Chapter 65: Bullets, Bitches and Desperation

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(AN: Hey guys, I'm sorry for being a stupid little fuck and not updating in like 3 months but I'm going to try my best to make a comeback, thank you for your patience)

Eren: "I can't, dad, I CAN'T!" (He yells)


Grisha just back handed Eren in the face

Grisha: "Don't you want to be the Heavyweight champion of the world? I didn't raise a fucking quitter, I raised a winner. You can do this Eren, you can do this!"

Eren: "I can't, they'll take her, she can't go!" (He says in desperation)

Grisha: "Then restore order, make sure they don't. Eren Jaeger, you are a-"


Suddenly, Eren bolts into the sitting position in his bed at 1am, drenched in cold sweat and with tears running down his face

He slowly gets out of the bed, trying not to wake the two sleeping women besides him

He quickly dresses and heads towards his front door

Dressed in all black, he unlocks the door and runs out

Not to be seen again for a while

In the morning:

Mikasa POV:

*mumble mumble*

*mumble Eren mumble*

*Eren mumble gone mumble*

Historia: "WAKE UP!" (She shouts as she shakes Mikasa)

Mikasa: "Hnghh"

Historia: "EREN IS MISSING!" (She yells)

Mikasa: "WHAT THE FUCK, WHERE DID HE GO?" (She says, suddenly wide awake)

Historia: "If I knew then I wouldn't be shouting like a maniac, idiot" (she says irritably)


Police: "It looks like he left himself. If he was kidnapped, then these first 24 hours are important, he could be anywhere. We'll keep a look out and report back to you, Miss Reiss" (The policeman informs her whilst chomping on one of Historia's home made doughnuts)

Historia: "Thank you, Officer" (she smiles kindly at him)

Mikasa can be seen sobbing in an armchair across the living room

Historia walks up to her to console her-

Historia: "The police will keep an eye out for him, okay Mikasa?"

Mikasa: "ITS BEEN 2 DAYS!" (She screams with tears running down her face)

TV: "Brutal murders took place today in a biolab down town"-

Mikasa: "TURN THAT SHIT OFF!" (She yells hysterically)

The TV is turned off and Mikasa is left sobbing in her chair


Time lapse (1 week later):

News Reporter: "More brutal murders of Biolab workers on Paradis Island"-

2 weeks later:

News Reporter: "Still no sign of a culprit at all, but it's clear they have a personal vendetta against Biolabs"-

5 days later:

News Reporter: "Eren Jaeger is still missing, after police close the investigation"-

10 days later:

News Reporter: "Both Jaeger brothers mysteriously disappear within days of each other and can't be found anywhere"-

I just keep moving forward Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora