overbooked: stiles stilinski.

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"you're an idiot."
"takes one to know one, wouldn't it?"
stiles retorted with a look of satisfaction.
"what are you? twelve?"
y/n couldn't believe it.
it would be her luck to be stuck on a bus with none other than stiles stilinski.
it had been her fathers doing that she even joined the lacrosse team,
despite the fact she'd quit in the sixth grade.
now here she was again,
a sophomore,
and the only girl on the team.
"i don't even get why you're here."
"i don't get why you're still talking to me."
stiles rolled his eyes.
"because i'm just dying to know any and everything about you!"
"shut up."
"you should really channel all this aggression on the field instead of targeting me."
"i don't target you, you ask for it."
"did i? i'm sorry, i must have forgotten the time i asked "hey, can you make me miserable every time i see you?""
"you see that? your sarcastic mouth is begging to be punched."
stiles scoffed and began looking around the bus,
leaving y/n to look out the window at the scenery passing by them,
along with the downpour of rain.
she was left to her thoughts of her father,
packing their things and relocating to beacon hills to give them a fresh start.
she loved her father dearly,
and would do anything for him.
even join the lacrosse team in an attempt to help him at his new teaching job with beacon hills.
it disheartened her to remember the look on his face when they got the news.
her mother had packed up and left,
leaving the only explanation in a note.
her father was heartbroken to no end.
he lost his passion for writing,
threw everything he enjoyed out of the window,
and sold their house.
while it was true she harbored intense anger for her mother,
she would be lying if she said she didn't miss the tender hugs of a maternal figure.
y/n's eyes were tearing up as she thought about it.
her mother would know what to say right about now.
you love lacrosse! just find the passion for it again!
but y/n would never find it again;
it was a hobby her and her mother shared.
playing it again was only a painful reminder.
y/n took her phone out and shakily dialed her mother.
maybe she would pick up after a year and explain to y/n just why she left and offer advice to her through this rough trip.
but y/n reached her voicemail,
and the sound of it only broke her heart a little more.
"hey, you've reached the gomez household."
hearing her mother's voice again,
along with another mans last name and the laughter of children in the back,
brought y/n to the sullen feeling she'd been avoiding this whole time.
stiles could hear the voicemail from where he sat.
and though it didn't seem to be much to him,
he could see the tremble in y/n's hands and knew that it was bigger than it seemed.
he wanted to ask,
just out of the kindness of his heart,
but didn't think y/n would take well to that.
stiles soon decided he couldn't take it anymore,
watching her leg bounce in an attempt to bottle the anguish was torture to stiles.
"are you okay?"
y/n hurried to wipe her fallen tears with the sleeve of her jacket before turning to him.
"i'm okay."
but stiles could see just how okay she wasn't.
her eyes were puffy and solid with the look of ache.
"are you sure?"
"didn't i just say i was?"
"jeez, okay. was only asking."
"and i answered."
she turned back to face the window again,
but stiles could still hear the small sniffles over the beating of the rain.
he may not like her that much,
or at all,
but seeing her trying not to crumble was heartbreaking even to him.
stiles' phone began to vibrate in his pocket.
he pulled it out to read scott's message.
"what's wrong with y/n?"
"idk. why?"
"picked up on it. even from all the way over here."
"what is it?"
"like a mix between fury and despair."
"she won't tell me anyways. practically enemies, remember?"
"how could i forget? you two argue nonstop."
stiles chuckled and threw his phone back into his pocket when the bus came to a stop.
"as you can see, the weather has become too hard to drive through. so, we're stopping for the night, you big pansies,"
coach informed before stepping off of the bus.
everyone followed after him and ran through the pelting rain.
stiles couldn't explain why,
but he made sure y/n was in front of him to keep an eye on her.
"you okay, man?"
scott asked at his side,
using his duffle bag to shield himself from the rain.
"yeah, yeah, i'm fine."
"hey, you know what i was thinking?"
"i'm afraid to know..."
"i was thinking, what if you and y/n ended up falling in love one day? that'd be ironic, huh?"
"yeah, and i'll be riding a dinosaur when that happens."
scott shook his head with a laugh while stiles scoffed at the idea.
when they entered the hotel,
free from the storm,
keys were being passed around the group to be lead to their room.
everyone quickly found their roommate for the night and headed into the elevator,
leaving only a few stragglers in the lobby.
y/n tapped coach on his shoulder and forced him to spin around to face her.
"i don't have a key."
"well, because you're rooming with someone."
"isn't there, like, a law against male and female student rooming?"
"huh....good question, don't really know."
"well..can i get my own room?"
"no can do, kid. sorry. who'd you sit with on the bus?"
y/n thought the question was odd,
but answered it anyways,
"great. room with him."
"w-what? no, he's rooming with scott."
"not anymore."
before y/n could object any further,
coach walked away to tell stiles the news.
she watched his face melt into horror,
and y/n immediately felt a sense of embarrassment.
it's not like she asked to impose on his night of bromance with scott.
the universe was simply just out to get her tonight.
stiles slowly walked up to her and sighed,
"you ready?"
"don't act like this is any more fun for me."
"really? i got the impression you were super excited for this sleepover."
y/n mocked him with a facial expression as her, stiles, scott, and isaac all piled into the elevator.
awkward silence suspended over them before isaac spoke,
"hey, y/n, did you play lacrosse back where you lived?"
"not really. i quit before i got to middle school."
"...lost the interest in it, i guess. did you play before?"
stiles was dumbfounded at the interaction before him.
y/n was talking up with isaac as though they were old childhood friends.
he'd be lying if he said he wasn't jealous.
y/n had hated him from the first time they set eyes on one another,
she didn't even give him a chance.
isaac got the better side of y/n?
completely unfair.
when they left the elevator,
stiles left with isaac and scott before having to be stuck in the room with y/n.
y/n didn't mind though,
she could use some alone time.
when she entered,
she set eyes on the one bed that was set in the center of the room,
meant to fit the two of them.
she groaned aloud and reached for the phone,
dialing the front desk.
"there are two people in this room and only one bed."
"sorry, miss. that was the only room available, the hotel is overbooked."
"on every floor?"
"yes ma'am."
y/n sighed quietly.
"okay. thank you."
she then hung up the phone and let out a groan.
the wet clothes against her skin were making her shiver,
so she set her luggage in the corner and wrote a note for stiles to read.
"only one bed. no other rooms available. i'm sorry."
she stuck it on the front door and hurried to the shower that was calling her name.
she was sorry,
that much was true.
she'd ripped him from a night with his best friend,
put him through mental anguish,
and forced him to put up with her.
he was stuck with her,
and she was sorry.
the hot water of the hotel began to soothe her like no one else could.
and with the release of tension,
came the tears.
she couldn't stop herself from falling apart in the shower.
the sobbing she'd tried so hard to hold back from hearing the voicemail earlier returned.
y/n heaved for air as she sorted through her thoughts.
how could she?!
she left us and started over?!
you don't just do that!
she already had a family!
she can't just restart like we don't exist!

teen wolf imagines. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang