a shirt,
and decorated pajama pants that made her smile.
theo was intimidating at his best,
but quiet moments like tonight was when y/n adored him most.
"you should probably put a shirt on,"
y/n teased with a grin.
he turned his head over his shoulder to face her with a smile of his own and shrugged.
"where's the fun in that?"
"you're right. i'm enjoying the view. thank you, really."
she spoke with a sarcasm she knew would be returned.
"i do it all for you, y/n. remember that."
she laughed and looked down at her lap,
bruises still covering her skin from the impact of that fateful night.
how theo could appear so well despite all they'd been through would be a mystery to y/n.
"how...how are you so..."
y/n fumbled with her words,
trying to find the correct statement.
theo opened the fridge and looked to her at the same time.
he finished for her with raised eyebrows.
"yeah, that."
"i'm not,"
he admitted with a bluntness y/n found surprising.
"what? why-why haven't you talked to me about it?"
theo walked away from the stove long enough to cup the nape of her neck,
using the pad of his thumb to caress the skin against her jawline.
"i don't need to talk. you've been more help than you know."
"how? i didn't even know!"
"welcome to the conversation."
he laughed then pressed a quick kiss to her lips.
y/n was still shocked about this,
leaving her mouth agape.
"theo, seriously."
"you haven't said anything about it to me."
"because i don't like talking about it. you're there for me regardless."
"let me finish,"
he teased,
looking over his shoulder again to smile at her.
y/n relaxed her shoulders and exhaled,
feeling a smile of her own pull at her lips.
"i never had to say anything for you to know. you just knew. you held me in your sleep when i was awake, shaking and paranoid. you stayed up with me when i couldn't sleep, you helped ease me back into real life. you heard me all along without me saying a word."
y/n got to her feet and wrapped her arms around theo,
lying her head against his back while he continued to cook.
she felt his hand rest itself on top of hers,
and a whisper of his laugh.
"what is it?"
"nothing....i just love you."
"i love you, too, y/n. don't forget it."
he then turned around,
her arms still snaked around him,
then draped his arms against her shoulders.
"what happened that night was awful. and-and i know i'm to blame for most of it...but, i promised i'd never let anything happen to you and i mean that. i can't protect you from these dreams, but i'll be there when you wake up. okay?"
y/n nodded and met him in the middle for a kiss that sealed every promise they'd made,
healed every crack in their heart,
and filled them with the strength they needed to overcome this together.
theo then pressed a kiss to her forehead,
which was a habit of his,
then returned to the food on the stove.
theo and y/n soon sat beside one another,
eating their food in a peaceful silence at four o'clock in the morning,
feeling the tranquility they sought and feeling as assured as they'd ever felt before.
y/n felt safe beside him,
and theo felt heard beside her,
even if the words never left his mouth.

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